I Eat With Chopsticks!

I Eat With Chopsticks! [One-Shot]

One-Shot: I Eat With Chopsticks!


I walked down a small alley way in Seoul, ready for some yummy food from one of the small shops that hid in the darkened pathways. To be honest- that was probably the best food you could get in Korea! I had experienced some bigger, well-known restraunts in the area and would leave either unsatisfied or not full.

Wow! I really must be hungry if I'm thinking about food- makes me sound so fat- aigoo!

I turned another corner, bumping into someone in the process and fell to the crumby floor of the alley, getting dirt on my blue jeans and light pink shirt. I sighed, Why am I so clumbsy?

I looked up to see who I ran into to apologize, and came face-to-face with a smooth face and soft brown eyes, bending down right in front of me so that our faces were just centimeters apart. The fox-like eyes blinked twice before asking, "Are you okay?"

I nodded as he helped me up and tried dusting off the dust. He unconciously tried dusting off the dirt on my backside when I quickly turned around, covering my , blushing.

His brown eyes held confusion, "Did I do something to offend you?" I controlled my breathing until I heard a laugh behind me.

I turned to face another man- more like MEN. I blushed as the monkey-resembling-person with blondish hair laughed, pointing at the back of my jeans,"Hyung, you tried dusting her !"

Another man stepped forward, having a 'fishy' look to him and said, "Yah~ don't laugh at her!" He said this in Korean and then turned to me with a smile, "Hi~ Are you okay?" He said this in broken English and a soft smile.

I blushed and nodded, but spoke in Korean, "I'm okay- just a little emberassed, is all. I'll just be going then." I turned to leave but was stopped by the man I ran into by being grabbed by my wrist.

"No, let us treat you to dinner- it's the least I can do for ruining your pretty shirt and jeans," he said sweetly,"that was a nice pink shirt."

I blushed and he chuckled, softly brushing a finger over my cheek,"and it was about that same exact shade of pink!"

This made my blush deepen, but nodded,"I suppose.." Just then my stomach made a loud noise, making my blush deepen, I didn't even THINK I could become any more emberassed.

A chubbier man came from the group of men,"Wahh~ How long has it been since you've eaten?"

Another chirped in, this one looked youngest of the group,"Sounds like it's been awhile! Sungmin-hyung, let's hurry and feed her before she eats us to fullfill her apitite!"

Another man, who looked older than the rest of the group, spoke,"Stop teasing her, she's gone through enough. You're all being too much."

I looked downward and bit my lip, the person being reffered to as 'Sungmin' wrapped an arm around me and escorted me to the nearest vender and sat me down,"Sorry about my friends, they're not usually like that. It might be because they haven't eaten yet," He paused,"I'm sorry about what happened back there- I usually don't watch where I'm going. I'm Sungmin."

I smiled softly and placed a hand on the side of my other arm,"It's okay, I'm clumbsy, so it most likely was my fault. I'm Jenny." He grabbed my hand with his and shook it, smiling at me.

"Let's go eat!" Yelled the chubbier man.

---------- ---------- ----------

We sat at a restraunt- a more expensive one than I had originally planned on going. I looked around in awe at the beautiful hanging plants, the booths so big and the glass having a frosty tint to it, making it look like winter frost had kissed the glass.

We were all seated at a booth and given our menus and chopsticks. The waitress then turned to me and reached into her apron for forks. I looked at her and smiled, "No, it's okay, I can eat with chopsticks." The woman smiled but still placed the fork next to my chopsticks.

"Oh! We should introduce ourselves, yes?" The leader-like man spoke.

"I'm Leeteuk!" He beamed, making me smile.

"I'm Yesung," the man smiled and nodded at me.

"Heechul's the name," spoke the man next to him in disinterest.

"Kibum," the next simply mummbled.

"Kangin. I like your shirt," He smirked as I went to thank him but looked down to notice I still had mud on me and blushed.

"He's always like that, don't worry. Don't be too hurt by his words," whispered Sungmin beside me, making me nod.

"Kyuhyun," Waved the boy who had poked fun at my stomach sounds.

"Shindonggg!" Smiled the chubbier man.

"I'm Ryeowook, nice to meet you," whispered the smaller man.

"Donghae!" Yelled the fishy-looking boy.

"Eunhyuk!" Yelled the monkey boy who wrapped his arms around the fish.

I could feel a smile go on my cheeks as I saw the two hug, "I love this Monkey, but his feet! I swear they're going to kill me soon!" Said Donghae, pinching Eunhyuk's cheeks.

"YAH! We're about to eat! Why talk about something like that before?!" Exclaimed Heechul from across the table.

Donghae hid behind Eunhyuk who's cheeks were a crimson red.

"We've got a guest! Why not act civilized for once?" Leeteuk excplaimed loudly to his dongsengs.

I turned to Sungmin, "Is it always like this?"

He smirked and shook his head,"You have no idea."

I smiled as I noticed our food coming, my stomach waited impatiently, the scent making my mouth salivate. I my lips, Sungmin taking notice and chuckling.

"You must be hungry, Jenny."

I groaned,"I know, it's sad for a girl to have such a big apitite. I just burn it all off though with dance."

Sungmin nodded,"I'm the same way after martial arts practice. It's like you haven't eaten all day after a hard workout."

I nodded in agreement as our food finally approached our table.

"Let's just say it's a feeling Shindong feels all the time," Chimed in Heechul playfully, winking at the chubby man.

I felt like a little kid, swinging my legs under the table, alert and watching what others had ordered, waiting for my food to be handed to me.

I went to grab my chopsticks, to prove I could use em', to find the fork taking it's place. I looked around, making Leeteuk take notice while stuffing a dumpling into his mouth, "What're you looking for, Jenny-ah?"

"My chopsticks!" I groaned.

I turned to the waitress aiding us,"Excuse me- my chopsticks?" The woman blinked.

"I placed them next to your fork, ma'am."

I mumbled,"Yeah, but I asked for just chopsticks." I turned to my new friends and put on my pouty face.

"Aw~ Jenny, use my chopsticks, I can use the fork!" Chirped Yesung kindly.

The smile on my face widened, "You sure, Yesung-ssi?"

He smiled and waved it off, grabbing the fork and switching with chopsticks.

I began to eat the widespread of food, then looking up to see Yesung having a hard time with the utensil. I smiled and put the chopsticks down, grabbing the fork from him and showed him how to eat with the fork.

"Like this, Oppa," I said, digging the fork into my food and pretending the movement to put it in my mouth.

"Yah~ don't eat with my fork! You'll get germs on it!" Cried Yesung, I smiled and nodded, handing the fork to him.

He mimicked my actions and found food finding it's way to his mouth.

With a full-mouth of food, Yesung smiled triumphantly.

The rest of the boys sitting at the table looked in awe and tapped the waitress, asking for a fork.

Ryeowook crossed his arms cutely and stuck his tounge out, "Not me! I eat with chopsticks!"

I smiled and nodded in approval. I watched while eating, the others teaching each other how to eat with the foreign tool.

I could hear various comments: "No, not like that, Hae!" "She didn't have her elbow that high." "This is too difficult! Get me my chopsticks!"

I chuckled as I saw Sungmin getting food on his shirt while trying to get comfortable with the utensil.

---------- ---------- ----------

"So, we walk into the restraunt with one person messy, and now we have everyone BUT one person messy when leaving the restraunt. It's amazing," Sighed Leeteuk.

"That's why I eat with chopsticks! They're less messy," I stated, then bowed,"Thank you for dinner, I appreciate it."

We traded numbers, and as I walked away, I could hear Yesung's voice yell,"Yah~ you've gotta teach me how to use a spoon now!"

Kyuhyun smirked, holding a pair of chopsticks in his jacket pocket, That was fun...

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That was so great! I can eat with chopsticks too... I want to see them trying to eat with forks and Sungie with a spoon hehe ^^
Cute story! I liked it. :)
darexvyn #3
Lol evilKyu always up to something ;)<br />
Cute story! ^_^