Summer Camp

Nana's P.O.V

It was 4 in the morning. Everyone was asleep, then there was a loud alarm.. The fire alarm.. Again. I got up slowly with the others as we all fumbled about in the darkness looking for clothes. In the end we just gave up and put our underwear on and walked outside and stood in a line. We were the only ones who weren't dressed. Lizzy ran over quickly and whispered to me.

"Why aren't you dressed?" She sighed.

"Didn't have enough time.." I mumbled sleepily.

She tried to hide my body but she was a bit too short.

"We should be able to go back inside soon.." She said.

"You look weird just standing with your face almost in my s." I said, grinning slightly.

"It's because you're so tall.." She mumbled. "Maybe I like it here."

I giggled and patted her head. "Just move away before someone notices."

She went back to her line and I went to talk to the others.

"Nana, you missed all the fun!" Jooyeon said.

"I doubt anything is much fun with you." I said sarcastically.

"Grumpy." Jooyeon mumbled, flicking my head.

Jung-Ah came and told everyone to go back inside, but of course she took Kahi away with her. We all lay in our beds in the darkness.

"I don't see why Kahi just doesn't leave us and move into her room.." I said.

"She feels she has a responsibility to look after us." Jooyeon said. "But I don't see why, I can look after us."

"You? You can't even look after Donald." Uee snorted.

"Donald is a duck. That's why." Jooyeon said. "But anyway it's time there was an uprising. We're going to change the rules around here."

"Can't we just go back to sleep first?" I groaned.

The door opened and at first I thought it was Kahi but the figure was too small. Then I realised it was Lizzy.

"Unnie, I'm cold.." She mumbled, climbing up onto my bed.

"A hello would have been nice." I heard Jooyeon whisper loudly.

"Be quiet." Uee mumbled, I heard a slap and a whimper of pain.

I held Lizzy close and she was freezing.

"How did you get so cold?" I sighed, wrapping my arms and legs around her.

"I don't know.." She mumbled, resting her head against my chest. "P-Please keep me warm.."

"Do you have a cold or something?" I asked.

She shook her head. "But I don't see how you can sleep .. It's always so cold.."

"Just sleep.." I said.


Lizzy's P.O.V

Nana yawned loudly next to me, we were about to do cross country around the entire camp and everyone was really tired.

"At least you can run.." I said, sighing.

"..When did you see me run?" She asked.

"You ran away from me.. Then I fell in the lake.. Remember?" I looked up at her, holding onto her arm.

"Oh.. Yeah." She said, playing with my hair.

"I want you to get a good time in cross country so please don't wait for me." I said.

We gathered in a big crowd then set off. In the lead I saw Nana, Kahi, Uee and Kaeun. I ended up running with Jooyeon and E-Young.

"So since we're going to be running together for god knows how long let's all get to know each other more." Said Jooyeon.

"..But.. It's bad to talk whilst you're running.. You get out of breath quicker.." E-Young said quietly.

"You're planning to run the entire thing?" Jooyeon snorted. "Run ahead then because I'll be stopping soon."

E-Young nodded slowly. "I want to catch up to Kaeun.." Then she sped up and a few minutes later we saw her at the front.

"..Well then, I guess it's just me and you now." Jooyeon said, looking at me. "So Lizzy, how many times have you done it with Nana?"

"..I.. Uhhm.. I don't know.. I don't think I should tell you.." I mumbled shyly.

"A lot then. That's cool. Uee doesn't let me do more than kissing with her. She wants to save her innocence apparently." Jooyeon said. "She isn't really innocent though."

"Oh.. Well.. Uee seems like an innocent person.." I said.

Jooyeon shrugged. "She says she feels like she's a role model."

We ran in silence for a while, then we finally reached the end. By then we were both covered in mud and dirt from the countless times we'd slipped. Nana was waiting for us with Uee and Kahi.

"Did you fall?" She asked, giggling slightly.

I nodded. "..Is it really bad?"

"Yeah.. Did you faceplant too? It's all over your face. We need to get you cleaned up." She said, then she lead me away from the others quickly.

"Don't do her in the showers! We'll never forgive you!" Kahi yelled.

"Yah.. Kahi is stupid.. There are too many people in the showers.." Nana mumbled.

We walked to the showers and the room was full of girls covered in dirt. None of them were as bad as me though. We waited in line for quite a long time.

"Nana-ssi! This shower is free!" A voice yelled. It was Kaeun.

"Thanks Kaeun." Said Nana as we walked over to the shower.

Kaeun smiled and bowed then left. We entered the small cubicle and we both undressed.

"Unnie, we don't have any soap or-" I started.

"It's fine. Just use my shirt to get the dirt off." She said, then she handed me her shirt.

"..Are you sure? Will you be able to get it clean again?" I asked, looking up at her.

She nodded. "If the dirt doesn't come out I can just steal one of Jooyeon's shirts. She has like ten or something."

I started to wash the dirt off myself. It took a while but eventually I got it all off.

"Wait.. How are we supposed to get dry? We have nothing." I said.

"Uhhm.. Just.. Wear my stuff. I'll wear your stuff, I can just shower again later." She said.

"But your shirt is wet.." I mumbled.

"Then don't wear the shirt. Just stay close behind me so people don't stare." She said, helping me put the shorts on.

When we were both dressed (or half dressed in my situation) we came out of the shower, I stayed close to Nana but people still looked at us both weirdly. We made it back to my room.

"You can use my shower if you like." I said as I was drying myself off with a towel.

"I need to get my own clothes first." She said.

"Ani ani, it's fine, I can get them for you." I said. "Just tell me which ones."

"Uhm.. Just look in the wardrobe, all of the clothes in there are mine because the others were too lazy to unpack their suitcases." She said, then she went into the bathroom.

When I was dressed I went into the other room and looked for some clothes for Nana. Whilst I was looking, the others came in.

"Does Nana not have arms?" Kahi asked.

"She's in the shower. I said I'd get clothes for her.." I said.

After the others helped me find clothes that Nana liked I went back to my room and waited for her. I sat on my bed reading a magazine when I saw a familiar face on one of the adverts. It was a modelling advert and of course it would be Nana. She was always telling us all about how good she was at modelling. I heard the door unlock so I hid the magazine under my pillow. Nana came out with a towel wrapped around herself.

"You need to dry your hair or it's gonna go all weird." She said to me as she got dressed.

"My hairdryer is broken though.." I said.

"You can use mine then." She said, then she went into her room and came back a minute later with her hairdryer and straighteners. "I can make your hair look nice, they teach us at one of the places I go to."

Nana spent a while drying my hair and making it look nice.

"..Unnie, where do you live?" I asked.

"Seoul. Like.. Well it's hard to explain.. I'm somewhere in the Gangnam district." She said.

"Your family must be very rich.." I said, sighing.

"Where do you live?" She asked.

"Busan.. I live in a small house near the sea.. We get a lot of tourists from Seoul asking for directions." I said.

"I went to Busan once on a trip.. It's really pretty there. Maybe one day when I'm not busy I can come and visit." She said as she was straightening my hair.

"How would you get there though? It's quite a long drive.." I said, frowning.

"We have a private jet and two helicopters. It'd only take a few minutes." She said, giggling at my reaction.

"..Your family must be rich then if you have all that!" I gasped.

"Maybe you could come stay at my house some time. It's really nice." She said, patting my shoulders as she finished doing my hair. "All done."

"I could ask my parents if I could come to your house after this.. That's if your parents are okay with it." I said, looking up at her.

"I'm probably going to end up taking Jooyeon and Uee back, I think my parents are sending the limo to get us. They won't mind though, they'd probably be glad to meet someone new." She said, checking the time on her phone. "It's almost time for music, tell the teacher that.. Uhh.. I feel ill but I'll be in soon."

"Is that your excuse so you can do your hair?" I asked, giggling.

She nodded. "But if you say it, it's more believeable."


Jooyeon's P.O.V

Lizzy ran into our classroom and sat down next to me quickly before the teacher noticed.

"..Where's Nana?" I asked.

"She said she'll be here soon." Lizzy said.

The teacher started doing the register.

"Im Jinah? Is she here?" The teacher asked.

Lizzy stood up. "Jinah-ssi said she doesn't feel very well but she will be here soon."

"Thank you Sooyoung." Said the teacher, Lizzy sat back down again.

"Did you have to stand up?" Kahi snorted.

"That's what you're supposed to do.." Uee mumbled.

We were set a task of writing a song.

"I say we write something about Donald." I said loudly.

"You said you didn't even like Donald though!" Kahi yelled.

"We're in a ! It's hard to-" I started, but Uee hit my shoulder. "Shh!"

Nana ran in and sat down. "Did I miss anything?"

"No. We're writing a song about Donald." I said.

"No we're not." Uee said.

"Can we write one about me?" Kahi asked.

In the end we wrote a song about Kahi being a god with a minion called Donald whilst Uee was a slave.

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Chapter 4: now i got the shock of my life when Kahi went back to the room and saw Jooyeon and Uee making out, i thought something was going on bun never thought that they would do that lol
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 6: please update soon
Naliz1903 #3
Can i translate it as Vietnamese and post on wattpad!! I"ll appreciate it ^^!
Caris_Tang #4
Chapter 6: haha i love this fic but author aren't u a lil' over exaggerating nana's richness hahaha....but i still luv it <3
Chapter 5: seriously,jooyeon's character really funny.kahi too.
Chapter 4: all of them friggin