Chapter 1

The second family

Thank you everyone for reading this story! I hope that this chapter satisfies everyone and I hope that you enjoy it enough to subscribe and to leave a wonderful comment! Anyway I want you to know that this story includes two or three B.A.P members, I haven't decided on which B.A.P member will be the supporting character, but it is definite that Daehyun and Young Jae will be present in this story. Enough with this Author's note, onto the story!

I had a bad feeling in my stomach the moment I woke up. The loud giggling and the sound of feet running up and down the hall was my alarm, the normal routine of getting ready for the day. I was usually the last one out of bed, not that I minded one bit. Sleep was a privilge around here and most nights were spent listening to the two boys giggling as they played with their action figures. Their nightly play time was irritating at times and usually ended with me leaving to sleep on the batter mat that was laid out in the main room.

Today was just like any other day. I woke up to my brothers wrestling in the hallway and Jin Ae would be practicing her mother scolding skills as she tried to break them up. She was nearing her twelveth birthday and already she was beginning to think that she was an adult. Even though I was her Unnie, at times I would have to giver her a careful reminder who was older and who wasn't. But just like the younger boys, I knew that it was their behavior. Which at times would want me to wring their necks but at others were very welcoming.

Despite the normal morning routine, the tight knot wouldn't leave. My stomach was beginning to twist along with the knot and soon my appetite for breakfeast was gone. Something that never happened and the others took notice.

"Eun Mi aren't you going to eat?"BiHo was seated next to me and was stuffing his small mouth full of rice. His bowl was tightly held in his hand and was cupped under his mouth where it was easy access. Good heavens if he had to lift his chopsticks more then two inches! I watched him munch on his rice, half mortified by how much rice he was shoving down and half impressed by him actually not choking. It had been six years since BiHo came home from the hospital and a day never went by that BiHo didn't suprise me.

"Hm, not really. I should be leaving for work anyway." I opened my mouth to say something when BiHo jumped in. "Can I have the rest?" His small hand was already wrapped around the bowl and his bottom lip was puckered out. Only six years old and BiHo already had a bigger appetite then me, who was 23. Chuckling softly I ruffled his hair and handed over the wanted bowl.

"Share, Hyun!"  Han was seated across from BiHo and began to beg for some of the rice. BiHo ignored Han's plump hands that were reaching for the bowl, but a stern look from Omma changed BiHo's mind. Omma sat at the end of the table and was facing Appa who was at the other end. The morning meal usually ended with either Omma or Appa giving one of the little ones a stern look, which had grown well-known around the neighborhood. Omma and Appa were care-free parents and were incredibly patient for having six kids in the small two bedroom apartment, the two never raised their voices. Not that they needed to when their glares were as scary as they were.

"Are you feeling well?" Omma bounced Mi-Ok as she stood from the table. The clatter of bowls and plates echoed down the hall and the loud chatter soon followed. Omma was right behind me, the worry written all over her face.

"Nothing. It's just my stomach." I pulled my grey jacket over my head and glanced in the mirror. Omma stood in the doorway, her short brown hair tucked behind her ear. A sign that she was really worried. Chuckling softly, I walked over to her and pulled her into a loose hug."

Omma. I'm fine." I pecked her on the cheek and gave Mi-Ok a kiss.

"It's rare for you to not eat breakfeast." Omma sighed out. She tucked a stray peice of hair behind my ear and leaned over to give me a kiss.

"I'll grab something at the shop." I reassured my mother once more before I grabbed my black bag. "I'll be back later."

"Remeber that you father and I need to go to the port!" Omma called after me. I waved good-bye and hopped down the long stair case. All the way down the street, the knot in my stomach got tighter and tighter.

"Have you heard?" I was cleaning a round table that was near the back of the coffee shop when Eunji walked over. Following her was Joo Hee. Joo Hee worked here with me while Eunji worked as a secretary a law firm that was close by. The morning rush hour had just arely gotten done and it wouldn't be until  a little past lunch that it would pick up again. It was usually during these short breaks that Eunji decided to have her visits.

Her brown hair was curled and fell down her back. She was a little shorter then me, but her beauty outnumbered Joo Hee and I combined. Softly panting, she collapsed into a nearby chair and threw a magazine onto the table. Joo Hee sat next to Eunji and leaned forward to see what the fuss was about. I placed the white rag in my pocket and finally took a peek.

On the cover was the most well-known company owner in South Korea.

Jung Daehyun.

Though t was no suprise that he was on the front cover, it was still hard not to have my heart jump into my throat whenever I saw a picture of him. He was a handsome man with his plump lips and gorgeous brown hiar, but from what I had heard his heart was a cold as a night in January.

"What's the big deal?" Joo Hee asked. She pulled the magazine over for a better look and immediatly scowled as she caught another look of him. Joo Hee never was a fan of Jung Daehyun. Not that I blamed her, I really didn't like him either. From the thousands of interviews that were broadcast it appeared that he was rather a heartless jerk.

Eunji sighed heavily and softly glared at Joo Hee. She flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for. "See? Look." And again she shoved the magazine towards us. Joo Hee sighed and again leaned over to see what the big fuss was over.

It was another picture of Jung Daehyun, but this time he wasn't alone. At his arm was another well-known busines owner.

Choi Mi Young.

"So?" I asked. I had heard that the two were beginning to appear in public together and that it was rumored that the two were planning a marriage. A perfect match in my opinon. Both were as cruel as they came, only thinking about the wellfare of their company then about the real world.

"Can you beleive it?" Eunji snapped out. Finally it clicked. For a couple of years Eunji was experiencing a one-sided love for the infamous Jung Daehyun. It was ridiculous, everyday she tried to catch his gaze. Even made fool out of herself a few times. And it all started after she got her job at the same company that he owned.

"And I thought what we had was real." Eunji pulled the magazine over to her and the cover. Joo Hee glanced at me and the both of us softly shook our heads at the dramatic Eunji.

"Was there anything between you two?" Joo Hee asked. Immediatly Eunji snapped out of her daydreaming and gased in fake hurt.

"Of course there was! We made eye contact!" She cried out. I bite my lip as I felt a bubble of laughter coming. Joo Hee had hand over , but the minute we made eye contact the restrained laughter wasn't so restrained.

"When?" I gasped out. Joo Hee was rubbing her eyes as tears trickled down her cheeks and was bent over the table as she saw Eunji's hurt face.

"Yesterday!" Eunji said. She pointed at us and threatened us with her brown eyes. "I almost talked to him."

Again we burst into laughter. Even Eunji joined in as she realized how pathetic she was.

"I'm so pathetic."

"Hm, yeah we knew that already." Joo Hee said.

"Hey!" Eunji giggled out and smacked Joo Hee's arm. "Do you think it's true?" Eunji asked after she quietned down. I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care what went on between them. Honestly it wasn't even any of my business.

"I don't know. But if it is then good for them. They're perfect."

Joo Hee nodded in agreement while Eunji just sighed heavily.

"But why is he so handsome?" Eunji traced the outline of Daehyun's face. "Maybe he's an angel." Eunji half said to herself. I ignored her silly comment and was about to change the topic when the soft chimes of bells began to go off. Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out my small cell. The caller id was unknown so I knew that it wasn't BiHo calling asking for me to buy him a pizza.

"Hello?" I asked. I quickly left the table as Eunji began to chatter about her new crush. Of course Daehyun was at the top, but that didn't stop Eunji from crushing on other wealthy men.

"Is this Lee Eun Mi?" A male's voice crackled the other end. The minute he spoke the same tight and sickening knot that I had this morning returned.

"Yes." I whispered out. The man sighed heavily into the phone and as the seconds ticked by the knot got tighter and tighter.

"I'm sorry." He paused. "You're parents. . .They were in an accident."

And as I heard those words, I watched as my world crumbled around me.

Here's the first chapter! I hope that everyone enjoyed it. I know that it seems a bit slow, but I swear that it'll pick up. Please leave  a review on what you thought and please subscribe if you haven't. And for those two subbies that I have right now, THANK YOU!!

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