Chapter 1


Trapped - Chapter 1


Silence filled the small room, only broken by the clinking of chains every so often. A strange glow bathed the room as moonlight reflected off of the metal, only entering through the small grate placed on one of the walls. The room was bare. A set of chains attached to the wall being the only object there.

The door slowly opened, a small girl emerging from behind it. The girl, Soojin, made her way over to the chains, silently clicking them in place around her arms, legs and neck, making sure there was no way out of them. After making sure they were securely tightened, Jin leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes.

She was tired, oh so tired of it all. Of everything. The waiting, the transformation, the pain, the fear… Everything.

A long, low sigh escaped through Soojin’s lips as she leaned her head back, waiting for the moment. The moment when she would no longer be herself. She hated this. She hated that she was different. She hated that she could not do anything to change who she was. And most of all, she hated the scientists who had done this to her.

Soojin glanced at her watch, it wouldn’t be long now. The pain would start soon, followed by the slow, agonising transformation of her limbs. She did not want to be here, oh how she wished she would never have to chain herself in this room again. But she knew she could never escape. She knew that these chains would bind her forever. She knew. And that was the terrifying part. Knowing she would never be normal, knowing that she could never be with someone, lest she lose control.

Shaking her head, Soojin stood up, trying to banish the thoughts to the back of her mind, but now that she had opened the floodgate, there was no stopping them. Flashes of memory passed by her, the scientists, her screaming in a laboratory, the horrified looks the scientists gave her when they realised what they had done, the never-ending transformations… The hunger for flesh.

A shudder ripped through her body as she remembered those first days. The days when she had no control. The days when the full moon did not matter. The days when the transformation was her.

Another shudder dragged across her shoulders and she quickly pushed those memories to the back of her head, hoping she would never be like that again. Hoping that the meagre control she had, would not disappear.

These thoughts, these feelings… They should never have been a part of her. Soojin screamed out in her mind, wondering when it would all end. Wondering when she would be free of her own body. Wondering when she would finally be allowed peace.

Her emotions tumbled through her, changing from anger, to sadness, to pain, to fear, never allowing her a minute to try to become calm. Soojin wondered how much more of this she could take. Chaining herself to her own wall every month, feeling the pain rip through her every bone as she stood there, not being able to do anything to dull the pain. She knows. She had tried.

Agonising fear raced through her as she realised that the pain was coming soon. Her breath sped up, panic and hysteria sweeping through her she as she struggled to figure out a way to stop this from happening. She scrabbled at the chains, but her hands were shaking too badly for her to even try to remove them. Soojin started crying, screaming for someone to help her. For someone to remove this curse placed upon her. She screamed for all she was worth, hoping to hope someone would hear her. But she knew no one would come. She had made sure of that.

A louder scream pierced the air as the first waves of pain wracked her body. She cried out, shouting for someone to save her as her limbs slowly elongated, stretching to accommodate the body she was soon going to own. Tears dripped down her face as she shuddered and curled into a ball, scratching and tearing at her arms, desperate to distract herself from the pain. Desperate to pass out and end it all.

As the first signs of fur slowly slithered into being on her body, the pain finally calmed down and Soojin allowed herself to whimper as she waited for the rest of the transformation to come.

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