Chapter Two

It's only me.

After that first initial sleepover, Leo and Ken became closer with eachother. Spending time outside of school helped them descover the other things they have in common and other pasions they shared. It also gave them the chance to find out the things they didn't see eye to eye on.

Leo loved football. He was the captain of his team and dedicated as much of his life as he could to the sport, which drove Ken insane. He liked football and thought it was okay, but he wasn't the huge fan Leo was. He was also no where near as a good a player as Leo, so when Leo would suggest going to the park to have a kick about Ken would dread it. It also didn't help that he was so competetive and didn't take losing very well. But he put up with it for his friend. He did however insist that in return they do something he liked. A fact that didn't exactly fill Leo with joy.

~ ~ ~

"Why do we have to watch One Piece again?" Leo groans, burying his face in his pillow.

"What do you mean again? There are like  600 episodes of One Piece!" Ken shouts throwing a sock at his friends head.

"But we watched like 10 episodes yesterday, can't we do something else?" Leo whines.

"Hey I put up with watching Match of the Day. You owe me! That show is dull and that dude has crazy ears." Ken replies, giving his friend a face that he hopes displays that this isnt up for discussion.

Leo sighs and mumbles a reluctant "fine". To which Ken makes a very unmanly happy squeek and hugs his friend quickly.

"You love it really." Ken laughs.

~ ~ ~

Most of the summer is spent this way. So long as the other wasn't busy or they weren't hanging out with their other friends, the boys spent pretty much their entire time at eachothers houses. Rotting their teeth on junk food and staying up untill there wasn't any point in going to sleep.

It turned out that they had almost exactly the same taste in music and movies, so it became habbit to, as soon as they found something new they liked to instantly share it with the other. Be it by posting it on their facebook wall, sending links via skype or just heading uninvited to the other's house. Not that it felt like it was someone else's house anymore. It felt more like a second home after they had spent so much time at eachothers houses in those six short weeks.

And in that time Leo's shyness was long forgotten, and Ken's annoying side had become expected. The boys knew eachothers likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, what girls they were into. Not, that at 12 they really knew what they liked in girls. It was just a general 'girls that are pretty' but with a lot more lude language since, that's what's expected, right?

~ ~ ~

"Hey Leo?" Ken whispered when they were trying to actually get some sleep a few days before school started back up again.

"What?" Leo more grunted than spoke.

"I don't want to go back to school."

"No one want's to go back to school Ken."

"No, I know. But wont there be more pressure on us this year?"

"My sister says this year is the least important. She said it's like school forgets about us this year, cause year 7 are new, year 9 are being put into sets and 10 and 11 are doing their GCSE's, where as us lot are just kind of there." Leo replies, turning to look at his friend who was laying next to him.

"But still, I'm not as clever as you, or Hyuk."

"Stupid." Leo pokes his friend in the forhead. "Then I'll help you."

"Promise?" Ken asks, looking at his hands.

"I promise." Leo says taking his friends hand and squeezing it. "But if you dont let me sleep you'll have bigger issues."

Ken smiles at his friend. "Night Leo." He whispers, trying not to think too much about how nice it feels to have his best friend hand hold his.



~A/N~ I'm sorry this is so short. And still not a lot is happening. But stuff will be happenning. Soon! This has a bunch of mistakes in I can feel it. But im on my tablet, so have no spell check and not enough time to proof read this as much as is needed. (I have proof read it though, I'm not totally lazy) So if you spot mistakes let me know? <3 Much love and thank you for reading this. This isn't going as well as I'd hoped. The idea isnt doing the thing as well as it was in my head.

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kaykaygirl #1
Chapter 3: I love this, I love you, I love your ending. That is all!
Chapter 3: I love you.
Chapter 3: Awwww how adorable~ sequel would be nice hehe
Chapter 3: ;A; <3 Squeel plzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!! *^* i looove it !!
Chapter 3: Omg this is so lovely! So freasking fluffy and cute I might die from its cuteness! Brb gonna puke rainbows~ >///<
Chapter 3: I loved it ^__^
Chapter 3: *-* ♥♥♥ It was soooo freaking cute! *-*
Chapter 3: OMG SOO CUTE AND FLUFFY!! I CAN'T! *dies* No, but really, this was such a cute AND sweet fanfic~! I loved it! <3
Chapter 3: So. freaking. cute! Good job, thanks for sharing <3
StrippedBanana #10
sugar rush :) I thought there wasn't a lot of well written fic for Keo but maybe I really wasn't looking around that well. The story is good, it was short but not rushed nor it felt like details are missing. The conversations are brilliant! It's hella funny. good job!