Chapter 2 - I Can't Protect You Forever


Chapter 2 - I Can't Protect You Forever


As the night grew deeper, the three members went their separate ways after having a drink. Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun went towards the same direction while Jung Min headed the opposite direction.

"Hyung." baby called out to Kyu Jong as they were walking. Kyu Jong simply replied with a hum while Hyung Jun continued to talk.

"Wasn't Jung Min acting a bit weird?"

"Nah. He was just probably tired Junnie." Kyu replied quietly.

"But... He..."

"Everyone becomes weird when the feel very tired or stressed. Don't worry about Minnie. He'll be fine." Kyu interrupted him.

A moment of silence spread throughout their conversation. None of them spoke any word until they got to an intersection where they had to go their opposite ways.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. Don't think too much and rest or you might end up like the horse." Kyu Jong said jokingly and the two of them went their separate ways.



The moment Jung Min got to his apartment, he went straight in the bathroom to wash away some of his stress. With water pouring down on him, even as he got out and prepared for bed, all his thoughts were filled with Hyung Jun. When he was about to get in his bed, his phone suddenly rang with the caller ID of Hyun Joong leader. Jung Min quickly grabbed the phone and went out in the balcony of his apartment.

"Yeoboseyo. Leader?"

"Ah, Jung Min-ah. Gomawo."

"For what?" Jung Min tried to play dumb.

"Your senses are sharp so you know what I mean."

"Arasso. Anyways just don't let the other members see you and Sangie flirting. Especially the maknae. Arachi?" Minnie said in a serious tone emphasizing the 'maknae' part.

Their conversation ended as quickly as it started. Not too long after that, Jung Min's phone rang again. A puzzled look painted Jung Min's face because he absolutely had know clue as to why Kyu Jong would call, especially since they were just together a few minutes back.

"De? Kyu Jong-ah?"

"Gwenchana Jung Min-ah?" Kyu began with a kind voice leaving Jung Min confused on the other line.

"I'm Park Jung Min. Of course I'm alright." Minnie replied narcissistically.

"Yah! Jung Min-ah." Kyu called out to get Jung Min's attention over the phone. "Seriously, I know something's bothering you. You were so spaced out tonight, Even your Junnie was worried."

Jung Min thought about whether to tell Kyu or not about what he saw. He felt like he wanted to but he also considered Kyubbi's feelings. Hesitation filled his mind because Minnie knew that their group's eternal center also loved the prince, but the prince and leader are already together. There was no way he could do that to the kind-hearted man. He was scared to shatter someone else's love, hope, and dreams.

"Sorry Kyu. I can't tell you." Minnie replied somewhat hesitantly.

"Arasso." Kyubbi said calmly. "Then let me guess what's bothering you."

Kyu Jong gradually laid out the scenario of what was bothering Jung Min without any added drama. He narrated the story of how Jung Min is in love with Junnie, but Junnie was only looking at leader. Leader and Saengie being a couple and how Kyu himself loves Saengie. And how he and Minnie was on the same boat of being on a one sided love.

Surprised by Kyu's accuracy, Jung Min was rendered speechless. Everything that he knew about the awkward couples, Kyu loving Saengie, Junnie loving leader, even his own feelings for Junnie, Kyu Jong was on the spot with every single bit of detail. 

The two guys with unrequitted love talked over the phone for a little bit longer before finally hanging up. Jung Min crawled in to his bed just to find himself lost in thought over Hyung Jun once again.

"Hyung Jun-ah... Why can't you just look at me for once. I don't want to see you get hurt... Hurry up and forget about your love for Hyun Joong... I can't protect you forever. Someday you'll find out about them and I'm frightened to see you break down. Baby I love you so much. I want you to be mine alone even though I know that this is just my selfishness."

Thinking these thoughts, Jung Min gradually fell asleep with tears slowly running down his cheeks.

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Chapter 25: Please complese the story
Chapter 25: Please update the story author
Chapter 25: Author please complete the story. I really want to know what will happen to minjun couple after the kiss.
Chapter 25: Please complete the story
Chapter 25: Please update
I really miss this story. Please update soon
Please update the story
Chapter 25: Please update soon :)
JiHoosgirl #9
Chapter 25: Ack! Please update soon!
Chapter 25: OMGGG you should have seen my reaction..
I put the laptop away and I just stayed stunned fora while..
Wow that was....
Jung Min just....

I'm totally clapping and throwing confetti at Jung Min's courage!