Operation Kick Choiza's

Her Oaths

“Thank you Ms. Choi,” the handsome police officer says flashes me one of his most charming smiles before I walk through the door he’s holding. The young man was polite, and certainly good looking, but he just wasn’t my type. Or, to be honest, he wasn’t Krystal Jung, period. Before I’m even able to join the flow of people in both regular clothes and police officer uniforms, he shouts out, “We’ll do our very best to find your fellow bandmate and best friend, don’t worry!” Bandmate, did he seriously just pull that card on me? It’s a good thing acting class has come in handy, it seems that the pain aching in my heart isn’t reflected at all in my smile as I turn back to look at him with my trademark smile. I watch as he almost faints before the door to the interrogation room closes behind him, no doubt fan girling at himself because of our little exchange, yet another reason why I didn’t think that the rest of the girls’ idea of calling the cops was such a good idea. 

People always get crazy when celebrities are involved, they can’t help but get distracted or overlook things easily. Plus, calling the cops is especially not a good idea when you already have an idea where the kidnapper is, and where the hostage is, too. Detectives take too long to narrow down locations and motives. So as soon as I turn around, my delighted expression falters into a slight frown of discomfort and displeasure. I study the rows of desks the officers sit at, crammed with paperwork and half eaten doughnuts. I half scoff before I push out into the chilly air. It’s a futile attempt to get the authorities involved, they don’t know Choiza like I do. 

They don’t know the severity of what he’s done to me, and they don’t know how much danger Krystal could be in as we speak. See, people also do crazy things for love. And even though the entire police force has strongly recommended that the rest of f(x) stays locked inside of the dorm like sitting ducks, I can’t help but betray their orders. Just being interviewed and interrogated at the office has cost me precious time I could have been spending searching for Soojung. They’d taken every bit of evidence they could pick out from the room, even the note, which I’d thankfully photocopied before I left the dorm, not that it would give them the lead they needed.

“Sorry, officers,” I mutter underneath my breath as I neared my car in the abandoned parking lot, hands shoved deep into my pockets. “It’s nothing personal or anything,” I popped my trunk open and stared lovingly at the object nestled within the clutter of equipment I would need to take Choiza down once and for all. Before I reached down and gripped one of my favorite pieces of weaponry and cocked the pistol in hand, I looked around for bystanders or other people that might catch me in the act of cocking a pistol suspiciously,“This is something I’ve gotta do myself.” I stuffed the shiny silver gun safely into the glove compartment of the passenger’s seat right next to my FBI badge. “Special Agent Choi Jinri is now on duty.” I fixed my rear view mirror before I backed out of my parking spot, set on finding out where Krystal was being held, “Today’s objective: Operation Kick Choiza’s .”

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Chapter 13: I really want an other chapter of this
this one feels so uncomplete T.T
Chapter 13: Is this uncomplete oh my god i wanna see more
Chapter 13: Krystal!!!!!!!! I hope she'll recover soon.
So f(x) can be united !
Chapter 13: Fighting Fighting Kryssss !!!!

SUl , Krys loves you that's the answer for your question :D
ackung #5
Chapter 13: Arggg!! I hope Krystal is OK T^T
smirk7 #6
Chapter 12: This is good
Chapter 11: Update!! Update!! XD
Chapter 11: Wohoooo!!!!
They're safe ^^
Good bye choiza!!! Hahahahaha
You'll never see the light anymore

Update soon
Chapter 11: Yaaay! They're safe now. :D And that kiss... :"> Hahaha! I'm actually waiting for that kiss. :D