
The Ghostwriter



“For me dancing means flying. Who hadn’t dreamed of being able to fly as a little child? I was always curious how the world would look like if I was flying over the wide fields of my home country. Being able to feel that freedom.

Unfortunately I will never be able to experience this without any technical support. Dancing gives me the possibility to at least understand a little bit how this freedom would feel like. With every step, with every turn I feel myself becoming weightless and suddenly I feel like a child once more, finally being able to fly.”

 “The definition of dancing”  



“Hae, would you please, please stop pacing around? You’re doing this for an hour already, although the fan signing won’t start until another hour.”

Sungmin looked at his best friend in annoyance, who either hadn’t heard him, or simply ignored him. “Come on, you look ridiculous! It’s only a fan signing! And he isn’t even some famous idol, he’s just some guy writing about how much he loves dancing. Even you are more of a celebrity than he is.”

Donghae stopped his walk to nowhere and snorted. “You don’t understand this hyung. This guy as you call him is basically my soul mate. No one has ever understood how I feel about dancing, and suddenly I read two lines, written by Choi Siwon, and it feels like he has written down what I’m feeling inside my heart.”

“That’s so cheesy…” Sungmin murmured, while shifting his weight from his right leg to the left. He hated standing around pointlessly, and there was no way to convince the young man that he was doing anything else at that moment. “Seriously, when does this guy decide to show his stupid face, I already lost my patience an hour ago!”

“I know…” Donghae mumbled, although he honestly didn’t really care. This was the chance to meet the one person who seemed to be… connected to him. He may never met Siwon before, but he definitely knew they were meant to be.

“Just endure it a little bit longer, alright hyung? I’ll even go with you to this terrible ‘Hello Kitty’-restaurant as a reward!”

Sungmin’s face immediately lightened up as he jumped excitedly. “Really? You know I badly want to go there, but no one ever agrees to come with me…”

“Of course no one does…” Donghae mumbled. “It’s a damn Hello Kitty restaurant – it’s even too embarrassing for girls to eat there.”

His best friend glared at him. “Don’t you dare insult Hello Kitty. It’s adorable, and so cute~

“It’s pink.” Donghae said as matter of fact, a disgusted look on his face.

“I know…” Sungmin said dreamingly, obviously caught up in his own world.

They stood there quietly for the next few minutes, both lost in their own thoughts.

“Donghae, I want strawberry ice cream!” Sungmin suddenly exclaimed.

“Why?” the younger male said in confusion? “Since when is strawberry your favorite flavor?” And where the hell should I find an ice cream parlor now?

“It isn’t, but it’s the only food I can think of which is pink. And I really want to eat something pink now.”

Donghae shook his head and sighed. “Why are you even my friend?” he asked while placing his bag with his personal exemplar of ‘The definition of dancing’ by Choi Siwon on the floor.

“Because you love me and I’m currently waiting here with you.” Sungmin smiled.

“Alright, alright, I’ll try to get some ice cream. I can’t promise anything though, since there aren’t many people who suddenly crave for ice cream – at the end of September!”


Exceeding the building the fan signing took place in, Donghae walked through the streets quickly to find an ice cream parlor. He was close to giving up when he finally saw the sign of a café which sold ice cream as well and was open. Checking the time he had left until the begin of the event (about forty minutes) he quickly ran towards the café and rushed inside. Panting heavily he ordered a cub with strawberry ice cream for Sungmin, and one with vanilla for himself.


“You like strawberry as well?” a voice from behind him suddenly spoke up.

Startled by the unexpected question Donghae turned around, just to find himself face to face with a rather good looking stranger. Bright red hair almost completely covered warm brown eyes, and puffy lips and a strong jawline completed the handsome face.

Raising his eyebrows Donghae looked down on the cub with pink ice cream and back to the stranger, who had ordered strawberry flavored ice cream as well.

“Actually not.” Donghae answered, somehow feeling the strange need to apologize. “You could say it’s a reward for my friend.”

“Oh, really?” the stranger said, seemingly not intending to leave Donghae’s side anytime soon. The walked out of the café together, and neither of them commented on how the redhead simply continued walking next to Donghae. The latter thought that the other guy was kind of weird… but he didn’t seem like a psychotic serial killer, so he just let him accompany him.

And like previously said, this guy was really good looking.

“So why do you have to give your friend ice cream as a reward? Or shouldn’t I ask?”

You should tell me your name first. Donghae though, a little bit amused about the other male’s strange behavior. And your cellphone number.

“It’s actually quite simple. I forced him to come with me to the fan signing of Choi Siwon, and he demanded strawberry ice cream as a reward.”

“You’re attending the fan signing?” the redhead said surprised. “Are you a fan of Choi Siwon?”

“Yes.” Donghae answered, caught off guard by the response of the other. “Or rather a fan of his book ‘The definition of dancing’. Every time I read something which is written in there, it feels as if he simply wrote down the exact emotions I’m feeling when I’m dancing.” Donghae smiled while dreamingly watching the ice cream melting inside the two cubs. “It’s like he’s my soul mate, and yes, I know this sounds cheesy.”

The stranger raised his hands in a defensive manner and laughed. “I didn’t say anything. Though you’re right, it does sound cheesy.” He grinned widely, and Donghae decided that he had never seen something as cute as this gummy smile.

“So you dance too?” the redhead asked. “Since you said that you have experienced those emotions Choi Siwon describes in his book.”

Donghae nodded. “Yes, I’m dancing since I was a little child. I even made dancing my profession.”

“Really? That’s amazing!” the other said. “I think people who are able to turn their passion into their work are really admirable. What do you work as?”

“I’m a dancing instructor.” the shorter of them said proudly. “And I’m also a choreographer. I’m working together with some of the idol groups.”

The other looked at him with wide eyes. “You’re basically living the life I’ve always dreamed of.”

“Do you dance as well?” Donghae asked interested. He didn’t know how he could talk so easily with a stranger who hadn’t even told him his name yet. Somehow it felt as if they hadn’t just met about fifteen minutes ago, but had known each other for years. He simply felt comfortable walking next to the other.

“Yes, just like you I’ve basically danced my whole life. Unfortunately my family is poor, so I needed to choose a reasonable profession.”

“Do you regret it?” Donghae asked, noticing too late how imitate this question was. “I’m sorry, if you don’t want to answer the question, I wouldn’t mind it at all, it’s just…”

“No, no, it’s okay.” The other smiled. “At the beginning I regretted it every single day. Now… sometimes I imagine how my life would have gone different if I’d followed my dream despite my parent’s will. Though, I could help my parents a lot with their financial situation, and because of the money I’m earing now, I can still dance in my leisure time. So it’s alright I think.”

Donghae nodded, silently watching the stranger from the side. He was really impressed by the other’s words. He himself knew a whole bunch of people who would have either ignored their parents and would have ended up with nothing, or who would have forgotten about their passion, for example the passion for dancing, and just lived their life like their parents wanted them to do. But this guy had not only helped his family but still remembered his former dreams.


“Here we are…” the redhead suddenly said, and Donghae realized surprised that the other was right. He hadn’t even noticed how much time had passed while they were walking back to the hall where the fan signing took place. Panicking for a second, Donghae quickly looked at his watch and breathed out in relief as he realized that he still had almost half an hour left. However there wasn’t much of the ice cream left, since the warmth of his hands made it melt during the past twenty minutes.

“Well… I’ll try to convince my friend that this” Donghae raised his cub with the pinkish once-ice-cream-now-soup “is an appropriate reward for him ditching his boyfriend today.”

He smiled kind of awkwardly at the stranger, since he didn’t really know what he was supposed to do. Asking him for his number? Giving him his own number? Just telling him goodbye?

“What’s your name, by the way?” the taller suddenly asked, looking expectantly at him.

“Huh? Donghae, Lee Donghae. And you–“

“Well, good luck then, Donghae.” the redhead smiled. “See you soon!” He waved at Donghae while smiling sheepishly and simply walked away. Dumbfounded the latter stared at the stranger’s back-

See you soon? He didn’t even tell me his name! Donghae thought and shook his head. Maybe it was better like this. The black haired man continued staring at the redhead, and with a quick glance took in the other’s whole appearance. Even though the stranger wore a thick jacket, everyone would be able to see that he was well built. The tight, black jeans didn’t hide anything though.

Damn it, I should have asked for his number.




“All life long, somebody is telling us what to do. It starts right after our birth with our parents, who educate as the way they think it’s the best for us. Then we get into kindergarten, where we need to follow the orders of adults we’ve never seen before, and a schedule who tells out for example when and what we are eating. With attending the school our life is basically entirely planned by someone else. For seemingly countless years we’ll have to follow rules, get forced to structure or whole life, the leisure time as well, not like we want to but how someone else has decided it to be the best way. Later it is your boss at your workplace, the boss of the company, the government and the law.

Sport is one of the few things which aren’t included into this system of complete control through rules and restrictions. I’ve found my personal freedom, the possibility to do whatever I want to, in dancing.

No one can tell you the right way to dance, simply because there is no right way. Everyone dances differently, everyone displays his individuality in the way he or she moves. I’ve been kicked out of quite a lot of dancing classes, only because the teacher didn’t like the was I was dancing and interpreting the song. But this is one of the main reasons I love dancing. It’s impossible to dance bad, or wrong. Everyone has his own dancing style, and no one has the right to judge or criticize those different styles.

Dancing means personal freedom, since you can’t do anything wrong as long as you just dance the way you want to.”

 “The definition of dancing”   



“What took you so long?” Sungmin asked, only half as annoyed as Donghae had expected. “Do you know how difficult it is to find an ice cream parlor at this time of the year? And besides… I’ve met someone interesting.”

Sungmin stopped staring disappointedly at the cub with the former ice cream in it, and looked up curiously. “Do you have his number?”

“No.” Donghae admitted, feeling stupid once more.

“God Donghae, you’re such a fail!” Sungmin shook his head. “Didn’t I teach you anything? You know, I got Kyu’s cellphone number–“

“After thirty seconds, I know hyung!” Donghae rolled his eyes. “But that’s because this brat was already in love with you for two years.”

Sungmin sighed dreamily. “He was so cute back then… doing everything I demanded… He’s becoming a little bit too confident lately, maybe I should pay a little more attention to my friends.” The older male shot his friend a quick glance. “Hey Hae, why don’t we ­–“

“Forget it!” Donghae immediately cut off the other. “I’m not willing to die through the hands of your evil boyfriend, and I don’t have time for that either. There is–“

He stopped for a second before suddenly starting to jump excitedly.


Sungmin just sighed, while Donghae had officially lost the ability to stand still. Holding tightly on his precious book, he bit his lip whenever the line would stop going forward. And even though he didn’t want to admit it, Sungmin was now getting excited as well.


“Well, at least he’s handsome.” Sungmin mumbled, as they were finally getting near the end of the line and were able to get a full look of Choi Siwon. The good looking writer smiled warmly at every fan and signed every book which was handed over to him.

“Yes, he’s really handsome.” Donghae agreed, his eyes never leaving Siwon. This was the man who had wrote the words he treasured so much. “Though, he’s actually not my ideal type. But looks don’t count, just the personality. And judged by the way he’s writing, he’s absolutely perfect.”

Sungmin seemed to decide not to answer to this statement, and they were silent until Donghae finally stood in front of the man he considered as his other half.

“Hello, thank you for coming.” the tall man said, smiling at Donghae while opening the latter’s exemplar of his book. “Wow, this looks like you read it a lot. What’s your name?”

“Lee D-Donghae.” he answered nervously, returning the smile shyly.

“Lee Donghae?” Siwon asked in a curious tone and looked up. “I think… wait a moment, yes?”

“Ehm… okay?” Donghae answered hesitantly, not really sure what to make of the current situation. Did Siwon know him? The latter was an expert of everything which included dancing, so it wasn’t impossible for him to know a choreographer and dancer.

“Eunhyuk hyung!” the man in front of him suddenly shouted, his eyes searching for someone behind him. After a few seconds the group of staffs was dividing, and revealed a face Donghae remembered a little bit too well than he should.

“Yes?” the redhead said, looking quite bored. Though, his eyes seemed to light up immediately as he saw Donghae. “Oh, look at this. We meet again.”

Eunhyuk – at least Donghae could now combine a name with the face – laughed and spoke a few quick words with a scary looking guy next to Siwon. Then he smiled at Donghae and mentioned for him to follow him.

“Let’s go. You can come backstage with me.”

Not believing those words, Donghae stared at the man in front of him without moving an inch. But before he could even open his mouth to reply, Sungmin grabbed his arm firmly and dragged him towards Eunhyuk.

“I’m his friend, so I can come as well, right?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in excitement.

“Sure.” Eunhyuk grinned. “The strawberry ice cream guy, right? Let’s go before too many other fans realize what’s going on.”

Sungmin nodded and continued dragging his quietly complaining friend towards the redhead, as suddenly a pretty girl appeared next to Donghae, instantly clinging on his other arm.

“I’m his girlfriend, so of course you’ll let me come along as well, right?” she asked, smiling widely at Eunhyuk. The latter stared at her in confusion, while Sungmin merely snorted. “I think I would know if my gay best friend suddenly decided that he should settle for a girlfriend.”

Donghae blushed furiously when the girl let go of him immediately and Eunhyuk gave him a strange look. He wasn’t ashamed by his uality, but it was still embarrassing to be exposed like this. Before any other fan could try to sneak in as well, Donghae and Sungmin were let in the separated area at the back of the hall the fan signing took place in. They passed by a few very busy acting staff members… and a lot of bored looking ones.

“Fan signings aren’t exactly exciting.” Eunhyuk explained as they came across a group of men who were apparently testing who could last the longest without blinking. “Especially for Siwon it’s mostly tiring. On the other hand –“ he looked back and threw a wide gummy-smile at Donghae. “Of course we need to treat his fans nicely, right?”

Donghae, still too overwhelmed by the sudden change of happenings (and by the embarrassment), only nodded.

“You seemed really honest about your admiration for Siwon, so I decided to give you this chance to meet him personally.” Eunhyuk said nonchalantly. “The fan signing will take probably only about another half an hour, since Siwon has an important meeting afterwards. You can wait in Siwon’s room, and don’t worry: you won’t be alone.”

“Of course not, we are in pairs.” Donghae said, closing his mouth quickly as he realized how rude he had sounded.

Eunhyuk didn’t seem to take it too seriously though, and merely laughed. “How stupid of me. Well, but besides the obvious fact that you two are here together, I’ll stay with you as well.”

“Don’t you need to help Siwon?” the black haired dancer asked, and glared at his best friend after receiving a quite painful hit in his side. Sungmin only rolled his eyes and murmured a frustrated ‘so stupid’. Confused about the other’s weird behavior, Donghae wanted to ask the older what was wrong, but Eunhyuk already answered his question.

“I think Siwon is grown-up enough to smile sweetly, look handsome and sign some books.” Eunhyuk smiled before winking at the shorter man. “Besides, I still need your cellphone number.”

Sungmin burst out in laugher, while Donghae blushed for the second time.




“Looking around, I can’t help but feel angry and sad at the same time because of how fake the majority of people are. So many people fake emotions and sometimes even built their whole life on a lie – just to adapt themselves on the rules society is arranging. So what if I don’t follow the average? Someone please tell my why exactly I can’t live my life the way I want to!

Some of you may wonder how this is related to dancing. Because of many incidents I learned the hard way that you can’t simply trust the words of anyone, so I often tend to base my first impression of people on the way their dancing. It’s impossible to fake the emotions you’re feeling while you’re dancing. The way you move, the kind of steps you choose, all of this displays your true feelings. Even if you try to dance happily although your sad inwardly, people around you will sense that something is off.”

 “The definition of dancing”


The tension between Donghae and Eunhyuk, which had been painfully obvious during the first ten minutes, had completely disappeared. Donghae was currently laughing loudly at a ‘behind the scenes’ story Eunhyuk had told him. Once more he realized that being around the redhead was surprisingly easy. They had a lot in common, apart their obsession with dancing. It was rare that Donghae found someone who would listen to him talking about dancing the whole time, but Eunhyuk seemed to enjoy their conservation just as much as he did. In fact, the taller man often threw in intelligent comments, proving to Donghae that he had found someone else who understand just how much dancing meant to him – beside himself and Siwon.


“How did you end up as Siwon’s manager?” Donghae asked curiously. “I thought your parents wanted you to study something… decent and profitable.”

“Well, it isn’t really like my current job isn’t profitable.” Eunhyuk smiled cheekily. “I know Siwon for a few years already. We attended the same lecture in university and somehow it ended here.”

Donghae smiled dreamily. “It must have been amazing for you to meet someone who knows so much about dancing and feels just the way we do. Especially since he can put these feelings into words so perfectly.”

Something about Eunhyuks smile seemed to be a little bit off, as he nodded. “Yes, of course it was.”

“I think we should practice together one time.” Donghae suggested, his eyes sparkling in excitement. “All three of us.”

The other looked at him in surprise. “You want me to practice with you as well?”

“Of course! You’re a great guy, and I’m sure you dance amazingly.”

“Wow, now I feel flattered. I bet I’m blushing, right?” Eunhyuk chuckled.

Donghae blushed. “Shut up.”

Eunhyuk laughed, though he seemed to be sincerely happy about the other’s words. However, suddenly he stopped laughing and threw a serious look at Donghae.

“There’s one thing we need to clarify.”

Completely confused, Donghae returned the look questioningly.

“I’m saying this only this single time, and just to make this clear: there’s no way to discuss this topic. It’s a fact and nothing less, no exceptions.”

“Okay, now I’m really curious.” Donghae laughed nervously.

Eunhyuk took a deep breath.

“No matter if we are talking about ice cream or any other food: strawberry will always be on top. Always.”



“No need to give me that look!” Eunhyuk defended himself. “I’m just speaking out the truth.”

“Are you some kind of addicted?” Donghae asked, hiding his amusement behind a serious expression.

“… Saying it this way makes it sound bad in some way.” Eunhyuk murmured.

Unable to hold his laugher back any longer, Donghae shook his head. “In some weird way you’re really cute, you know?” he smiled.

This time it was at Eunhyuk to blush lightly, showing that he wasn’t all so confident as he pretended to be.

“Well, I–“ he said, but was interrupted almost immediately as the door suddenly opened. A tired looking Siwon entered the room, making Donghae jump on his feet and bow respectfully. Sensing the sudden change of the atmosphere, Sungmin (who had ignored the other two men the whole time), looked up. Raising his eyebrows he looked back and forth between Donghae (who’s eyes were glued on Siwon) and Eunhyuk (who’s eyes were glued on Donghae).

This smelled like trouble.


“Well” Eunhyuk suddenly exclaimed, obviously feeling uncomfortable. “Sungmin, why don’t we get something to drink? You guys–“ he waved at Donghae and Siwon “you can talk about dancing or something like that. See you.”

The redhead almost ran out of the room, dragging an overstrained Sungmin with him.

Donghae clenched his fists nervously as he stared at the man he had idolized for almost a year now. This was his chance! They could talk about dancing for hours, and maybe Siwon would even like the idea of practicing together…

“Do you believe in God?”

Staring at the man in front of him, Donghae wasn’t sure if he had only imagined this words… or not.

“I’m sorry?” he asked in confusion.

“Do you believe in God?” Siwon repeated. “You’re Christian, aren’t you? Do you attend the service frequently?”

Okay, what. the. hell???




“I still can’t believe that he really asked you if you go to church frequently!” Sungmin laughed, shaking his head at the memory.

“It was more than two weeks ago, don’t you get bored with repeating the same thing over and over again? Every day?” Donghae asked amused, staring at his cellphone while replying to a text message.

“No.” Sungmin answered simply, shrugging his shoulders. “I just think it’s funny that you were more than just obsessed with Choi Siwon until you met him – and now you get nervous if your dear Hyukkie doesn’t reply to your text messages quickly enough!”

Donghae blushed, especially since his cellphone vibrated right at this moment, signaling that he had received another message of Eunhyuk.

“It’s not like that.” he mumbled, embarrassed by his own reaction. “We’re just good friends.”

Sungmin scoffed. “Hae, we both know you’re a terrible liar, so don’t even try it, okay? You only know Eunhyuk for two weeks, and you’re already spending more time with him than with me!”

“He’s just fun to be around with!” Donghae tried to defend himself. “And he knows a lot about dancing! Besides, I’m not even sure if he’s gay.”

“Oh, please. I’ve caught him staring at your a few times too often to really be in doubt about that. But does that mean that you did think about being together with him?” Sungmin immediately asked, smirking at his friends helpless face.

“W-well… maybe I thought about it for a second… Stop grinning and don’t you dare to tell my ‘I told you so’!!” Donghae sighed. “But I just can’t stop wondering if I could find the writer of ‘the definition of dancing’ somewhere in Siwon. He’s… not really the type of guy I would fall for–“

“Of course not, his hair isn’t red~” Sungmin laughed, but Donghae decided to ignore his best friend.

“Like I said, he may not be my ideal type, but he still wrote this book. And I was – I am completely sure that the author of this book is my soul mate!”

“A book isn’t the most perfect basis of a relationship, you know? That’s as if you marry a singer just because of this one song he sang.” Sungmin said worriedly. “If I were you, I’d try to make this thing with Eunhyuk work. He’s a really nice guy, and everyone can see that he likes you a lot.”

Donghae nodded slowly, his face still displaying his inner conflict. Although the idea had been silly from the very beginning, he had always pictured himself next to Siwon for almost a year now. Not only because of the way he was writing, but also because he was handsome, responsible and all in all perfect.

But now it seemed as if Donghae suddenly didn’t want perfection any more.

Before he could answer Sungmin, another text message of Eunhyuk arrived. The black-haired man gave his friend an apologetic look, before unlocking his cellphone.


Oct. 15, 2:37pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

Don’t you think that just because it’s your birthday I’ll agree with it! We’ve been there three times already, and it’s always the same!


Oct. 15, 2:37pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

But it’s fun!! *-*

(And of course you’ll agree because it’s my birthday!)


Oct. 15, 2:39pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

Don’t use your puppy eyes, its useless while texting.

Can’t we watch a movie instead? I swear, I know every damn fish’s name at that aquarium by heart already!


Oct. 15, 2:41pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

Language, Hyukkie!^^

So you want to watch this new horror movie? Everyone’s talking about it! ;)


Oct. 15, 2:41pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

I HATE horror movies

And you know that!


Oct. 15, 2:42pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

Of course I do :p

So aquarium is it? :D


Oct. 15, 2:43pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

Wait, what?


How the hell did we end up with visiting that place again?!


Oct. 15, 2:46pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

Because I always get what I want^^

Can you pick me up at 4pm?


Oct. 15, 2:50pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

… Err… about that.

I’m sorry, but we’ll have to go tomorrow. I have an important meeting this evening.

Sorry. T.T


Oct. 15, 2:56pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

Sungmin was being a , so it took a bit longer to reply…


My birthday, my evening! Tell those guys that you broke your leg or something like that!


Oct. 15, 2:57pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

Sungmin is there? Greetings from me ;)

I can’t, They’ve already seen me. Besides, the meeting is really important so I can’t just miss it.

P.S.: Don’t call me monkey!


Oct. 15, 2:57pm

From: Lee Donghae

To: Lee Eunhyuk

Sungmin says hi too :)

I can’t believe you ditch me, Lee Eunhyuk!

P.S.: But you look like one!


Oct. 15, 3:00pm

From: Lee Eunhyuk

To: Lee Donghae

Sorry… I’ll make it up to you, pinky promise ;)



Donghae sighed and put his cellphone back into the pocket of his jacket. Sungmin, who was observing him carefully immediately noticed the sudden mood change of his friend.

“What’s up?” he asked curiously. “Is something wrong?”

The younger male bit his lower lip and shrugged. “Eunhyuk just wrote me that he won’t be able to make it this evening, since he has an important meeting he has to attend.”

Sungmin frowned. “That’s unfortunate… But I may have an idea what you can do instead!”

Raising his eyebrows, Donghae looked at his friend skeptically. “And what does that mean…?” he asked slowly.

“It means that I’ve made some phone calls – mostly with Eunhyuk – and you could attend the dance practice of the author of ‘The definition of dancing’ at four thirty.”

Donghae’s face suddenly brightened, as a wide smile stretched his lips. “I’ll see Siwon dancing? That’s amazing Min, thank you so much!” Said man let out a helpless squeak as he was suddenly trapped in Donghae’s embrace.

“It’s going to be so awesome! And maybe I’ll finally realize what exactly I want.” The younger said in a dreaming voice.

“I think so.” Sungmin said, smiling lightly.




Donghae bowed politely to the woman who had showed him the way to the dancing room, the practice room of Choi Siwon. Staring at the closed door, he could already feel the floor vibrate because of the bass of the loud music from inside the room. He automatically smiled as he recognized his favorite song.

So they liked the same music as well.

For a second he didn’t know what to do. On one hand he really wanted to get closer to Siwon, since he admired the latter a lot. On the other hand… there was Eunhyuk. Although he had said to Sungmin that he considered the redhead as nothing than a good friend, Donghae had to admit that he was practically the incarnation of his ideal type. Even character traits he had always hated on other persons, he could suddenly accept them on Eunhyuk. Like the other’s greediness. Though, Siwon had once told him that it seemed as if Eunhyuk spent much more money on Donghae than on anyone else of his friends.

So maybe the other did like him more than a friend. Should he give up on Siwon then? Should he try to forget a year of being completely obsessed with the handsome writer? It probably seemed stupid to be so infatuated with someone just because of a book, but he had found himself within those words. Never before had he felt so… understood.

But was that enough?

He didn’t really know what to make of the real Choi Siwon. They had met two more times, but there wasn’t really something they could talk about. Surprisingly Siwon didn’t want to talk about dancing, so they mostly talked about religion and politics.

Needless to say that he liked the aquarium ‘dates’ with Eunhyuk much more.

Although he had to pay for their ice cream.

Every. Time.




“If you want ice cream, you have to buy it yourself!”

“But you invited me!”

“Yeah, but the invitation didn’t include ice cream.”

“Alright, I’ll buy it myself, but this means you’re still an old cheapskate!”

“Whatever. Can you buy me one too?”

“What?? You just told me I have to buy it myself!”

“Well, if you buy ice cream anyways, you can buy one for me as well, right?”



“What flavor do you want?”

“You still need to ask?”

“Strawberry is it then.”


flashback end


Eunhyuk had paid for the strawberry cake himself though.

… This guy had a serious strawberry-problem!


Taking a last deep breath, Donghae opened the door. He would simply decide about this after the dancing practice. Maybe he would discover a completely different side of Siwon today.

There was only one person inside the room: a man dancing effortlessly to the fast music. Before Donghae could say hello, the man stopped dancing and turned around. Suddenly the music seemed to disappear in the background as he stared at the dancer’s face.

“They thought the book sells better with his face on the cover.”

With those words the man walked towards the surprised Donghae. “I’m really sorry for lying to you… or rather not telling you about the truth. I’ve never directly lied to you, I swear.”

The redhead smiled apologetically and reached out for the shorter male. “I would really love to dance with you, you know? I actually waited for it since we’ve met each other.”

Donghae, still in a confused daze, blushed lightly, but accepted the offer nonetheless.



“Long story short: dancing is honest. Just like a relationship should be.”

“The definition of dancing” by Lee Eunhyuk


Breathing heavily, both men lied next to each other on the floor after two hours of intense dancing practice. Donghae couldn’t stop grinning widely, after everything had turned out way more simple than he had imagined it. He didn’t had to decided between the author he called his soul mate and the friend who had won over his heart in only two weeks. Because they were one person.

He looked to his right were Eunhyuk laid on the floor, eyes close and his lips stretched by a wide gummy smile.

Somehow he had a really good feeling about this.



“Hm?” he hummed, smiling at Eunhyuk who had now turned towards him.

“Am I allowed to call our aquarium visit tomorrow a date?”

“Yes, yes you are.” Donghae smiled, but suddenly his face turned serious again. “And I hope you know what that means.”

“… no…” Eunhyuk said hesitantly.

Donghae grinned. “Well, you obviously have to pay.”

The redhead looked as if he wanted to complain first, but then he only sighed and nodded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for the strawberry milk you’ll definitely want to buy after we ate.”

Eunhyuk grinned. “Did I ever tell you that you’re perfect?”

Donghae bit his lip and quickly looked up to the ceiling again, so he wouldn’t blush too hard.

“Oh, and Hae?”

He looked at Eunhyuk once again and smiled as he met the gentle look of the other.

“Happy Birthday.”


I hope you like it eonnie, although I'm not 100% satisfied with it... (If you want you can request some... tier Eunhae for Christmas XD )



(to everyone else who read this: I really hope you liked it, and feel free to comment and/or subscribe^^)

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Chapter 1: awww... that's kinda warming my heart <3
love their interaction and...... can't stop laughing at siwon's first sentence when he meet hae... that's so siwon XD
Chapter 1: It was really good and sweet. <3
Well done. :)
XxcrazypuppyxX #3
Chapter 1: Loved the story! :D Btw, is "The Definition of Dancing" a real book?
Chapter 1: *.* so super süß ^^
ich kann nicht aufhören zu grinsen :D
vielen, vielen dank, das Geschenk ist super <3
saranghae ;)
Chapter 1: Though it was kinda obvious from the start I really enjoyed reading it ^^ It was so cute :3
shincan #6
Chapter 1: its fantastic...i really like beautiful...hehe...
btw good job...