That's Not Me


                                                                        That's Not Me                                                                  

“No” Hyesung blurted out, as he got up with his eyes wide, this is not what he wanted. If Eric leaves, what does he has to live for?.
“Let go” Eric said firmly, as Hyesung arms wrapped around him, and Hyesung pressed tightly against his back. “Let go” Eric repeated again, now in angry tone. “I told you let go” Eric shouted out for the last time, as he grabbed the others hands and ripped them off himself, and throwing them back before turning around at Hyesung in anger “You-”, he began till he froze, watching the drops fall down onto the floor from Hyesungs eyes. “I didn’t mean it…” Hyesung began looking up at him; pain and fear so clearly displayed on his face, as tears rolled down his cheeks “I really didn’t mean any of it, ever” he shook his head, as he continued to cry “Because it’s scary” he began “Because I like you… ” He said now resting his head against Erics chest “In case you will start hating me and tell me to leave…”.


“What do you mean hate and leave you?” Eric questioned confused, as he grabbed the others wrists pulling Hyesung away from himself, now looking at the others red and puffy eyes “Why would I do that?”. Hyesung didn’t say a word, as he whimpered before the other, then Eric could see the distance between them decreasing, with Hyesung slowly closing his own eyes and then… Eric could feel the others soft lips on his own. He stood there still, with his mind blank, till the realisation finally struck him… Hyesung… Hyesung was kissing him…


After a few seconds Hyesung withdrew and Eric could feel the others lips leave his; with Hyesungs eyes slowly opening. He stood there frozen, watching as Hyesung expression began looking more and more pained. Was Eric the cause for the others suffering all along…?.


“You hate me-” Hyesung said, as he began stepping back, till suddenly he could feel one of Eric’s hands on his wrist pulling him back in and then the other around his waist, drawing their bodies closer, with Eric leaning in roughly for a kiss. Whether it was an impulse or whatever, Hyesung didn’t care, the fact that he was getting what he longed for, for so long was all that he cared about now, as he felt the grip from Erics hand on his wrist disappear and then reappear on his neck, drawing their kiss deeper.




They sat in absolute silence, as Hyesung watched Eric sitting on the other sofa, with his elbows resting on his knees and his both hands covering his face. Eric looked like he was in deep thoughts, and although it pained Hyesung to admit, that it was obviously regret that Eric was feeling, to him so long as he could make the other his, he wouldn’t even complain whether Eric felt anything towards him or not. When it turned into obsession over the other, even he himself wasn’t sure anymore…


“T-this…” Eric stuttered suddenly, immediately catching Hyesungs full attention, as Eric now looked up at him. “Ghmm” Eric coughed slightly, as he began again. “You…” he said, and then looked down again, in an obvious loss for words, or rather unsure of how to ask the other, although Hyesung knew exactly what Eric wanted to know. “Y-You l-like me?” He finally asked in a rushed manner, as if hoping Hyesung didn’t hear it. “Like?” Hyesung repeated, catching Eric off guard. “That’s not it?” Eric shook his head, now unsure of this situation. “Like…” Hyesung repeated again in a low voice as he looked around the room, and then at Eric “love…” finished looking now straight into Eric’s eyes, as he felt something clench his heart, yet it felt so much lighter… so free, as if having gotten rid of something heavy.


“L-love…” Eric stuttered as he repeated unsurely, and  nodded his head, as if to signal that he understood.




Eric laid there in bed. Everything felt like a bad dream… he couldn’t help but feel so confused and lost at the earlier events. Not even once has he ever thought of Hyesung any more than a friend or a brother he could hardly live without at this point, yet here he was, the cause of the others pain.




uh.... i was abducted by aliens? ...
I AM SO SORRYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ಥ_ಥ


So, I'm going to post the last chapter today...and i will probably begin writing a new story... which I will most likely try to make sure, is a more quick paced compared to this one...
Once again, I am very sorry for all the readers and subscribers...


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When it said that the men were walking towards Hyesung, it just meant in his direction, not that they can see him... sorry for making it unclear!>_


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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for the story, i really liked the concept. To bad you ran out of creativity...but i still enjoyed it.
ayayoyo #2
Chapter 18: Thank you it was very good :)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 18: *gasp* that's all?? You make this complete with this chapter? Why so rush?? :3
At some point I should re-checked it to get the plot flow to the extend I understand it completely. And yah! Such a meanie author, you teased us with *cough* almost rated scene *cough* in this chapter!! >.<
I'm glad you finished it now. Thank you for your story authornim. Good job. Authornim jjang!! :D
feelgyo #4
Chapter 17: This chapter is obviously beautiful T^T I missed your story so much authornim <3 <3
Thank you for your update ^o^
feelgyo #5
Authornim....where are you?? T^T
feelgyo #6
Chapter 16: Yayy! An update!! ^^
*gasp* what is this?? What happen with Hyesung? Did he..emMm..forget it.
That voice, is that a hint authornim? (˚▿˚?)
Chapter 16: What is wrong with Hyesungie?! ;^;
Chapter 16: It must be smthing to do w Eric, from the way the ghost said it, that makes Hyesung change like that... Can't wait to see your next update... Thanks~^^
ramyunfave #9
Chapter 16: Yey update! Poor eric. Hyesung should just spit it out:-)
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 16: what happen in that room till hyesung change drastically? i guess something to do with eric ._.
thanks for the update *\^O^/* and i really love the hyesung's pic <3<3