Summer Camp

Kahi's P.O.V

I woke up in someone's arms and I was confused at first because I thought I'd been kidnapped then someone thought I was cuddly. I tried to roll over but the person held me tightly. I looked down at the hands and realised it was Jung-Ah. I didn't remember how I got there, but I admit last night I was quite drunk.

I groaned loudly. "Let goooooooo..."

"But I don't want to.." Said Jung-Ah softly.

"I have to go back to my room.. The others will be worried.." I said, looking over at her.

"I thought you didn't care about anyone.. That's what you said last night." She said, playing with my hair.

"I wasn't thinking straight.. I'm the oldest, they'll be lost without me, and they might have done something horrible to Donald." I tried sitting up and I heard a sigh as she let go of me reluctantly.

"You'll come back later right?" She asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

I got out of the bed and dressed myself properly, kissed her goodbye then left. When I went into my room I found Nana, Jooyeon, Uee and Lizzy having some kind of gathering with the ducks.

"..What is going on?" I asked, frowning. "Why are you having a party without me?"

"Donald was squealing so we got him a friend." Said Jooyeon.

I watched as the two ducklings ran about after each other. I think only Jooyeon and Uee were properly interested because I saw Nana's hand rubbing Lizzy's thigh and Lizzy had a very red face.

"I think it's time Nana and Lizzy saved their duck from being kidnapped." I said then I picked up their duckling and ran away.

"NO! JERRY!" I heard Nana scream.

There was lots of footsteps and a "Nana I can't walk" but I kept running then I hid behind a building. After a few minutes Nana ran past, then stopped and looked around. She saw me and I started running again but she caught up quickly and took her duck back.

"God, you could have killed him!" She yelled.

I grinned. "It's just a duck Nana, jeez."

"I had to go alone though! Do you know how difficult that is?!" She sighed.

"Shouldn't have been feeling Lizzy up then or else she would have helped." I said, then we went back to our room were Jooyeon and Uee were sat with Donald.

"Where did Lizzy go?" Nana asked.

"She needed to go back to her room." Uee said. "She said she wanted you as soon as you came back and to leave Jerry here. We'll look after him."

Nana handed her duck to Uee and then left.

"They're at it again." I said, sitting on my bed.

"How do you know?" Jooyeon asked.

"Did you not notice Nana touching Lizzy? She was all over her." I said.

"Where did you get to last night anyway? We had marshmallows, we almost saved some because we thought you were gonna come back but you didn't." Jooyeon asked, then a grin appeared on her face. "Were you with her again?"

I nodded. "Where else did you think I would be?"

Jooyeon shrugged. "You could have been anywhere."

We were all quiet for a while until we heard loud moans from the next room.

"..Can't they just be quiet for once?" I groaned then I pounded my fist on the wall and yelled. "BE QUIET!"

There was silence again. I looked at Uee and saw she was quite bored.

"Go take the duck back." I said.

"No. You." She said.

I sighed and climbed off my bed, picked up Nana's and Lizzy's duck and went into Lizzy's room.

"Your duck." I said, putting it on the floor, then I left before any of them realised.

As soon as I entered my room I got the shock of my life when I saw Uee and Jooyeon making out.

"JEEZ, AS SOON AS I LEAVE THE BLOODY ROOM YOU START DOING THAT?!? I knew it. Friends with benefits." I said, then I left.

I walked around the lake for a while, then I felt someone stood behind me.

"You said you'd come back." It was Jung-Ah.

"I got distracted. I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

So she dragged me back to her room.


-this chapter is short, I know. I will work on something longer for the next chapter.-

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Chapter 4: now i got the shock of my life when Kahi went back to the room and saw Jooyeon and Uee making out, i thought something was going on bun never thought that they would do that lol
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 6: please update soon
Naliz1903 #3
Can i translate it as Vietnamese and post on wattpad!! I"ll appreciate it ^^!
Caris_Tang #4
Chapter 6: haha i love this fic but author aren't u a lil' over exaggerating nana's richness hahaha....but i still luv it <3
Chapter 5: seriously,jooyeon's character really funny.kahi too.
Chapter 4: all of them friggin