high frequency sound wave of shut the hell up

I'll protect you
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updated on 18.4.14



He watched Minhye drag her betrothed off, and he could feel the angry steam radiate off of her like solar flames off a sun. He remembered when they first met, and the first impression he got of her was a petite, shy, and pathetic little girl with red hair that couldn't speak.

But boy was he wrong.

His eyes wandered over to his girlfriend, Hyoyeon, who looked like she was tittering on the brink of Niagra Falls worthy tears. Hyoyeon had always been picked on when she was younger, called names that weren't true and anger surged beneath his blood.

Minhye glanced behind and he shot her a dark look. She, of all people, should understand what it was like to be called names. Hyoyeon wasn't a --she was the farthest thing from on. But for Minhye to shoot at her with that look of pure hatred on her face.

"Hyo, don't cry," he said quickly as he rushed to her side and pulled her slim figure into his arms. She didn't fit like he always thought she did. She was too small, like she could slip away at any given moment. Her body was too warm and she smelled too much like Tropical Paradise.

Stop! His mind yelled as Hyoyeon began to cry in his shoulder. She's your girlfriend! She. Is. Perfect.

But as much as he fought it, Sehun began to think of Minhye and when she cried in his arms. How she smelled like sweet tea and lemonade and fountain water., the tears not even blotthing her make-up. He asked her if mascara was ever waterproof and she just laughed, saying waterproof was for babies.

No, Sehun. Don't do this to yourself.

"Shh, Hyo," he muttered into her blond hair. L.joe had platinum blond hair. That stupid tall, broad shouldered, brown eyes Korean boy.

"Sh-she called me a !" Hyoyeon hiccuped and the bawling grew louder and louder until Sehun had to press Hyoyeon tight against his chest so that the volume was turned down about a quarter of the way.

"Am I a , Hunnie?" She said, removing her face from his chest. Her brown eyeliner and mascara smeared around her brown eyes, and for a quick movement, Sehun glanced down at his dress shirt and saw black stains.

Not again.

"No, Hyo, you're not a ," he reassured her. "Minhye's just in a bad mood. She doesn't mean it. Plus, you called her that too, and she's not a either."

"But she was trying to kiss you! I had to get her away from you before she forced you to do something you didn't want to do!" Hyoyeon blubbered, and burst into even heavier tears.

"You're getting worried over nothing," he protested. "Minhye doesn't like me in that way."

"Yes, she does! Can't you see it when she looks at you?" She's going to try and steal you away from me! But you're mine, Hunnie! You've always been mine!"

What was Hyoyeon talking about? Minhye had made it clear that the feelings they used to have for each other were unwelcome. Hyoyeon needed glasses. Or a therapist, perhaps.

"But why were you guys so close?" Hyoyeon managed to ask as she calmed down, sniffling frequently in the thirty second span it took for Sehun to think of a perfectly good reason for wrapping his arms around Minhye's waist.

"She fell, and was unsteady on her feet," he quickly lied. Well, if he was going to be techinical, then it was the truth. Minhye had let out this completely unexpected scream and shoved herself away from him, then continued on whispering about making the fire go away.

Minhye was weird--but that moment had been undeniably too strange.

He should check on her. Even if she had been cruel towards his Hyoyeon, he could not get the image of the fright on her face from before.

Hyoyeon must've felt him relax, and instantly this predatory glare was set on her face. "Are you thinking about her?"

"What? No!"


"You are too!" Hyoyeon's voice, normally bubblegum sweet and light, like delicate wind chimes in the summer breeze, now rose to a high shrill. He remembered what V had said about her voice once: One moment it's persistingly annoying and the other it's a high freqiency sound wave of Shut-The-Hell-Up.

He really shouldn't be thinking of his girlfriend in this way.

"Do you like her?" She pushed, and leaned into him, a ferocious alarming venom beneath her brown eyes as she waited for his answer.

"No. I don't," he said calm and cool, even though there was a volcanic eruption of chaos underneath. Of course he didn't like Minhye. But, he did, didn't he? She said they couldn't be together. He had a girlfriend now. And she just walked off with the one and only Lee Byunghun. And I bet, if they called off the betrothal, she'd go to V because they kissed. No matter what she said, V probably liked her, and she probably liked him.

"Hyoyeon," he started. "You're beautiful, funny, sweet, and my first kiss. It's been six years, almost seven since I've met you and I still haven't forgotten how I felt. I've never forgotten."

Another lie. If it hadn't been for Park Minhye, it could've been true. But in those few months that he had truly known her, he had forgotten all about Kim Hyoyeon. But it couldn't be that way anymore. Now it had to be the other way around; he had to forget about Park Minhye, and remember the girl he met at one of the agencies when he was eleven.

Oh, gods, he needed to stop thinking about that cursed girl.

Did he really just say gods?

The jealous fire in Hyoyeon's eyes began to burn out. She wrapped her arms around him, seeming happier (obviously) than before. "I knew it! I knew you loved me!"

Wait, what? When did he say that?

Before he could correct her, she pressed his lips againist hers, and he tasted her sugar and honey lip gloss for ten seconds before she pulled away and graced him with a peck on the cheek. "Call me later?"

He nodded, still trying to figure out when he had ever said the dangerous Three Words to her. His girlfriend wandered away, her long blond hair bouncing against her back as she skipped, happy that Sehun had no feelings for Minhye.

At least, that's what he hoped too achieve before he would have to watch Minhye walk down the aisle with Golden Boy.

Feeling like an extreme mess, he journied towards his mother's office with hopes that her soon-to-be-fiancé had decided to go rent out a hotel and stay there for the rest of the day.

But, alas, his hopes were futile. For when he opened the door to his mother's office, nestled on the fourth corridor of thee academy, with a window to look out in the courtyard that his mother loved to stand by, he saw L.joe sipping a cup of tea while his mother conversed with him, a resigned expression on her face.

"--please do try and explain to your mother that we could find a suitable plaace for someone of your status here in Gangnam. It was so sudden and we can't just rent out a mansion for no reason. Gosh, Soomin is going to throw such a fit."

"Lady Minjung, please do not worry. I will speak to my mother about everything," L.joe said quickly.

"I'm so sorry if our welcome wasn't more warming. Especially with Minhye. It's just that sweetheart has had not much to deal with lately. She doesn't show it but after all these surprises, especially the one about her amnesia, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to strangle anyone yet."

Amnesia? Minhye never mentioned anything about amnesia. Then again, Minhye hasn't mentioned much to him besides Captain America (she changed her bias) lately.

"And what did you say happen to her earlier? She was screaming about something?"

"A fire. Mister Sehun and I didn't know what to do, she seemed to be in a world of her own that we couldn't take her out. It was like her night terrors."

His mother didn't say anything , and feeling left out, Sehun seized the opportunity and let himself in. "She said to make the fire stop. Mother, what's this about amnesia?"

Sehun's mother didn't look at him, but merely put her face into her palms, sighing heavily. "I cannot tell you. No, I will not tell you. Now now."

Wow. That was the first time his mother had been tr

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 76: Let me just tell you how happy and giddy this fanfic made me. >~< From the beginning, I was already enchanted by the characters and the storyline. All of the characters went through extreme character developments and everything was written out so beautifully. I mean you didn't write random bs that didn't match up with each other; everything was well thought out and I praise you for that because being able to read something and have it make sense is absolutely an amazing feeling <3 I also really enjoyed how long your chapters were, of all the fanfics I read, this had one of the longest chapter lengths and I thank you for that :) I know that Sehun was the lead male role (I'm talking like it's a drama *~*) and I really love Sehun and his character in this, but... to be honest, I think I ultimately loved Taehyung's character the most because he was so loyal and sweet to Minhye. He also went through so much character change and the way he turned out exceeded all of my expectations! ^-^ I'm really glad you wrote this because it is an amazing fanfic. I know for sure that I'd be reading this soon. Again. For the second time. >///< I hope you don't ever take this down because it would be a shame for such a good story to go down. Although there may not be a book two, I'm utterly thankful for this good read; I am fully satisfied. And with lots of love, I must say hwaiting~! <3
i wish I could multiply my upvotes for this chapter. You deserve more!
Chapter 76: /sigh/ WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FANFIC. i've been lacking sleep because I was so decided to finish this fanfic. I can't wait for the next book and the succeeding chapters to come. I support you in all your fanfics and I really really cannot wait. More power authornim! You are amayzing! Amazing story and the pacing was very right. Thank you so much for this story. The world needs more authors like you :)
Chapter 37: My heart is breaking :((((
k_nana #6
Chapter 76: Thank you so much for writing this 60+ something of full wonders and adventure:) it really was a pleasure to read this! Please don't be discouraged to write more soon, I rly don't think words r enough to praise this fic. All in all, the only thing i was outraged by was bcuz of the little upvotes i see. This fic needs a lot more attention and recognition ;) All the best!
_nxbila #7
Chapter 71: omg authornim you dont know how happy i am rn i mean bOTH SEHUN AND MINHYE ARE SO CUTE AND THE FLUFF AT THE END OT THE CHAP OH GOD
rimatira #8
Chapter 70: In love with your story , hope you could update often .. Fighting authornim !!
LinA1992 #10
Chapter 29: wait did they kiss in this chapter ?