Can U Smile...?

Can U Smile ~ A Oneshot Request for KPOPisLUV

 My chest heaves as I find myself running into the rain. Each drop cascades down and across my skin, each one adding weight to my stride. I try to steady my pace, but my uneasy breathing slows me down even further.


My eyes trace the beams of moonlight that pierce the leaves of the trees above me. Even brighter than the solemn moon, the stars gaze at me, seemingly cheerful on this violent night.


I feel my eyes moisten, but I can't be sure if it's the constant beads of rain patting against my face, or if it's my sweat from this endless chase, or if it's my own tears. I try to shake off the feeling of not knowing and continue to push myself forward into the night.


Memories flood my mind from the beginning of time until now. More than anything, I wish that those memories would become reality once more.


“Myungsoo? Are you okay?”


I swallow abruptly and nod my head profusely. I can feel beads of sweat tickling the palm of my hand as I clench down hard. More than anything I don't want to mess this up.


“Y-Yeah,” I stammer nervously, flicking the back of my ear. When she spots my hand behind my head, I quickly slap it down against my side, making her giggle.


At least she hasn't left yet.


“Are you sure?” she reiterates. “You seem a little uneasy.”


That's because I can't seem to speak around you.


I shake my head slightly once more, trying to relax my stance. “I'm fine,” I try, my voice cracking on the last syllable.


She sighs next to me. I can feel in the air as she shakes her head a little at my efforts to convince the both of us that I'm fine.


Suddenly, I notice my hand entwined with hers.


“Silly, you don't have to pretend,” she winks confidently. “You know that I'll always be here to support you.”


A wave of relief surges over me, and I can feel myself finally at ease.


The light of the moon is a double-pronged sword. It makes her beauty radiate throughout its light, and yet masks her beauty in its shadow.


I swallow hard and try to speak. My words are lost in the caverns of my throat. I try once more, to no avail.


She turns around without a sound, her vacant expression scanning the distance between us. I'm trapped in place, hoping that the distance won't continue to grow.


Her hand is tightly linked with mine as we walk this path. I can feel my heart hastily beating against my chest, but she manages to keep me grounded.


Desire doesn't even begin to describe how much I need her. Just being with her is enough to quench the thirst for more, but the longing never dissipates.




I manage to shake off my stupor and return to reality. Her hand is still clenched around mine, her smile shining brightly in the faint light through the trees.


“Yes?” I whisper, hoping to contain myself.


“I love you,” she coos, her warm breath tickling the nape of my neck. A shiver chases itself down my spine.


“Hae-Yee...” I reply, turning her face to meet mine. Her eyes blink resignedly, slowly closing as I lessen the distance between us. “I love you, too.”


“Oh,” she says softly, almost to herself. “Myungsoo...I thought you wanted me to...”


“Hae-Yee...” I manage, losing my breath. “I...I'm sorry.”


She raises an eyebrow in the moonlight. “You're sorry?” she asks, seemingly amused by my declaration.


I nod stupidly, but I realize that she might not be able to see me as clearly as I see her. “Yes, more than anything,” I reply weakly.


She lets out a breath, and I can feel it across the surface of the earth. It taunts me as it brushes against my cheek and leaves me behind in the dust.


“Myungsoo, I've moved on. I'm sorry,” she says sternly.


Her words hit me hard.


Moved on...?


“You said you wanted me to be happy,” she continues solemnly. “You said that if it was the last thing you wanted to give me, it would be for me to be truly happy...Well, by moving on, I am-”


My body instinctively forces me forwards and eradicates the distance. I grab her face with my hands and press my lips to hers.


I know what I said...better than anyone else. I just want to be the one to make her happy.


Her hand cracks against the dead of the night as it slaps my face. Her eyes are jet black under the moonlight, but shining brightly with anger.


She backs away, but my hand reaches out to grasp for her. She tries to swat me away and vanish into the night.


I manage to keep a grip on her, but her eyes speak words that can't be vocalized.


“Hae-Yee, I want you to be happy,” I whisper into my knees. “I just want you to smile like you used to.”


“Then let me go, Myungsoo,” she says calmly.


I try to brush off the thought, but the words replay in my head.


“Let me go...”


“That would make you happy...?” I ask aloud. She doesn't answer, only nods. I let out an agonizing sigh to try and cover the sound of my shattering heart.




Her hand slips out of mine as she backs away a step. She stumbles back, surprised, but keeps a stern look on her face.


I can feel the tears cascading down my cheeks.


“Myungsoo,” she calls out as she slips away. I look up to see her flash me one last smile that lights up the universe.


“Thank you,” she whispers, then vanishes into thin air. I instinctively try to follow her once more, but I keep myself back.


If this is what will make her happy, I'll stay right here, and wait for her to be happy. Forever.


Giving her happiness is more meaningful to me than anything else in this world. I'll always be here for her...


But this is the end.


Dragon note!

Aish, it took me the longest time to write this >.< I'm sorry T-T

I'm really bad at sad genres lmao, so I hope it came out to your liking ;)

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoyed~ ♥

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amaaaaazing!<br />
I wrote a fic for this song too c': but I feel like you did a way better job <3 well done!
O.O<br />
I am stunned right here. Just absolutely stunned. I think we both got the exact same request! O.O You did a better job though hahaha. If you want to check it out here's the link:
What are you talking about you don't know how to write sad stuff? <br />
This was SAD. And amaaazing (:
Thanks guys! aha I know when I wrote it I was like :( don't go!!!! lolz
#5 sad... WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE LEAVE HIM?! WTF?! I would never leave him if he loved me that much!!! But nice story anyway. ^_^
-xminhye #6
It's really worth the wait ^-^<br />
KAMSA for the hard workk :DD<br />
Really sad and touching..<br />
U portrayed it well >.<<br />