


Ricky's clear voice rang through the dorms as he stumbled, looking for his best friend. The apron he was wearing fluttered, leaving trails of powdery white on the wooden floor. As strong arm reached out from behind a door and caught Ricky by the waist, pulling him back. 

"What is it?" Jonghyun's deep voice was filled with amusement as he took in the sight of a flour covered Ricky and an apron that threatened to fall.

"Jonghyun, do you want to help me make cookies?" Jonghyun flicked Ricky on the forehead and laughed, wondering what type of disaster Ricky had in mind this time.

"You want the maknae line to cook?" Jonghyun asked, leaning down as he moved his face closer to the older boy's. "Together?" Their noses were near touching and Ricky gulped, trying to tear his gaze away from the dark eyes of the other. Jonghyun jerked upright abruptly, pulling on Ricky's wrist impatiently. "Well come along then."

The kitchen seemed to groan as the two approached hand in hand, sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Carefully measured out flour was mixed with anything and everything one expected to find in the kitchen of six lazy kids, kneaded unceremoniously into a slab of discoloured dough and cut into shapeless pieces. The kitchen breathed a sigh of relief when they finally made it onto the baking tray. 

"Jonghyunnie, this one looks like you!" Ricky giggled, pointing out a piece that seemed to vaguely resemble cookie dough. Jonghyun raised an eyebrow, yet said nothing as he dusted the flour off his pants. 

The cookies baked in the oven as they waited in silence, Ricky leaning gently on Jonghyun's shoulder. "Changhyunnie." Jonghyun whispered. Ricky answered him with an almost inaudible grunt, trying to keep himself awake. "Changhyunnie you have jam on your cheeks." When Ricky didn't move, Jonghyun placed a hand under Ricky's chin and lifted it.

A small whine escaped from Ricky's lips, but was silenced when a warm tongue ghosted softly over his cheekbones. Ricky stiffened, but neither moved nor opened his eyes, choosing instead to embrace the warm sensation that filled him. When Jonghyun was satisfied that Ricky's cheeks were absent of all jam, he left a small kiss on them and pulled the small boy closer.

Ricky smiled as the shadow of Jonghyun's lips remained, as though they had burnt a small mark on the smooth skin of his cheeks. His fingers made their way to the younger’s and gripped them tightly, digging his head deeper into the crook of Jonghyun's neck. 

When the alarm sounded, Ricky awoke from his short nap, dazed and confused. Jonghyun stretched his arms, groaning as he flexed his shoulder. "I didn't know pigs were so heavy." Jonghyun muttered with a grin.

"I'm no pig." Ricky grumbled, but all was forgotten when he pulled out oven mitts and prepared to open the oven. A tray of scalding cookies was placed on the bench and Ricky dug through the drawer, finally stopping when he came upon a roll of plastic wrap.

"What are you doing?" Jonghyun asked curiously, watching Ricky wrap the mutilated cookie securely.

"Keeping it forever and ever." Ricky replied earnestly. "It's the first time Jonghyun made cookies with me, so I'm going to keep it forever." 

"Gross." Jonghyun said, yet smiled and wrapped an arm around Ricky. He picked up a cookie and gingerly placed it in his mouth, working his way around the heat and to the taste that burst upon his tongue. 

"How is it?" Ricky asked, watching him expectantly. Jonghyun gave him a thumbs up as he nodded in approval. 

"It's delicious, indeed our Changhyunnie makes the best cookies." Ricky beamed as he packed the cookies in a box, handing it to Jonghyun.

"If you like my cookies, I'll make them for you every day!" He shouted, excited at the prospect of making more cookies for Jonghyun. 

"Our piggy is the best!" Jonghyun said, ruffling Ricky's flour laced hair. 

Suddenly, an unopened jar beside the sink caught Ricky's attention. He squinted, barely making out the five small letters written in black ink.


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thinking of making this story an outlet for all my changrick oneshots....so there's going to be no set storyline. at all. hmm...


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Chapter 1: Aww, this is the fluffiest story I've read in a while :D! ♥♥♥ I love it so much. So freaking cute xD~~~ ^^
cute cute cute *0* soooooo cute <3
i love it~

sequel, pls. :p