
Suppose to be...

It was supposed to be a fun day.

Then they came.

We were sitting as a group playing some board games when I heard the door bust open. When I saw the guy in the hockey mask my body moved before my brain caught up with it and I was fighting the intruder. His weapon of choice was a knife, after scuffling with him I had him in a head lock. I screamed out in pain as he stabbed my arm with the knife. In one swift motion and a nauseating crack the intruder’s neck was broken and he lay dead on the floor. What I didn’t know was that there were two of them. I didn’t know he was there until I turned around and felt a pain in my stomach.

I didn’t hear my name being screamed by my friends as I was stabbed. I went deaf for that split second as blood started to trickle down the corner of my mouth, but my sight was still intact as I watched YongGuk fighting the last intruder. I suddenly felt myself falling, but I never made it to the ground. I looked up to see Himchan had me leaning against him, sitting at an angle so that the hilt was not touching anything, as he stared wide eyed at the knife sticking out where my belly button should be. I saw his hand move to the hilt.

“Don’t. Don’t touch it.” I said. Himchan looked at me confused. “If you pull it out… I will die faster.” I said in two breaths as blood kept oozing out of my mouth and stomach. His eyes widened then looked up to YongGuk who was being pulled off the second intruder by YoungJae and JongUp, the intruder didn’t move.

It finally registered to me that I could hear someone crying. The crying was coming from my left, I looked to see Zelo. I couldn’t understand what he was saying except my name. I want to reach my hand out to him but as I did this he seemed to move away from me without actually moving, then I felt the arms that where holding me. I saw Daehyun help Zelo get up off the ground as the person who was carrying me started to turn towards the door. He walked out to his car and stopped by the door right as Himchan got to the door and opened it. The person holding me climbed in the back seat as everyone else got in. I was leaning against YongGuk and saw Zelo in the passenger seat as Himchan got in the driver’s seat. Deahyung had my legs in his lap while YoungJae and JongUp was in the back peering over the seat.

There were words but I couldn’t understand what they meant. I was suddenly surrounded by darkness when I heard someone scream my name. It was more than one person now and the blackness started to become static, like the T.V. when it losses signal. The darkness left as I saw YongGuk looking at me saying something that I couldn’t hear.

Taking a deep breath I said “Call… my mom.” With as much energy as I could muster as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I wanted her to know what was going on because she was the only family I had left. Deahyun grabbed my phone and after a second of looking at it he placed it to his ear. I didn’t hear was said, I started to feel cold. I knew that that was a bad sign and turned my head to look at Zelo, he was still crying. I stretched out my bloodied left hand to him; he took my hand in a very strong grip with both of his hands. His eyes got wide as he looked to Himchan and then to the the back at everyone else. The only word I could read off his lips was  cold. YongGuk hugged me to him, Himchan had the steering wheel in a death grip and he slammed on the gas.

I touched YongGuks cheek as I whispered "I love you... always have" in two weak breaths. He kissed my forhead as he whispered back "I know. I love you too." My hand on his cheek felt wet all of a sudden, not sure if it was the blood on my hands I looked up to see tears falling from his eyes. "Stay with me." Not having the strength to speak I just nodded, but even that simple movement was too much.

The last thing I remember was suddenly being carried by someone who was running, and then a shout of “Somebody Help Me!” as the cold darkness wrapped its fingers around me. 


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okay, eh, loved it? let me know <3 ^_^

(edited, hopfully it makes more sense now)

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Chapter 1: it so sad :( so beautiful
spartace #2
Chapter 1: omg love love love love it D; so sad yet beautifully written.

sdkhjasdjhw i can't. it's short but so amazing even at the end.
Chapter 1: It's good.. I actually cried... It's flooding here *Trying to breathe
waiting for an update here LOL