Betrothals sound more magical in a fairy tale

I'll protect you
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Honestly, at that moment, I wished I had mirrors all around me. So then, I could see exactly what my expressions were transforming into.

I know I started with utter horror. My mouth had been hanging open while L.joe was smiling sheepishly, his brown eyes twinkling with a deep unspoken apology. My eyes were wide and probably dilated with pure terror. I must've been as pale as a ghost.

And then my horror transformed into complete rage. What was this boy doing here? The deal said I didn't have to be at his side until our engagement was announced. And how the hell did he find out I was in Gangnam? The only one who I can legally give out the information of my whereabouts was my grandmother.

And she knew plenty well not to put me near L.joe.

People took steps back, their faces tight as their eyes flickered from one to another, and towards mine. They looked... fearful. Girld huddled together, like staying in a pack would somehow protect them. The boys began to tense up their fists, preparing for a fight.

And then there was L.joe.

He was a tall, ((let's make him tall in this fic, he'd be more than happy)) very very very gorgeous young man that was just a year older than me. L.joe had strong cheekbones and a strong jawline, both were tense as his brown eyes eyed me warily.

"Oh, Minhye, don't look at me like that," he started. "I thought the urges to murder me had long gone."

And, unexpectantly, I lunged at him, my demonic claws out (i'm kidding, I don't actually have demonic claws), a yearning for blood burning in my veins. I must've resembled an animal, for many others started screaming and pushed themselves against the walls, their eyes wide and frightened as my fingers latched onto L.joe's black jacket and pushed him into a wall.

"How did you find out I was here?" I snarled, enforcing my words with brute force as his back hit the wall once more. When he didn't answer, merely groaned in pain, I elbowed him hard in the chest, causing him to cry out even more.

"What the hell are you doing here?" My voice whispered ferociously, a hint of panic beginning to settle in. "We made a promise, L.Joe! Why are you here?" 

I was about to slap him to get some answers when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, picking me up and setting me aside.

"Sehun, let me go!" I cried. "I have to know why he's here! There's something going on! MY POSITION IS COMPROMISED!"

"What position?" He snorted. I fought even harder so that he would let go of my waist, but oh my goodness, this boy was incredibly strong! My legs were kicking rabidly, my arms flailing uncontrollably, and a steady steam of curse words were leaving my mouth, and yet, Sehun refused to let me go.

"If you don't stop struggling, I will pick you up and carry you to my mother's office," he finally threatened, his voice low and rough in my ear.

"I dare you," I breathed slowly.

My mind didn't think he would actually do it. Especially in public when he had a girlfriend. Especially considering the fact that one shouldn't really touch the princess of Cimeria without her full given consent.

But Sehun swooped me up, swinging my whole body into his arms so that I was being carried bridal style down the golden hallways of Oh Academy. With the whole student body gawking with curious gazes as it happened.

Sehun barked a few orders, which resulted in the crowds disspitating rather quickly, along with L.joe jogging to catch up with him. The last shred of my dignity slipped away as L.joe grinned boyishly down at me.

"I hate you," I muttered to Sehun, mustering every amount of hate I had ever felt for him in my entire life into my syllables. He merely grinned cockily, and clutched me even tighter, so that my face was practically pressed into his chest.

And god, did he smell good.

I wished the walk could've been a bit more rowdy. Sehun remained his stoic, unfriendly self, refusing to even look at L.joe. I was degraded and helpless, for Sehun's arms made my whole body transform intp pink jelly. And my boy, L.joe was humming a cheerful pop tune the entire time.

"Are you humming EXO?" I inquired in a conversational manner, restricting the anger and shame I felt at the moment.

"Can't go a day in the city without hearing it somewhere, love. Sorry, if it's bothering you." He smiled apologetically again, and guilt washed over me. I really shouldn't have been so rough on him. Darn L.joe for making it hard for making it hard to hold a grudge.

"Are you tired?" L.joe then aksed Sehun. "I can carry her for you. I've dont it plenty of times."

Sehun's arms tightened (and I didn't think that had been possible) and refused to answer or look. If anything, I would;ve betted that there would be no possible way for me to escape Sehun's arms at this point. I felt like a small teddy bear being grapsed in the

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 76: Let me just tell you how happy and giddy this fanfic made me. >~< From the beginning, I was already enchanted by the characters and the storyline. All of the characters went through extreme character developments and everything was written out so beautifully. I mean you didn't write random bs that didn't match up with each other; everything was well thought out and I praise you for that because being able to read something and have it make sense is absolutely an amazing feeling <3 I also really enjoyed how long your chapters were, of all the fanfics I read, this had one of the longest chapter lengths and I thank you for that :) I know that Sehun was the lead male role (I'm talking like it's a drama *~*) and I really love Sehun and his character in this, but... to be honest, I think I ultimately loved Taehyung's character the most because he was so loyal and sweet to Minhye. He also went through so much character change and the way he turned out exceeded all of my expectations! ^-^ I'm really glad you wrote this because it is an amazing fanfic. I know for sure that I'd be reading this soon. Again. For the second time. >///< I hope you don't ever take this down because it would be a shame for such a good story to go down. Although there may not be a book two, I'm utterly thankful for this good read; I am fully satisfied. And with lots of love, I must say hwaiting~! <3
i wish I could multiply my upvotes for this chapter. You deserve more!
Chapter 76: /sigh/ WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FANFIC. i've been lacking sleep because I was so decided to finish this fanfic. I can't wait for the next book and the succeeding chapters to come. I support you in all your fanfics and I really really cannot wait. More power authornim! You are amayzing! Amazing story and the pacing was very right. Thank you so much for this story. The world needs more authors like you :)
Chapter 37: My heart is breaking :((((
k_nana #6
Chapter 76: Thank you so much for writing this 60+ something of full wonders and adventure:) it really was a pleasure to read this! Please don't be discouraged to write more soon, I rly don't think words r enough to praise this fic. All in all, the only thing i was outraged by was bcuz of the little upvotes i see. This fic needs a lot more attention and recognition ;) All the best!
_nxbila #7
Chapter 71: omg authornim you dont know how happy i am rn i mean bOTH SEHUN AND MINHYE ARE SO CUTE AND THE FLUFF AT THE END OT THE CHAP OH GOD
rimatira #8
Chapter 70: In love with your story , hope you could update often .. Fighting authornim !!
LinA1992 #10
Chapter 29: wait did they kiss in this chapter ?