Chapter 1

Next Life


Chapter 1
I walked into a unfamiliar place . The houses and everything was normal of course  thats how almost every here is like. I was walking on the cement side walk - no I ended up walking on a cement side walk alone. The question was where was I going? Wait how did I even get here ? I seriously don't remember walking on such streets- I mean not that the street is bad.. well its not that bad ,but I've seen better. 
Anyways it getting dark  and I have no idea where I'm going. I'm so tired , my feet hurts , my head hurts , I don't even know where I'm going . I'm lost...*sighs* Baekhyun why are you so dumb?... Wait did I say I was just dumb?.. No I'm not I where I'm going. I'm pretty sure I know where I'm just turn this way and continue walking that way....I need to find somewhere where I can rest for the night. The night is kinda of creeping me out plus I don't even know where I am . Theres just so many scary things out there in the dar- Hey! I know what your thinking I'm  afraid of the dark! I'm not afraid! I just need a place to rest. Its not safe walking around at night...
I've been walking around for while now . Passing houses by houses not knowing which one to chose. Who am I gonna ask ? I know it sounds stupid ,but I really need to find some where to stay for the night. I can't just knock on someone's door and go 'Hey I'm lost . Scoot over I'm gonna sleep with you to night .' I would probably get a punch to the gut if I did. What do I do? It's going to be so awkward. Just imagine that person's face if I said anything like that. Good job Baekhyun for not having a good sense of direction. Good job for being stupid. I know ,why  not just check out an hotel? Oh yeah theres not one around dummy. Why not use your phone to call the Exo members? Oh it's dead . 
" What am I gonna do?.." I looked around figuring out who's house I was going to knock on. I finally walked to an okay ish looking house. I fixed my posture an knocked. *Knock Knock*
No one opened the door... Gosh it like asking a girl out and getting rejected before I even said anything. *sighs* I walked away going to the other houses . I continued and walked to another simple neat looking house and knocked . No answer...without thinking my hand touched the door knob and twisted it . The door opened with out me even trying. I stepped inside looking around the house it was clean and neat *cough* better than some of the exo hyung's rooms*cough* . Wait.. Baekhyun .. You can't do this .. you can't barge into someone's house with out permission .. They'll call the cops on you. But.. I have no choice its either sleep on the cold street or on someones couch ... I walked to the kitchen ,the hall way and looked around no ones here . That's odd.. The owners not home. I sat down on a couch . I'm tired ..I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes and l leave before.. I closed my eyes. *Door opens*   I gasped ' Oh Crap!!'  I frozed in my spot .  A girl wearing uniform clothes with long hair walked into the room taking off her shoes. She was walking towards me with a sad tired expression and walked past me.  " I-I'm sorry! " I stuttered out dumbly not knowing what to say. She frozed she turned and looked around with a scared look she turned her head around looking all around her. What's wrong with her?..." I'm sorry-..." 
" AHHHH!" she screamed running into the hall way opening a door she ran in and slammed the door shut.
I can hear her breathing heavily even though the door is  closed. " What's wrong with this girl?... Maybe she thought I was a robber ,but couldn't see me in the dark."
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