
Luvia's POV

"I really hope your not getting into trouble." her father muttered through the video call. "Are you sure nothing has gone wrong?" he glanced away from his daughter, looking at the tired farmer behind her. "I'm so sorry I have given you such a big burden."

"Dad!" her heart sank with his words, her eyes watering. "You haven't even come seen me since you abandoned me here." she took in a deep breath, "And your talking like that. It's offensive." she sighed, looking at the ground.

"She hasn't done anything that I don't know about. She's been going to school and coming home without a ruckus." Farmer Lee patted her back, giving her a small smile. "It's only been a week and a few days, and she seems to be changing a lot." he chuckled, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

"Ah- your daughter, I hope Luvia hasn't done anything to her." her father crossed his arms. "My daughter doesn't get along well with others."

"They fight and argue here and there, but women naturally don't get along, right?" he chuckled, taking the phone from Luvia. "Oh, Manuel, did you hear about the Renadian Ball? Your daughter will be participating as a contestant for the prince's heart."

"Really?" he paused for a minute, then laughed. "I didn't know my daughter was interested in such a thing."

Luvia was about to say something, but Aron and JR who were hidden in the corn field, began to laugh. "What's so funny, eh?!" she started walking towards the boys. "You know I have no interest in such a thing. I'd have to wear a dress!"

"That's what's so funny." Aron poked his head out from the corn crops, looking at her boyish get-up. "Every girl here wears dresses; be it at normal days or at a party night, all the girls wear dresses every day. You, my dear, are a weirdo." he hid again, making her angry and trying to find him.

"Remember the first day of school for her?" JR called out, "The way she wore our fathers pants and your farming shirt with her combat boots, what a sight!" he began to laugh. "I've never seen such an unlady-like girl."

"Luvia, you may not be a girl in anyones eyes here in our country, but you sure have charm with your appearance." Aron popped up from behind her, making her gasp. "Though everyone in our school does not have any interest in you-" he bowed. "I will be honored to marry you."

JR came out of nowhere and pushed Aron aside. "I thought foreigners weren't your thing? Move along Casanova, this lady is mine." he held her hand, kissing her palm.

"Ew!" she pulled her hand back, laughing as the boys cracked up. "I have no interest in marriage you fools! Whether it be my race or anothers', I refuse to date or marry. I quite like creating havoc by myself." she heard loud crunch steps coming towards them, she looked behind and saw a girl with black hair lavishly flowing in the afternoon wind. "Who brought the She-Devil to our field? I thought princesses wouldn't dare touch a dirt field in their entire lives." she smiled as Evelyne made her elegant entrance into the field.

"My father requested me to find you idiots." she brushed off the tiny dirt rocks that stuck on the bottom of her dress, fumbling with it. "The King and Queen have requested a cow to be slaughtered by today. They will prepare it tonight for tomorrows dining with the ball's participants." she pointed at Luvia, "Which means you, dear rat, should put on a dress my mother personally sowed for you." she held her chin up high, raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing delaying the time? Hurry and bring that cow back in pieces!"

Luvia gasped and held onto JR's arms. "Am I also killing the cow?" when JR shrugged and Aron nodded, she almost puked. "Look, eating them is one thing, but killing them is another. I have a heart, I will cry if I see that poor animal die!"

"Then you will just have to show up with red eyes and puffed up cheeks for the dining." Evelyne snickered and turned around, walking away from them. "The cow, do it quickly!"

JR and Aron patted Luvia's back as they walked over to the castle's animal farm, which also belonged to Farmer Lee. "Don't worry, just a cut on the neck veins and the er will be dead in no time." Aron wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm kidding. If you want, JR and I can go ahead and kill it, afterwards, you can help with skinning it." he squeezed her shoulders, pushing her.

Her heels began to drag on the dirt, her imagination going wild as she imagined the poor cow. This really , she's only ever seen a chicken get killed, and even then she almost cried for the thing! Having to see the cow get slaughtered was just something that nearly made her puke. She might not even eat at the dining in the castle if she remembers how the cow was killed and served.

"Oh, look! Prince Minki is in his room." JR pointed to the empty window with a flying blue curtain. "Oh, well, he was there." he scratched his head. "I was going to wave, but I guess I lost my chance."

"I guess having a king and queen in this era isn't that bad after all." she told herself. "Farmer's get some freedom, the citizens get great education, the people are allowed to greet and speak with the princes as if they were friendly celebrities. Back then, no one got education unless you were of a high title, and you'd get slaughtered if you spoke to royalty." she glanced away from the window, but she felt as if someone was keeping watch on her.

Prince Minki's POV

Three tiny figures were out on the Royal Families field, two were of manly figure, while one had a feminine size but dressed like a boy. That was one of the charms of the foreigner.

"Then they are not related?" Minki kept staring at the three playful figures, longing to play with them there. "Those two boys, they have no relation with her?"

"Only that their father is a friend of the girls'." said a bodyguard. "It seems that they have grown close in such a short period of time."

It showed. The two boys were messing around with her. One kissed her palm, while the other kneeled in front of her. "They're brothers with Evelyne..." when he nodded, Minki tapped the glass window. "A girl shouldn't get so close with boys. She's only been here for a week, and she's already playing with them." he sat on the windowsill, pillows cushioning his bottom. "Is there such a girl in this world who can get along with people-" he paused, watching Evelyne walk into the crops, facing the three hooligans. She seemed to be commanding them for something, because after she left, they began to walk over to the castle.

"-of course, it does seem weird. We are accustomed to girls being hard to get, whether it be for friends or for a relationship, but this girl seemed to open their hearts-" Minki started to tune him out, seeing that JR had caught him staring. He quickly got up and walked away from the window. "Why are they heading towards the castle?"

"They are Farmer Lee's children, are they not?" the bodyguard walked over to the window, being pulled back by Minki. "The King and Queen have ordered for them to slaughter a cow for tonights dinner with the Renadian girls." he glanced at the prince, "Did you forget that you as well must participate in this event? The Princess of England will also be attending, you must look your best."

Minki looked back out of the window, only catching black combat boots disappearing into the edge of the castle. "Say that again?" he looked back at the guard, who sighed in exasperation.

Kkodae kkodae kkodae kkodae jamkkodae, Minki's phone began to ring. "Hello?" he smiled as soon as Evelyne's voice spoke.

"Tonights dinner, what shall I wear?" her voice sounded monotone, Minki's heart sank a little.

Why? He loved her high pitched monotoned voice. "A dress with flowers on it. My parents believe flowers are innocent and beautiful for the youth." Evelyne suggested about five dresses with flower patterns. "I- hmm, I think the green will fit you best."

"But green is the color of vomit." she whined, her voice becoming nasal. "What do you think about the pink or the red?"

"How about pink?" he was already imagining her in a made-up dress. "It will bring out the color in your cheeks."

"But pink doesn't go with my black hair- I'll just go with the red." she sounded annoyed. "You have no sense in these things." she complained. "I guess it will have to change when we marry." she giggled.

Minki smiled softly, "I guess so."

"Bro, she's here- give me your camera, I want a moment of this!" Minhyun came rushing into his room, greeting the guard. "Ah, handsomely tall as usual." he pouted his lips, then looked around the bedroom. "Where's the camera? Quick! She's screaming from the cow slaughter, ah, I want to capture it. A heart that cries for the death of another." he held a hand to his heart, his eyes widening as he found the camera. "Thanks!"

"Wait-!" Minki was about to hang up, but remembered about his beloved.

"What's wrong? Who's in your room?" Evelyne now sounded irritated. "Minhyun always ruins the mood-"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go- I have to prepare for tonights dinner." he was hanging up.

"Wait! You can't let Luvia get the spotlight tonight-" was the muttered sounds that his loved on shouted before he hung up.

He grabbed his prince coat and rushed out of the room, following his brother from behind. "Minhyun!" the bodyguard was following him, but Minki sent him back to the room, he was going to follow his brother alone.

"Ahh! AHHH! ARON NO, WAIT UNTIL I'VE CLOSED MY EYES- WAIT- NOOO!" a scream of a girl rang throughout the castles backyard. Soft cries began to echo along with heaving.

Minhyun and Minki stopped for a moment, but the eldest prince seemed to act faster, for he ran to the large outhouse. The young prince following the eldest's footsteps.

"Luvia, it's OK. Just look over there, cover your ears." when both princes entered the building, JR was pointing at the wall and instructing a shaking girl to look at it. "Oh- Prince Minhyun, Prince Minki, please leave. It will get bloody, you will stain your clothes." JR had a large machete in his hands, trying to get it out of the shrieking cow.

Minki froze, his eyes never once leaving the cow until Minhyun dropped the camera, rushing to aid the tear faced foreigner. "I'm going to make a guess that you're not used to the killings of animals." he wrapped his arms around her. "I didn't think a girl would cry over something you eat."

Luvia wouldn't stop staring at the ground, her face flushed. "IT WAS LOOKING AT ME." she shouted, clutching the princes arm. "It's crying- it's in pain- I saw the eyes and I felt so bad." she began to sob, tears staining her muddy male shirt. "We have machines kill our animals, I've never had to experience this." she plugged her ears with her fingers, the cow never ending with it's shrieking.

Minhyun slid his arms around her, lifting her. "I guess we'll have to bring you inside." he shooed his brother aside, carrying her over to the castle. "It's OK. I'm sorry you had to be asked of this."

Minki stood  in place, picking up the fallen camera. He pulled out his phone and ordered some of the servants to help with the boys. A moment of silence overcame his head, all he could think of was the memory he had of Evelyne. She was around twelve, and she was ordered to slaughter a dear. They wouldn't allow her to use shots or guns on the animal, he watched her coldly kill the deer. He thought she was so cool that she killed it without being phased of her cool expression, but watching as how Luvia reacted to only watching the slaughter of the cow, his heart felt weak and sore.

Luvia's POV

She was traumatized. Forever.

The cows cries, her cries, melted in one unison. She remembered the way JR stuck the machete in swift quick movements in the neck. The way Aron was ready to shoot it- her eyes began to water again.

She was sitting in the castles living room for the first time. Her blood spotted shirt feeling thin and bare on her, she felt so dirty and a crybaby as she sat in the clean elegant home. She sniffled, wiping away her tears, getting up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Prince Minhyun walked into the room, a wet towel in a water bowl in his hands. "Sit. It seems that no one but I noticed that you have a fever. Crying will only be worse. Your weak as it is, how did you not notice that you were sick?" he set the bowl on the coffee table, pushing her down to sit. "I've seen you playing in the fountain at the university, maybe that's where you got sick?"

She blushed. There was a water fountain at the university, it had a statue of cupid and a mermaid in the middle. When she discovered it, she found out that no one ever came close to it or even walked around the area. It was even hidden in the trees from the views of the school, she thought no one would even see her swim in the deep fountain. Swimming was the one thing she loved, and she never heard of a pool nearby, and the ocean was supposed to be dangerous; she saw the deep ground fountain and made use of it. It was big enough to be a round pool. "How did you...know?"

"There's a window in the library with a full view of it." he chuckled. "No wonder your backpack is always big, you carry a set of clothes after the swim." he paused as he wiped the dirty sweat from her forehead and the splattered blood from her arms and cheeks. "I've never seen a girl cry."

She snickered, unbelieving. "I understand that you don't have sisters to make them cry, but haven't you seen a citizen cry- or your mother?"

He shook his head, dipping the towel back in the bowl. "My mother always keeps her face with a smile and a cheerful aura. The girls in this country don't have a reason to cry." drip, drip, drip- the small water droplets began to trickle down the towel and into the water filled bowl. "All the girls have what they want, they don't get bullied, beaten, or . This country is nothing but harmony. The women seem to not know what emotions there are except for cold stares and a warm smile."

"A warm smile is better than a crying frown." she whispered, taking the towel from him and wiping her hands. "As days make them older, they'll find the emotions they've never known existed." she put the towel in the bowl and stood up, her head feeling dizzy for a moment. "But I understand, the boys I met here only know how to keep a straight face, but maybe I just haven't known them well enough." she didn't dare touch Minhyun on her own, so she took a step away. "I've left my duties as a servant, I should go help with the brothers." she bowed, her Latina side shouting to keep some dignity after crying, and woman up and skin that mother trucking cow. But her new, crybaby, disgusting side told her that she was not ready to handle that.

Stay strong, Mammi always said to toughen up when challenges arrive. just the thought of her mother gave her some strength.

"Leaving? If you skin the cow now, you won't be able to make it to the dinner tonight. You must wash up and get dressed." a lady with a very slim blue dress entered the room, speaking in Korean, a shining gold crown neatly placed on her curled head. "Oh sweety, I heard about the incident. I am so sorry about that, I didn't know foreigners were so vulnerable in those situations." she came rushing to her side, brushing her dirt shirt. "I should make it up for you. Please, let me fix you up tonight." she held Luvia's face in her hands, squishing her stretchy cheeks.

"Should a queen of a country be squishing the cheeks of a servant?" a man with a dark blue coat also walked in, a golden crown above his head, shining with rose shaped jewels.

"Oh shush it Jjong. I may be queen, but behaving as if we are close will definitely make our acquaintance comfortable with us, am I right?" she still spoke in Korean, smiling wide as she squished her cheeks again.

"She doesn't speak Korean." Minki came from behind them, a girl with a bright pink dress following behind him. "She speaks Spanish and English."

The small sized girl came running to Luvia's side. "You are the presidents daughter?" she looked her up and down. "You don't look like someone who would party with drug dealers-"

"Hey, hey, hey-" Luvia began to laugh nervously in front of the king and queen.

"I heard from your father that you helped save an animal shelter." the King sat on his chair, facing her. "Along with three others from the country." he began to clap in appraisement. "Even though I did hear you were a big troublemaker and a burden to the country." he smiled wide. "But there's no one here in this country who would take place in your schemes, am I right? It's a good thing your father brought you here, this way you won't have accomplices achieving your plans."

She blushed deeply, embarrassed. "I- I have no words to defend myself." she felt Minki stare at her, and when she glance at him, he turned the other way around. "Influences from others seem to make a big imprint on me. I swear I won't cause trouble- I mean, I am a servant in this country now. I'm not the President of Mexico's daughter here."

"A servant?" the girl beside her giggled, her eyes playful, very different from the- wait a minute, this girl was white. "I believe that's a harsh word to describe yourself, isn't that right, Mrs. Choi?"

"The Princess of England strikes her warm words again." the Queen nodded. "You are a farmer now, not a servant." she started to pull the two girls away from the room, Luvia looking at Minhyun, her expression turning into fear as she was pulled further away from the prince who seems kind and savior-like.

"My Queen, the dresses have been set up as planned." a maid opened a double door, revealing a room full of dresses, makeup, shoes, etc. It was girl heaven.

The Queen dragged her to a rack of floor-length dresses, "What shall we place on you?" for a few seconds the Queen was busy in her own world until the Princess of England gasped, staring at Luvia's getup.

"Who allowed you to wear men's pants and shirt?" the girl poked her finger in a hole that was tiny on her back. "What are you treated like in that farm? A she-male?"

She looked down at her men's clothes, she shrugged. "I feel comfortable. I can stretch my legs, farm, and run in these. And I don't have to constantly fix the dresses hem, wearing a shirt gives me freedom of lifting my arms and-" she stopped as the Queen looked horrified at her. "I just feel like myself when I wear these."

The Queen put down a dress on the bed and dragged the poor girl to another room. "My dear, being a girl in your youth is the most wonderful years to wear dresses! Thick or thin, small or tall, the youth of a woman should consist of dresses and feminine things." she handed her to a servant. "Bathe her, we have lots to do and lots to discuss before the dinner. Make sure I can see my reflection from her skin when she's done!"

Luvia was pulled into a bathroom the size of the farms house. It was wide and spacious. A hot tub, separate shower, and a large tub were all spread out in the room. It all seemed so luxurious, it was like being in a bathroom made from the best of the best materials and designs.

A servant took off her clothes, stripping her . "I can do it myself- I can bathe alone." they didn't seem to hear her, because they forced her into the tub filled with bubbles and warm water- warm water that she hasn't felt since she entered this country. "Oh- lord~" she sunk into the tub, immediately melting as her bones relaxed inside.

For a while, Luvia didn't want to think of anything. But as she was getting out of the tub after her bath, she wondered why the Royal Family was treating her so well. She was a nobody, a farmer, a person with no high ranks. Why were they treating her like this, making her feel like royalty herself?

Prince Minki's POV

Luvia's wavy strands of hair bouncing as she was dragged away was the last he saw of her. He sat down on the couch in front of his father, sitting beside his grinning brother.

"She's pretty." their father commented. "She's tall, caramel skinned, and wide eyed." he began to laugh. "That girl looks more like a lost deer in the woods than a girl in a foreign country." he cleared his throat. "I can see why you've taken a liking to that young lady."

Minhyun rubbed his chin. "I've seen her around the university, and she's nothing like the other girls. I've tried observing her actions, but she always surprises me." he started to blush. "I'm afraid if I act too close to her, I might have her question my own actions. Father, Luvia is so...different. There might be other girls like her outside of Renadia, but she- there's no one exactly like her." he looked at his little brother. "Minki, aren't I right? She's funny the way she dresses, she's witty, and she doesn't behave like the rest of the girls here. She's kind, cold, warm, she can be everything." he looked so excited as he talked about her that Minki felt a little angered. "Father, I saw her give her money to a lad on the streets. The women here fear to even go near a boy who reeks of poverty, but she opened her heart and even conversed with him- what does that tell you Father?"

"That she's a two-face." Minki whispered, getting two sets of eyeballs on him. "She acts tough, talks back to people who she shouldn't be talking back to, and even seems to have made her own rules. She's a troublemaker, but all you see is her kindness." how dare he see that side of her first, and not him?

Minhyun stayed silent. "You have Evelyne, why should you care-"

"About Evelyne, have you broken the news to her?" their father looked at him expectantly. "You know we will not be choosing her, but the Princess of England."

'Ah- I don't know, Father! You know I care for Evelyne, but why do you push another girl onto me?" he rubbed his temples. "Not only have you pushed Kirstin onto me physically, but fate seems to have placed Luvia onto me mentally." he kept having images of a wild-eyed, frizzy haired girl dance to Kpop in the university hallway, glaring at whomever looked at her strangely.

Minhyun stared at him, "What is that supposed to mean?" he clutched onto a cushion.

Luvia had her many charms of strange and weirdness, but her most loveliest charms were when she suddenly acted out of place from her usual carefree self. Once at the university, he saw her work on an English project, her face covered in glitter, her big eyes focused on the paper, her lips turned up into a smile as she looked happy about the project's results. She seemed so accomplished and overjoyed, it was the first time he saw her sincerely smile. All the times he's seen her at school, at the farm, or near the castle, she seemed to frown at everything, smile at nothing, and laugh at the air. The only times she seemed to ever smile genuinely were when she was with people she knew, people she was close to by heart. What went through her mind during the past week, that she's changed so much from the night he met her?

That night, she looked otherworldly. She had a chic image about her, her mysterious and witty characteristics intriguing him. She looked like a girl who could care less about the way she dressed, and focused more on the path she was going on, both in life and physically- she said she wanted to see the backyard of the castle- has she seen it yet? Even so, most foreign visitors jump at the sight of two men at night, but she only walked towards them with her chest puffed out and her face full of confidence that she'd be able to take down two men. Though her tough attitude angered him, she cried only moments ago, which confused him on what the real Luvia was like. Was she tender and soft with a hard shell on the outside, or was she hallow and dark on the inside, but deceiving on the outside with a lost look and a soft expression?

"-seems Minki is in his own world again." his father cleared his throat, looking at Minhyun. "I saw you carrying her into the castle. I've seen you in a way I never thought I'd see in my life." his father began to chuckle. "It was like our Korean dramas! The prince saves the dramatic main character as she wails for help."

Minki looked up at his father, who stared at his brother approvingly. "You saw? Minhyun was only carrying her inside- how can it seem like a-"

"-I've taken a liking to the girl." Minhyun interrupted. "Father, Minki is engaged to the Princess of England, I know I may be a bit older than Luvia- I know that, but I would really like it if she did not participate in the ball event."

Minki choked on his own spit. "Excuse me- what?" he felt his stomach boil, he composed his expression, trying to seem cool and collected.

"I'm sorry Minhyun, but I think bringing her to the ball will help her learn etiquettes in a way." the Queen entered the room, the princess nowhere behind her. "Kirstin is helping the young Miss Gonzalez into her dress. There's not much time left until the dinner."

"Mother, she's a foreigner, why should she participate in a ball meant for Renadia's women?" Minhyun stood up.

Minki stood up as well, "Why can't she? She's a part of this country now." he felt his heart thump frivolously.

"We won't choose her anyway. Though, we can trick her hopes up, that way she can try her best and really learn what being a lady is like when she participates in our challenges." the Queen sat beside her husband, laying her crowned head on the Kings shoulder.

"Madame, Miss Lee has arrived." a servant brought in Evelyne, walking her into the room. "Have a seat, miss."

Evelyne, in all her glory, seemed to shine bright in her read flowered dress. Her black hair curled and puffed. She looked like a black haired Rapunzel. "Eve-" Minki felt his heart throb as he saw his girlfriend smile and bow, but her smile seemed hallow, too forced.

"Good evening, King and Queen." Evelyne bowed, "I am honored to have been invited to the dinner of our King and Queen of Renadia." Evelyne seemed to know her beauty outshined the rest of the room with her elegant stance. She looked as if she practiced her lines at home, because she didn't stutter or look threatened by the royalty that sat before her.

The Queen was smiling, but she seemed to have disliked Evelyne's introduction, because she instantly glared at her. Minki had never seen his mother look like that, with her face pale and her eyes menacing. His mother was a king woman, why was she looking at Evelyne that way?

"Oh- Luvia!" Minhyun lightly pushed Minki away from the view of the stairs, his smile brightening from the sight of a gorgeous girl.

Minki's jaw nearly dropped. Luvia was in a dress, a aqua-blue floor-length dress that swiveled around her. white jewels glimmered on her chest of the dress. She looked like a Latin version of Cinderella.

"Seeing you in mens clothing is one thing, but seeing you in a dress- you look like a princess." he helped her down the stairs. "Are you sure you're Luvia?"

The blushing girl turned red, still making the dress look as if it were made especially for her, and no one else.

"Prince Minhyun, stop joking." she looked so nervous, she even nearly tripped on her heels as she made her way down. She kept her balance as she held his brothers hand, her eyes locked on the ground, stuttering as she faced the King and Queen. "I- thank you very much, but this is too much to take. I am grateful you took it upon yourself to-"

"-We help almost every girl in Renadia. You are not a special case." the Queen rudely walked over to her. "Ask Evelyne and the other girls. We, as King and Queen, help our girls of the country feel like princesses one day in their lives. Your princess day happened to be now."

Luvia's glow dimmed, her eyes turning hard and defensive, as if ready for any snide comment. "I apologize for the misunderstanding then." she bowed, her curled hair bouncing from side to side as she hung her head. "I don't know what went over my head."

The Queen exchanged a glance with Minhyun, making him move immediately and taking her elsewhere. Minki couldn't stop his awed look as he stared at her.

It was the first time seeing her in a dress, the first time seeing her look so delicate in her nervous skin. He forgot about the real princess who stood in front of him, and the girlfriend who glared behind him. When he looked at the princess, she smiled. "So? What do you think of the makeover? Cute huh? Minhyun can enjoy some time with her before the dinner, that way he can fill his hearts content with images of her in a dress. I guess tonight could be a special night for him, huh?"

"Excuse me?" Evelyne walked over to them, also staring at the fake princess and the prince walking away. "How can something like this happen?" she whispered, making Minki jump from her voice, she sounded so menacing. "I didn't get such a fancy dress, how can such a rat get a better dress than what I got?"

"Minhyun has a thing for girls who create their own worlds." Kirstin looked at Evelyne. "Who are you, exactly?"

"I am Evelyne Lee." she pursed her lips and bowed, Minki knew Evelyne, and he could tell she was hiding her sour expression with a serious look.

"I am Princess of England." Kirstin smiled, pulling Evelyne up the grand stairs. "Be my friend? Let's talk and get to know each other, hm?"

"I don't like that girl." whispered the Queen. "What is she really after by coming so early to the castle? I'm sensing a-" the Queen whispered into the King's ears, who only nodded.

Minki was dying to know what his mother thought of his girlfriend, even though she didn't know Evelyne was his girlfriend. He stood in one place until his body began to move towards the hall that Luvia and Minhyun took. His intentions could have made Evelyne angry and distrust his heart, but he couldn't control what he was feeling uneasy about. He had to find his brother and the girl who kept appearing in his head.

Luvia's POV

Princess Kirstin had chosen a aqua colored dress for her with matching white diamond earrings, a ring, and a bracelet. She commanded two servants to help with her hair and nails. It seemed to her that it took hours, but the servants were so efficient and quick that it literally took under an hour. She was quickly placed in a big dress and heels, making her feel unsteady. Her balance was off from the heels.

Luvia, being the idiot that she was, had thought that Minki or Minhyun gave orders to treat her like a princess. She had watched too many dramas. Minhyun only treated her well because he had to, he was a public figure, a prince. Minki was being a and a cold attitude guy, but like in dramas, the cold hearted one always liked the girl they treated well. And in this situation, she was treated like royalty, and her imagination had gotten the best of her...

After she apologized to the Queen for having misunderstood her intentions, she really felt like an idiot. So everyone in Renadia get's their once-in-a-life-time princess moment in the castle huh? Well, how dumb was she to think she was a special case?

"Want in on a little secret?" Minhyun brought her to the backyard of the castle, the place she intended on visiting the night she met the princes. "My mother was lying about you not being a special case. We always give out Renadian dresses with our craftsman's jewels. You, my dear, have been dressed in an American gown with diamonds from Japan. You were treated especially well."

"What's the difference?" it was so difficult for her to sit down on the bench that Minhyun chose.

He helped her sit comfortably, "Renadian dresses are nothing compared to what you are wearing."

"Why would she dress me in something like this then?" her thick skull was ignoring all the signs.

Minhyun sat beside her, staring at her in awe. "Why would you think?"

"Well, I thought it was because you or Minki might have asked her to do this." she blushed, touching her eyebrows. "I don't fit this style. My eyebrows are thick, my right eye droops lightly, and I- I don't know why-"

Minhyun placed his thumb against her rough dark eyebrows, "Thick eyebrows are charming. You make them charming." he smiled, his white teeth glistening from the sunset light.

Her heart thumped, making it hard for her to breathe properly. "Prince Minhyun-" she got nervous, and the only thing she could do to hide it was laughing. "You're not serious right? Girls with thin eyebrows are prettier, more defined. I look like some kind of- thing." she felt blood rush to her cheeks.

"That's not right." Minhyun finally took his eyes off of her, looking at the garden in front of them. "You're beautiful the way you look now. Gleaming with an aura of inner beauty and self confidence. I know that you don't truly believe you don't look gorgeous right now."

"Prince Minhyun-" she started to stutter, her tongue feeling heavy. "Why do you keep complimenting me, looking at me, helping me- you're making me misunderstand-"

"What if you aren't misunderstanding?" Minhyun glanced at her again.

"It's too soon. You hardly know me, I hardly know you. You're royalty and I am nothing." she scratched her head, "Prince Minhyun, are you messing with me?"

The first one she fell for in this country was Prince Minki. He caught her attention. He may be more pretty than she, but his looks made her melt. The way he sometimes looked at her in the hallways made her giddy, and the times he made snide comments or insult her on the way she acted made her angry. Of course, it's only been a week and a few days, but she took a liking to Minki. Prince Minhyun also gave her flutters when he sat beside her during classes, he never once talked to her unless it was to ask if she needed help(which she would refuse help), and the way he would smile at her in the cafeteria or when they bumped into each other at the castle or at the horse stable would made her stomach flutter. But she still felt more affectionate for the cold prince than the warm one.

"If it was Minki who said this to you, would you have said the same thing?" Minhyun had a cool expression now.

A lump in formed. She heard some ruffling in the bushes behind them as she cleared . "No. It would be the same. I'm sorry, but I have no intention in getting involved with royalty on a level above friendship. Whether it be you or Prince Minki." she thought she heard someone gasp, when she turned around there was nobody. "It would be nice if we are just friends, and honestly, if suddenly I grow feelings for you- you'd be the first to know. But for now, I'm only here mindset on filling out the duty of my fathers commands. I hope-"

"Luvia! Come back in, everyone has arrived, come and introduce yourself!" shouted an excited Princess.

She stood up, her heart stuck in . She couldn't speak or take her eyes off the handsome prince in front of her. She bowed and scattered away from him, rushing her way into the castle.

When she reached the entrance, she looked back. She saw Prince Minhyun's head hang, rubbing his chin as he was lost in thought. Behind the prince, was the second prince. Prince Minki was standing motionless, watching her as she gasped from realization that he might have heard their conversation.

Who cares? Luvia, royalty or not, that boy is dating your housemate and is engaged to the Princess of England. You weren't interested in getting involved with boys from the beginning, don't get hypnotized by their beauty, stay strong and be single! You won't cause any messes that way. Regrettably, she composed her expression and closed the door behind her, walking into the dining room full of snobby girls and bickering ladies. This wasn't where she was supposed to be.

Her place to be was a broken pavement road, a small shriveled house, and loud partying neighbors. She was born with pants and t-shirts. Dresses and tea parties were not her. She wanted nothing of this, she wanted cookies, cupcakes, sodas, and chips to stuff in her face. Not sandwiches and tea.

Well, her father did want her to grow as a lady, was tea parties and dresses lady-like?

Luvia set her mind into positivity mode and nodded her head. "You can do it."

You like tea, sandwiches, jewels, and accessories. she tried hypnotizing herself, but it wasn't working as they all sat on the long dining table set for fifty people.

"Hwaiting!" the Princess of England cheered her on, knowing that this wasn't her personality theme either.

Luvia looked down at the table, breathing in deeply as she wrapped her head around the fact that Prince Minhyun confessed only moments ago. She tried thinking of ways to understand why he did it, or why he confessed so soon.

She had to ask him why he did it so soon. I mean, it's not like they were Romeo and Juliet reincarnated. They couldn't have fallen for each other so fast- but then why was her heart beating like this? With no end to it's throbbing?

Oh mami, por dios!(for the love of god/for gods sake). she closed her eyes tight, wishing this were all but a dream.


Hey Royal Readers!

Did I disappoint? I feel like I totally did.

I need opinions on this chapter, because I might just keep it or restart.


Anyway, I hope I didn't do bad, and that you did enjoy this chapter.

(Yes, the picture on this chapter is a visual of the dress and what she wore )

Alright, Royal Writer out~!

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I'll make the chapters shorter if you guys want. Or do you guys like the chapters as is? Hmmm, I'm so indecisive T.T


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MonsterVip #1
Chapter 4: I really liked this chapter! I hope luvia will keep on being a boyish girl :3 I like that kind of caracters! I really like the caracter of luvia! And I love the story concept with royalties and stuff! You are doing a great job writing this story and I will be waiting for the nexst chapter :D
MonsterVip #2
Chapter 2: I really like this story!
I'm looking forward to the next chapter!