love is a waiting game

TEEN TOP FANFICTIONS written by Teen Top
"Can I kiss you?" the man whispered.  "Can I keep you?" he added.

The woman turned in the man's arms to face him.  She lifted a soft finger and touched his forehead, dragging it down softly and slowly to trace the outline of his nose down to his thin red lips.

He reached out to her and did the same, only he didn't stop at her face but continued down to her body.  So tenderly, he made his hand roam around her as if trying to memorize every curve and every line.

All of a sudden, he felt afraid.  Morning will be coming soon.  "How many nights have you filled my dreams?  Always the sweetest dreams.  But every time, the dawn comes and steals you away.  And in ways I could never explain, my heart is never the same." 

"I know that my fantasies and desires made you.  In a small corner of my mind it registers that I cannot keep you here with me and stay like this forever, even though I will challenge all the gods if it meant eternity with you."

"It's not fair that all I touch is emptiness when I raise my hand to caress your face and to pretend I am not cold when your warmth is so far away.  "

"I wish to walk about in a never ending circle with your hand in mine...I just want to hold you, like this, until the end of time."

She never said a word.  She laid there in his arms listening, admiring, loving him.  But the dawn is breaking and she has to go. 

His arms tensed, wanting to keep her close to him and never let her go.  But she put a finger on his lips, as if to silence his wordless protests, and gently laid her lips to his. 

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, she was temporarily bathed in the golden rays and then was gone.  Faded into the blue sky beyond.


Byunghun stretched his arms above his head.  "This is more...fitting, I think.  The first draft was a bit unreliable but I had fun writing it all the same.  How do those fiction authors write stories all the time?  It took me close to 3 hours to get this far while they put out a novel in half the time!"

"Well, this is what I've got.  Chanhee should be happy I even wrote one and if he's not, I'll bombard his story with comments when he publishes it."  ~kekeke~

But secretly, the rapper is contemplating and trying to come to terms with the thing he's always wished for:

'She's probably close enough to touch.  Maybe waiting around the corner, just a kiss away."

"Whoever you are, I will continue to search for your face in the crowd.  I will keep listening for your smile which will call out my name.  I will know instantly that it's you because I would recognize each curve and line of you."

"I will look into your eyes and see the thing I most desire.  And I will declare to the world that I am content because now at last, you're here."
next chapter:  Chunji is a flower boy, literally.
A/N:  So...LJoe wrote another fic before this.  I'll put it up if anyone wants it or if anyone declares the need to read it in the comments below.  And I think i'll call it..."LJoe's fanfic revenge."  ^0^
Today, I learned that writing this kind of theme and crack fics are easier for does that mean I'm a romantic-on-crack? o_O


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TakeshimaTaki-desu #1
Chapter 7: aaaaa i like C.A.P's story! hahahha and that last phrase!! woohoo!! i think it's going to be great if C.A.P really did put up a CAP store, no?? in real life, i mean. :))
thank you for imparting your talent with us!! it was a fun read. :))
TakeshimaTaki-desu #2
Chapter 5: i love L.Joe's part too.. it's so romantic and poetic.. good job!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #3
Chapter 4: me looove this personally since it's a N.A.P!! ^____^ wow, you're really good!! ^^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #4
Chapter 2: i really really like this!! nyahahahahah i was laughing all along!! wow, such awesome creative ideas you have inside your head! cheers! ^-^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 1: oh i like your style.. :))
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
of all things, why is C.A.P a hat farmer? nyahahahaha
twinkle_blossom #7
Chapter 7: Aw~ cute >.<
I laughed all the way!! ^_^
Just_me_cjb #8
Chapter 7: This whole thing was everything!
I laughed, I "aw"ed.
It is definitely out of the ordinary! ^^