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Title: Fateful

Author: ilovesungyeollie

Pairing: MyungYeol

Genre: Romance, Angst


an. Wow. This is definitely the longest oneshot I’ve ever written O.O my oneshots are usually so short :’( but this time… its twice as long as my usual ones O: I guess this is what myungyeol does to you kekeke I love myungyeol<33

hope you all enjoy and comment :))))))) thanks so much for reading !


“Yeol!” Myungsoo called as he jogged to catch up with his best friend who was walking down a hallway in the law building where he studied. Hearing his name being called, Sungyeol stopped and turned around with a bright smile.

“Hey Soo, what are you doing here?” Sungyeol questioned. After all Myungsoo was studying business in preparation for taking over his company while Sungyeol was studying to become a lawyer and they were in two totally separate buildings on different sides of the university.

“I came to see my best friend of course.” Myungsoo replied with a dashing smile. Sungyeol’s smile faltered minutely and before anyone could notice, it was just as bright as before.

“Well now you see me. What’s up?” Sungyeol asked.

Myungsoo pouted slightly before saying, “Do I need a reason to see you?” Truthfully Myungsoo just missed seeing Sungyeol. It had been a few days since they saw each other, what with their busy schedules and despite texting each other every day, it just wasn’t the same as meeting face to face. Especially since Myungsoo’s heart just yearned to be next to Sungyeol all the time.

“Yes, seeing as I am a very busy law student with a very important exam coming up in two days.” Sungyeol replied with a straight face. In his mind however he was thinking something totally different. No you don’t need a reason Myungsoo. I would always be happy to see you.

Myungsoo dropped his head and sighed. He knew Sungyeol was very hard working since his parents pretty much used all their money to give him the best possible education in hopes of him having a good life in the future. Myungsoo turned and was about to leave when a hand stopped him by grabbing his forearm. Myungsoo looked up and saw Sungyeol smiling gently.

“It’s alright Soo. You can come see me anytime you want. I really do have an exam but then after that it will be holidays for me so we can do whatever you want.” Sungyeol told Myungsoo. Sungyeol never liked seeing Myungsoo with a sad face, it hurt his heart too much.

Myungsoo grinned and hugged Sungyeol quickly. “Okay then, good luck in your test Yeol.” He said before walking off.

Both boys left with a shy smile and a blush upon their faces.


Sungyeol flopped down onto the big fluffy bed with a sigh, eyes closed and a massive smile. It was finally holidays for him and what better way to spend it than to be lying on Myungsoo’s bed amidst the pillows which carried Myungsoo’s intoxicatingly sweet smell. Myungsoo walked in and grinned at the sight of Sungyeol before placing the drinks and snacks he carried, onto the coffee table in his room.

“So, what should we do?” Myungsoo asked. Sungyeol sat up on the bed and reached for a drink, sipping it.

“Hm… how about a movie? We haven’t had a nice relaxing night in ages.” Sungyeol said with a bright smile.

“Sounds good. Wha-“ Myungsoo replied but was cut short by his mother calling for him.

“Myungsoo! Come down now, there is something important we need to tell you.”

Myungsoo sighed and looked at Sungyeol apologetically. “I’ll be right back. Choose what movie you want to watch.”

Sungyeol nodded and went to sift through Myungsoo’s large DVD collection while Myungsoo walked to the living room where his parents were.


“Myungsoo-ah, sit down.” His mother gestured to Myungsoo to sit. Myungsoo obeyed and looked at his parents expectantly.

“Yes?” Myungsoo asked, confused as to what this could possibly be about.

“Well as you know, you are going to be the heir to our company.” His father began. “Running a company isn’t easy, especially one as big as ours. So it would be best to share the difficulties with someone else.”

“You’re at the age to be thinking of finding someone to settle down with as well.” His mother put in excitedly. Myungsoo blinked, puzzled.

“I found the best person for you as well, Myungsoo. You two would have the perfect marriage.” His mother continued.

“Wait. What? Marriage?” Myungsoo exclaimed in surprise. This was not what he was expecting.

“Yes, marriage.” His mother said firmly before moving on. “His name is Nam Woohyun and is heir to Nam Corporation. Not only will your marriage be a happy one, it will be perfect for the joining of our two corporations.”

Myungsoo gaped. Were his parents seriously trying to marry him off for a business agreement?!

“Hold on. First, I don’t want to get married yet. Second, how can my marriage with this guy be happy if we don’t love each other?” Myungsoo said. There was no way he was going to marry someone he didn’t even know. Especially when there was only one person he loved in this world and who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“Myungsoo, you’re in your twenties already and almost finished university. It is time to be thinking about your future. Love is not a problem. You will come to love each other as time passes.” Myungsoo’s mother said while his father nodded. Myungsoo sighed.

“No, you don’t understand. Okay fine, I will think about my future. But that doesn’t have to include marriage at this age. Also, just say I am going to marry someone. I already have someone I love and I won’t marry anyone but him.” Myungsoo said in frustration.

“Oh really? Who is it? Let me guess. That poor kid you call your best friend?” His mother scoffed. Myungsoo frowned. He couldn’t believe his parents was that materialistic.

“Just because he isn’t as well off as us, it doesn’t mean anything.” Myungsoo muttered.

“Well let me tell you this now. There is simply no way you and Sungyeol will ever be together. You will marry Nam Woohyun and that’s final.” His mother said icily before getting up and leaving. Myungsoo’s father nodded before following after his mother. Myungsoo flopped back into the couch and groaned in annoyance. This couldn’t be happening. Why did his parents have to be like this?


Sungyeol pouted as he sighed in impatience in Myungsoo’s room. He had found the DVD he wanted to watch already but Myungsoo was taking so long to return. With a huff, Sungyeol got up and decided to go find Myungsoo. Quietly he left the room and walked slowly to the living room. What he heard made him stop in his track in shock.

“…You will marry Nam Woohyun and that’s final.” Myungsoo’s mother was saying. Hearing that, I felt my heart drop and shatter. Marry? Myungsoo getting married? To someone else…

Then I heard footsteps which I assumed were Myungsoo’s parents leaving. Once I was sure they were both gone, I shuffled in and found Myungsoo lying on the couch with a frown. Sitting down slowly, I spoke softly.


Myungsoo sat up quickly with wide eyes. Sungyeol usually didn’t call him by his full name, which means he must have heard some of the conversation just then. How much did he hear though? He didn’t hear the part about him liking him, did he?

“Are you getting married?” Sungyeol asked slowly, feeling his heart hurting. Myungsoo sighed slightly in relief. If that was the first thing Sungyeol asked, it probably meant he didn’t know about Myungsoo’s feelings. Right?

“I didn’t know about it until just then. I really don’t want to though.” Myungsoo said quickly. If he still wanted a chance with Sungyeol, then he had to make sure the other didn’t get the wrong idea.

“I’ve heard of Nam Woohyun before. He is a really nice person apparently.” Sungyeol continued trying not to look too sad. What was he saying anyway? Was he trying to kill himself?

“No Sungyeol, I really don’t want to get married. I don’t even know him.” Myungsoo said hurriedly. He felt like he needed to explain himself to Sungyeol even though the other probably didn’t care who he liked or not.

“But your parents already decided right? It will be good for your company too right?” Sungyeol spoke with a small, pained smile.

“Yes, but-“ Myungsoo began but was cut off.

“I’m sorry Myungie, I need to go now. See you later.” Sungyeol said quickly before leaving in a hurry.

“Sungyeol!” Myungsoo called after him in vain. He didn’t understand what’s wrong with Sungyeol. Why did he leave just like that? Wait… it couldn’t be that Sungyeol also felt like that… could it? With this in mind, a small smile made its way to Myungsoo’s face.

Meanwhile, Sungyeol was trying to get as far from Myungsoo’s house as possible. His heart clenching painfully and he couldn’t take it. Myungsoo, the one he had loved for a long time, was getting married. To someone else. To someone who was so much better than him. Sungyeol wouldn’t stand a chance.

Stopping at a deserted park, Sungyeol slid onto a bench and dropped his head into his hands. Silently, tears fell and his shoulders shook as sobs wracked his body. It hurt a lot. To know that the one you loved was never going to be yours.


After Myungsoo had been standing in his living room with his head in the clouds, he had finally snapped out of it when he realised how Sungyeol must be feeling at the moment. Worriedly, he rushed to the door, wanting to go look for Sungyeol and explain everything. However when he was halfway down the driveway, a sleek black car pulled up, cutting him off. Three people st

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Chapter 1: Loving and possesive Myung and our delicate flower like Yeol is literally my life. I loved it!!! Ik its late commenting after 5 years but thx a lot for writing it Unnie. <3 Hope to see more infinite fics in future!
P.s: I also loved our understanding Hyunnie, hope is true love will be Kim Sunggyu ( god my woogyu heart...)
mitsospaoki #2
khasabat #3
Chapter 1: Awwww My myung so kind hahahahaha i love it!
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwww this is great its got angst but a happy ending too yay
sweetmagnollias #5
it's so good; like it isnt excessively fluffy or has too much drama either!
Chapter 1: My Myungyeol feels asdfghjklwetii freaking love it!! Good job author nim ^^
kimchoding91 #7
Chapter 1: is this the end?ㅠㅠ..i want more hehehehe..
myungsoo is a sweet guardian angel for yeoli..^^
RedCookies #8
Chapter 1: a sequel maybe??
i want to know how myungsoo's parents' reaction when they know that myungsoo still choose yeol and know about the nam's crime
are they also on it??

and ofc,i want to know with whom woohyun will.enf up ^^ *ofc it's gyu*