First Chapter

I Believe (Miduhyo)
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"Where is Yoona? Is she still in her room? I haven't seen her lately." 

"She's still in the room, sir. She's still not eating good neither. I think she still can't accept the fact that you are getting re-married. She must still be in shocked after she overheard your upcoming wedding.. Maybe she is thinking Ma'am Hyori is going to replace her mother." Yoona's maid replied to Seungri, Yoona's father. 

"I know. I understand what she has been going through." Seungri looked down sadly. "I know this is really hard for her. I really loved her mother so much but she left us early. Then this happened... I never thought I would fall in love again. I wanted to tell her about the wedding sooner but it pained me so much to see Yoona hurting because of my happiness." He sighed deeply. "I don't think I should continue this marriage anymore. I love my daughter more than myself, more than my own happiness. I can sacrifice everything for her. I... need to call off the wedding. I have to." 

Seungri and the maid didn't notice Yoona was secretly listening to their conversation. Her eyes were full of tears. Her heart was breaking while she listened to her dad's words. It's true that she did not want her father to get married again. Although she's only 12 years old, she knew that she was being selfish for keeping her dad's away from his happiness. All she  wanted was her dad to be happy again after her mother died from an accident, and she only saw her father's happiness once again from Hyori, his secretary in his company.


Seungri met Lee Hyori a year after Yoona's mom died. Hyori grew up from the states but decided to comeback in Korea when her parents abandoned her when she got pregnant with her ex-boyfriend. She has one son named, Park Yoochun, a year older than Yoona. Lee Hyori and Yoochun met Yoona once at a party in their company but she didn't know anything about them until one of her father's co-worker blurted about the wedding accidentally.

"Hyori, it's me, Seungri. About the wedding..." He let out a long sigh and gulped down before he could uttered, "I'm sorry..."

But before he could continue his word, Yoona suddenly burst out crying while running towards her father. "No, dad!!!" Yoona sobbed, embracing her father tightly. I want you to be happy more than anything else. Please continue the wedding for me. Please be happy for me." Seungri nodded in return while hugging her dauhter. "I promise, Yoona, nothing will ever change. I promise I will be the best father I could ever be. We will be a happy family once again." 


Yoona nodded and gave her father a sweet smile. "I know dad. You are the best father I could ever ask for."




A month before the wedding, Seungri and Yoona decided to move out to their old house and live together with Hyori and Yoochun on their new house in a small country . Even though it's still awkward for Yoona to live with her stepmother and stepbrother she tried her best to be happy for her dad.


Though every night Yoona still can't keep herself from crying because she misses her mom and her old life. 
She became more heart broken when her maid ever since she was a little kid decided to get married and started a new family. 



Yoona snapped out from her thoughts when she heard a sudden knocks on her door. She immediately wiped out her tears and cleared before she asked, "Who is that?", but nobody answer. She looked at the clock; it's around 2 am already. She knew everyone was sleeping at that hour. Her gaze then landed on the open window of her room. All she could see was darkness outside. 


Her heart almost jumped out from her chest when she heard a bunch of knocks on her door again. This time it's louder.

Yoona thought she had to defend herself in case it's a bad person or worst, a monster like what she was usually watching about a small country. She managed to get a book on her bedside table before she peeked on her door. She only managed to see a shadow of a man with a big mouth, yawning. She gulped nervously and without waiting to see who it was, she opened the door abruptly and threw the book at the person while screaming for help. 

Before she understood what was happening she found herself pressed against the floor, a mass on her with covered by a hand.

"Ouch! Why do you always have to attack people?" said by a deep voice in a sleepy tone while nursing his injured shoulder. 

Yoona quickly opened her big eyes. Her heart almost fall from her chest as soon as she saw her step brother lying above her. His pretty face almost an inch closer against her face while they were lying on the floor.

Yoona swallowed a big mass on . She felt like she couldn't get anymore air in the room. Maybe because he was so heavy but it felt somehow different she couldn't explain.

"W-what are you doing?" Yoona croaked when she managed to find her voice.

"You mean now? What do you think?" Yoochun asked in pain while nursing his injured shoulder from the book she threw at him. 

Yoochun was half asleep when he saw Yoona was about to throw a big book on him. He tried to avoid it but the book still hit his shoulder. He lost his balance and fell straight down to Yoona who was screaming for help. He quickly covered .


"Yoona???" They both snapped out of their thoughts when they heard Seungri's voice approaching Yoona's room. Both of them immediately stood up. Yoochun immediately closed Yoona's door. 

"Wa-what are you doing?" Yoona asked confused.

"Hush! If your dad saw me here in your room, he would be suspicious so be quiet." Yoochun whispered.

"Suspicious about what?! What are you doing here in the first place?!" Yoona asked irritated.




"HUSH!" Yoochun gestured.

"Yoona, are you okay? I think I just heard a screamed. Was that you? Is everything okay?" Seungri asked her daughter against the door.

Yoona looked up confusedly at Yoochun whose gesturing her to be quiet. 

"Yes, dad I'm okay. I just had a nightmare! An ANNOYING nightmare." Yoona said while gazing intently at Yoochun. 

"Okay, sweetie. Go back to sleep now. You are going to enroll to your new school tomorrow so you have to wake up early. I love you."

"Yes, dad. I love you too." Yoona replied.

Yoochun suddenly snorted secretly while mouthing daddy's girl. Yoona saw it and confront him angrily. "Now, answer me. What are you doing in my room at 2 in the midnight?! Are you...a ert?!" Yoona asked irritated.

Yoochun burst out laughing. "BUWAHAHAHA! What?? ert? How do you know that grown-up stuff, daddy's girl?" He teased pointing his index finger on her forehead.

Yoona hit his injured shoulder in return and Yoochun's grimaced of pain. "Ouch! You! You haven't even apologized when you hit me on your dad's party and now, THIS!" He said irritated while nursing his shoulder. 

"Bleh! You serve that right! I'm 12 years old already and I'm not a daddy's girl, mama's boy! Wait, at my dad's party? When did I hit you at that party?! Were you even there?! Oh, wait, Was The guy who was stalking me?! OMG." Yoona asked shocked.

"Psh! You didn't know that was me all along? I doubt it. You were looking at me the whole time at that party so it's impossible you wouldn't even recognize me." Yoochun ruffled his hair, "Besides, don't be full of yourself. I was not stalking you. I was just curious what my soon to be sister would be like that's why I was following you. You even called me a monster. Now, I know what you really like...daddy's brat girl." Yoochun said looking intently at Yoona from head to toe. "Now, just apologize to me and I'll let this incident pass through." Yoochun said with an evil grinned.

"What did you just say? Me? A brat?!" Grrr! He is such a jerk!, Yoona said to herself. She was sputtering some curses on her brain for not even recognizing that her first crush she met on her dad's party was soon to be her brother. 

"My Prince that I've been dreaming for that would save me from my misery; My prince who was shining so bright while wearing a white suite with a sweet smile on his face....was only a prince in disguise after all! He turned out to be a real jerk!"

Yoona remembered the first time she saw Yoochun. He was so handsome with a sweet smile on his face. Yoona's father introduced her to Yoochun and Hyori for a bit but she didn't know anything about the upcoming marriage at all. After the party, Yoona overheard about her father's marriage accidentally. She was shocked and hurt, didn't know what to feel so she just run faster until she reached outside the venue. She walked alone, crying in that cold, dark night until she heard a bunch of footsteps following her. She looked back and saw only a creepy shadow of a big man hiding behind a tree so she thought it was a monster. It was late when she recognized it was her prince, she already threw her heels at him and hit him on the head. She didn't know what to do when the poor boy fell down so she just ran faster as fast as she could to get some help. When she came back, her prince was no where to be found.

"Yes, you are little brat, and No, I don't deserve to be bullied by you, daddy's girl. You are 12, right? Well, I'm thirteen so I'm your oppa. Besides we will be one family soon at least give me some respect." Yoochun angrily said. 

"Maybe in your dreams, I would call you oppa! I don't care about you nor your mother so don't even try. I don't have any oppa nor family except for my dad. I only care about my dad's happiness so please leave me alone!" Yoona blurted back angrily. 

"I only care about my mother's happiness too. I only agreed to this kind of arrangement because I love my mother so much and I can see that she is happy with your dad. If you don't want me to be part of your family, I will respect that, but please at least give respect to my mother because she is doing her best just to please you...just to be a good mother for you. Don't worry, I'll never bother you again if that's what you wanted. I only came here because I couldn't sleep with your crying voice every night. My room is just next to yours so please be at least considerate. You are not the only people living here." Yoochun said in a serious tone before he left Yoona's room.

Yoona suddenly felt guilty to what Yoochun said. She bit her lower lip and let out a deep sigh. Deep inside her heart somehow felt a little strange.



Yoochun let out a tired sigh as soon as he left Yoona's room. He then heard a strange voices of people whispering hiding somewhere. He directed his glance where the voices came from and let out another sigh. He just pretended to hear nothing and just went back to his room.

"It's okay honey. Kids are always fighting, especially siblings, right? Don't worry too much. They will make up soon like real siblings do." Seungri whispered to Hyori while they were hiding from them.

"I hope so, hon." Hyori nodded and just smiled to Seungri.




The next morning

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 1: interesting story :)
soo if i get it right because i haven't touch the chapter, yoona like chun but chun likes dara, dara likes hae and hae likes yoona right?i'm dizzyXD