Second World

The Fourth World

This is the world where… normal is the best word to describe

The world where people have farms, cattle, and handcrafted goods to live off

The first other world I come to find you…

Minho opened his eyes and found himself standing in the middle of green field. He squinted his eyes. Later it became clear that he was in the middle of rice field. It was green as far as he could see which caused him to be a little nervous. Where should he go? How could he break away from this unending green field?

“Hello,” a voice called out. Minho turned to the source of the sound. “Are you lost?” The familiar voice asked him, with those same eyes, with the very same smile, yet with a different face. This one wasn’t covered with ashes. This one was bright and smooth and just like how his Taemin looked at night. “Excuse me?” he waved his hand in front of Minho’s face. “You must be a traveler. Don’t worry; I’ll guide you out of here. Many travelers get lost in this field, that’s why they need to stop wandering in places like this alone. My name is Taemin, by the way. Where are you staying?”

“I… it’s… I don’t r-really have place to stay,” Minho stammered. He didn’t know that Taemin wouldn’t recognize him.

“So it’s your first day here? I can bring you to the town and recommend some nice places to stay but it’s getting late. What about staying at my house for the night and I’ll help you find a motel tomorrow morning? My place isn’t far from here.” He offered.


“You haven’t told me your name,” Taemin said in a matter-of-fact tone.


Minho tailed behind Taemin while the younger boy actively talked about how travelers always refuse the help of the citizens. Minho paid no attention to his words; he was busy examining Taemin, the boy he had missed so much. He really wanted to shut him up and hug him tight but he couldn’t. To this Taemin, he was nothing but a stranger he met in the middle of the field. But hey, it didn’t matter to him if he had to start over from zero again. As long as he could be together with Taemin, it was worth a try.

Taemin wasn’t lying when he said that his house wasn’t far. It was right there, at the end of the field. Taemin told Minho that the town was still a long walk ahead. Taemin’s house was small and simple, and reminded Minho of their house. Minho couldn’t help but grin at the thought of living with Taemin again.

“I’m home,” Taemin announced when he entered the house which made Minho wonder if Taemin didn’t live alone. “Honey, come out and see who’s came with me today.” He turned to Minho and flashed a smile. Before Minho could react, a girl came out with a toddler in her arms. “Aww, how’s my little girl doing?” he cooed as he took the baby from her. “Minho, this is my wife, Jihye. Jihye, this is Minho. A traveler I met in the field. It’s his first day here and he’s staying over tonight.”

It was beyond comprehension how Minho could keep his face stoic upon the sight of his Taemin having a lovey dovey moment with his family, his wife, and their daughter. Taeyeon was such a lovely baby. Minho would fall for her easily if it wasn’t for the fact that she was the fruit of love between his Taemin and this woman. Taeyeon kept nudging, poking, tugging on Minho to get his attention. It turned out that she liked him. But Minho didn’t like her,at all.

“What brings you here?” Taemin asked. Jihye and Taeyeon had gone to sleep, leaving the men in the living room, trying to get to know each other. At least, that was what was going on Taemin’s side.

“Private matter.” Minho replied. Short.

“Oh,” Taemin responded. Shorter. “You’re different, I guess.” He added later. “I mean, people always come here for the field. We have the best rice field. Many of them want to take it over from us but no one has succeeded so far.” Minho could sense the pride in Taemin’s voice. “May I know what exactly you’re looking for here?” Taemin was curious, that was it!

“It doesn’t matter anymore. It ends here.” Minho trailed, ignoring the mixed up look Taemin gave him. “If you don’t mind, I want to get some sleep. It’s been a tiring day.” He laid down on the floor and pulled the blanket over his body. “Your house is nice. Thanks for letting me stay for the night. Good night.”

“Good night,” Taemin muttered hesitantly. He unwillingly got up from his seat and headed toward his bedroom. What a strange man, he thought.

Minho didn’t sleep that night. He waited until midnight before sneaking out of the house. The cold night wind brushed past him as he walked out. The street was dark and empty. He knew that if he followed the road, it would lead him to the main town. He knew that there would be many motels and vendors, selling foods, handcrafts, and many other things there. He knew that it was quite peaceful in this town. Friendly merchants, welcoming villagers, curious travelers.He was slightly surprised by his own knowledge of this world. But he didn’t want to think of it right now. This world surely wasn’t the world he was looking for. His Taemin was already happy with his little family. He didn’t need him or want him. Minho didn’t have any reason for staying any longer here. With one last look to the house he had stayed for past few hours, he left.

This is the world where… normal is the best word to describe
The world where people have farms, cattle, and handcrafted goods to live off
The world where you don’t need me



When Jonghyun opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the bed. He took a good minute to inspect his surroundings. Somehow, he understood that it was a room he had rented to stay in while he was in this world. But he didn’t know how this happened. He put a hand on his pocket and was surprised to find some money in it. He left the bed and went out, greeted by… the owner of the motel.

“Hey, Jjong. You’re up early. Ready to seek that friend of yours?”

He was too surprised to react properly so he just gave him a smile and headed out. It was strange how he recognized the town. A thought came to his mind that probably, when he teleported to the other world, he would get this given knowledge about the world. He shrugged it off and walked aimlessly. He was passing a bakery when his stomach growled. He decided that getting some bread would do no harm. The still warm bread tasted amazing, much better than in his world. He strolled down the main road, letting his instinct lead him. He remembered the vendors he had visited in the past days and according to his newfound memory, Jinki wasn’t there. He kept on walking until the sight of a small gallery caught his attention. Mindlessly, he entered the gallery. Just for a moment, he said inwardly. The inside of the gallery was as simple as it looked from the outside. Paintings arranged neatly on the whole wall. Tables placed here and there to display stones, sculptures, and old stuff.

“Welcome to our gallery,” a girl greeted him with a bright smile. Jonghyun smiled back and invited himself to take a look around.

“Those were collected by a traveler on his journey around the world. They’re very unique, aren’t they?” she commented when Jonghyun’s eyes landed on the various stones on the table.

“They are.” Jonghyun smiled again. “Do you work here?” he asked.

“Papa owns this place and I’m helping him here. I like it here.” She answered with eagerness that caused Jonghyun’s smile to grow larger. She was such a nice young girl.

“I see… why don’t you show me around? It seems like this gallery has many interesting things.” The girl nodded almost immediately. In no time, she began to explain the stuff on the tables. Jonghyun learned that they were either made by the artists in this town or bought from the travelers. After she finished with them, they moved to the paintings. The paintings here had more stories than the stuff presented on those tables. It turned out that the paintings were about the society itself; their beloved rice field, their leaders of time to time, the people in the markets, the memorable travelers. Jonghyun was busy admiring them when his eyes settled on one painting at the end of the wall.

It was his Jinki and a rabbit.

He quickly strode over to examine it closer, leaving the girl confused by his action. No matter how he looked at it, it was his Jinki. It really was his Jinki, with a smile gracing his lips, his crescent eyes, and messy hair. In the picture, Jinki was holding a rabbit close to his chest. He looked happy.

Jonghyun turned to see the girl, who had caught up, beside him. Before he could form a question, she narrated the painting for him. “That’s Jinki, the son of our previous leader. He was a very nice person. He loved to help people in town. There’s no one in this town that didn’t like him. Everyone loved him. That’s his rabbit that he loved so much. It’s a very cute and lovely bunny. Jinki always let me play with it.” Sadness was clear in her voice, Jonghyun wondered why. “He died a year ago due to an incurable disease. The whole town mourned over his death. The atmosphere here was dull for a week upon losing their beloved boy. No one opened their shops on the day he died. Some refused to go back to work even days after he was gone. He meant a lot to us, really. Our best painter decided to paint him and his bunny and donated it to us here. Once a year, the whole town will come here to look at this painting, to relive the old memories where Jinki was here for us.” Tears escaped her eyes when she ended her storytelling but as for Jonghyun, he cried a river hearing that. He stayed there for a long time, just crying like that. He didn’t care. He didn’t feel embarrassed. The girl cried along with him.

He looked at the white bundle in the corner of the street through his blurry eyes. Jinki’s bunny was still there. It lived on the street and was being looked after by the citizens. They fed it regularly and took turns taking it home at night. It was their beloved boy’s darling. The only thing left from Jinki so they cherished it with all their hearts. Jonghyun was happy to meet it, watching it eating the carrot he brought.

He was sad yet happy. He was glad to know that even in this world, his Jinki was such a nice person and loved by many people. He was indeed an angel.

This is the world where… normal is the best word to describe
The world where people have farms, cattle, and handcrafted goods to live off
The world in which I ‘lose’ you again…



I hope I'm doing fine with the jongyu part

I wrote 2min for like uh.. two years?.. and counting

but I start writing Jongyu like... uh.. last month if I'm not wrong

I hope you like both sides of the story

and leave a comment XD



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ranma41 #1
Chapter 5: This is really beautiful... All the angst in the previous chaps made it really sad but I'm glad they have their happy ending :)
The part where Jonghyun gave up his singing voice for the charm T.T
Chapter 5: i finally read this... oh my gosh it's truly wonderful good job!
Shawol11 #3
Chapter 5: Beautiful but sad ~ T.T
Chapter 5: it's funny that u said it was based off of xxxholic because i kept thinking how similar it is to tsubasa, which is from the same people and same sort of universe!! i loved it, especially the jongyu
Chapter 5: This is really amazing & sad, but beautiful at the end. Jongyu story really make me the need to cry T_T
amatsukishi #6
Chapter 5: im crying so much!!!
Jjong sacrificed his beautiful voice for the love of his life Jinki! damn! so much feels!!!
Good thing Onew is open-minded about things. I love their ending!

TYVM Authornim!
SJiaSHINeeJing #7
Chapter 5: boohoohoo T.T I guessed that he gave up his voice but didn't want it to be true T.T But he really did. Idk, I'm just saaaad. But I do love the ending though! Off to the oneshot~
Chapter 5: OMJ this was such an amazing fic!!*O*
Jonghyun!!TT_TT you sacrificed something so important for Jinki!! You love him so much!!
The ending was ajdjkdkzksjnzksksk!!!
♥.♥ I seriously loved it so much!!!
I am adding it to my favourites!!
Off to read the other fic!!!xD
Hope to see more JongYu from you in the future!!xD
Chapter 5: it was lovely and different and unique story... loved it... thanks a lot <3<3
Chapter 4: It's going to end??TT_TT
Like seriously this is such an amazing fic!!♥
I love it!! You write really well!!
What did Jonghyun give up?? I want to know that so bad!!
JongYu dated on stage?? Did I miss something??? Do tell me!!