


"YAA KIM TAEHYUNG!" you shout as you saw a figure sleeping on your coach. How did he --nahh forget it, he knew about you too well till he can figure out where do you hide the spare key. No offense but both of you really close compared to the rest of Bangtan Boys. The boy rubs his eyes with his hand cutely. "Morning Jihyun~" He stretches his arms out and yawn. " Yahh~ what happen this time? Did Rap Mon hyung really mad at you till you run to my house again?" You asks. Knowing him that well, this Taehyung boy just run and sleep at your apartment when he mess with your 'precious' cousin, Namjoon or known as Rap Monster.

A heavy sigh escape from his mouth. "Sorry for bothering you early in morning" Taehyung stood up and make his way to the door. " If Rap Mon hyung ask you..just tell him i didn't came here last night okay" a monotone reply from the boy. Wow, he not even bother to ask for breakfast. He usually will rant on how strict Rap Mon are and other nonsense stuff, including Jungkook being too cute? Well let just say he can rant bout anything to you. His eyes not shining as usually and his playful face are all gone. Something bad must happen to him. "Taehyung ah~" You grab his arm and pull him into your arms."what's wrong?" you ask again, whispering. His body are freezingly shiver in cold yet his scent still there. He just bury his face on your shoulder and snake his arm around your waist, pulling you closer toward him. You sooth his back and pat lightly. You don't know what happen to him. What's going on his mind? What the fuss he got into this time till he turn so quiet.His weird action start the spark of worry in your heart without you realize. He never act like this. He always a little brother to you. His action sometime are over the limits of madness but you still want to care about this boy. You just can't left him alone with his crazy 'project' like other members.

"Yaa~you freezing right now. How come you can sleep like this?" She brokes the hug and hold my hand.Her warmth and worry send a tingle to my heart. I shrug my shoulder. She rolls her eyes and tch-ed at me. "Wait here..." she runs to her room. I plop myself on the coach again. Kim Jihyun, my bestfriend and and and and crush. Yes, im an idiot not to realize that i like her all this time.But its complicated now. Seriously complicated. Like a tangled ball of thread. And foremost she is my first. I don't know what is love till i met her. Her touch, her smile, her voice are 'something' to me. She make me want to spoil and hug her all time. But as i said, things are super complicated now.

"hey..wear this" You hand him your grey sweater. "how can you stand the cold?" You pull up the hoodie for him and fix his hair. He didn't react. 'Sigh, what's wrong with you Kim Taehyung? You make me worried you ing idiot'. "You don't want to breakfast here?" you asks. "you usually did" you add more.  Taehyung just turn his face away, ignoring you. "Oh my god you ing Kim Taehyung! what happen to you!" you almost screams. He looks up and startle at your sudden scold."can you atleast respond?" you add, frustated with his 360 changes weird attitude. "its nothing..see you later" Taehyung walk out the apartment. Ughh..this boy is one hella problems. 


"YO RAP MON!" you stomp your feet toward you cousin. cousin or not, you totally gonna kill him if he the one cause that Taehyung boy changes. "can you please not to scream?" Rap Monster rolls his eyes. "whatever..but what did you do to V?" you asks. His nickname is V and most people call him that because his habit to the the 'V' pose even there is no camera around. It just his trademark. You are the only one prefer to call by his real name. "nothing, we hang out at Jin's house then all of us when home" Rap Monster reply it lazily. "did you see him this morning?" you continue asking your cousin till he get annoyed and kick you out of his class.

I sigh. Hopefully Jihyun didn't go ask Rap Mon hyung about all this thing. I walk into my classroom. Thank god im not her classmate. "yo V wassup?" Jimin greets me. I just nod in respond. "hey.. you still think about that?" Jimin asks. Wow, love you dude..i don't even open my mouth and you already all the messing in my head that need to clear up. "good luck..thats what people call labyrinth" Jimin pats my shoulder. "you gotta find way out by yourself and you got my 250% support kay?" he adds more. Man what the are you blabbering early in morning dude? and did he really know what labyrinth is? ughhh. I mess my hair and throw myself on the chair.


You walk to the library since you dropping Physics and you gonna have break next period. "Kim! Ji! Hyun!" a blonde boy give you a sudden hug. "Yo L.Joe!" you hug him back and playfully peck his lips. "Yaa! we at the school" L.Joe whines. "nobody saw us idiot" you reply and pull him inside the library. L.Joe or Lee Byunghun, your cheesy, short, nerd, handsome and playful boyfriend. You still can't believe this hot boy is your boyfriend. He totally you ideal type boyfriend, not like those fantasy fiction boyfriend but he totally suit you. His idiotness and eye smile swoon your heart. Even thou he easily get jealous when Taehyung around, he know who is Taehyung to you. And you like when he jealous because he becoming more handful and sometime headache to handle. But those craziness just make you fall more from him. He know your limits and tolarate with it make you can't stop loving him. Ughh, lovesick puppy.

"Yaa~ what's wrong with you lil brother today? is he sick?" L.Joe asks as he copying notes to his note book.L.Joe love to call Taehyung your little brother because he really is to you. Yes, both of you are not bond with sort of blood related but since when we need to have blood related to have somebody as part of your family? "i don't know" you sigh. 'Ughh since when Kim Taehyung are more handful to handle than this L to the Joe boy?'  "You want me to talk to him?" L.Joe asks. " good" you reply. "now shushhh..i wanna read my book" you add.L.Joe just laugh softly and continue copying notes.


"hyung~" Jungkook calls. "Jihyun noona ask me to give this to you" he held up a tranlucent plastic bag containing a carton milk and bread. I grab and put it under the desk. "hyung..don't stress up much okay" Jungkook look at me once again before he run away to god-know-where. confuse!

"yo wassup?" L.Joe hyung greets me out of sudden. He not really close with me but since he date with Jihyun i get used with him around me."oh hyung..Jihyun probably just finish her Math class and i'm going to the music room now" I replied."nah..i knew that. I already memorize her and your schedule" L.Joe chuckles.Yeah obviously he memorize both of our schedule since Jihyun and I usually hangout together. Even I almost memorize his schedule too."let's go to music room !" L.Joe hyung throw his arm around my shoulder and drags me to the rooftop.Idiot hyung you said we going to music room not rooftop.He sat on his favorite spot, at the edge of the high wall and swing his legs freely while I just stand next to him lean against the high wall. 

"so..who is that lucky girl?" L.Joe hyung asks.Umm what?? he must be kidding!.Only Rap Mon hyung,Jimin and Jungkook knew about this and none of them close to Teen Top enough to leak out the secret.Ugghhh I'm screwed. "come on V, i can see it through your eyes!" he adds."What??" I act innocent, the easiet way to get out.Hyung, only if that girl is not your's, it will not be this hard. "come on Taehyung! I'm older than you so I know stuff better" He exclaims. "Jihyun probably an idiot not to realize your problem but i do" He pauses. "and I promise I won't tell her" L.Joe hyung grins with his silly attitude. "but its pretty complicated hyung" I hope he would accept the answer.

"eh? why?" L.Joe hyung asks. "she pretty close to me and we been friend since forever and sometimes i could feel her love to me because she really care about me more than anyone else but its too complicated now. it's hard to explain hyung" i don't know but i already blurt it out everything except the fact that the girl is Kim Jihyun herself and she is his girl. "ahh..i got it" he nods. "yaa Kim Taehyung..what is love?" L.Joe hyung asks and exited the rooftop. EHH? What?? what is that hyung?? I dumbfounded by his trivia question before quickly run to catch up with him but only end up seeing that blonde hyung dragged away by Jihyun. Such a lovely couple. a sudden though come up upon seeing both of them. I still can remember Jihyun red ears when L.Joe hyung confess to her. She was jumping around and hug me when both of us get home.

What Is Love? Nice question hyung. You just make my head messier than ever. So what is love? Love is..when you parent care about you? Love is..when your friend willingly help you and be with you no matter what? but they still love to fight with me. Love is..when you care about the girl? nahh..Jihyun the one take care of me. Love is..when you don't want to see you other siblings hurt? Im the only child here. Love is...?? AGHHH I swear can I just forget about this ridiculous thing and live like I never realize it. Annoying question! I hate it. Freaking super duper hate !

V mess his hair and decide to walk to the school ground and join Bangtan Boys.He forget the question eventually when he engross in their little world and back to normal.Well, it probably be easier to Taehyung if he find the real meaning of love when the right time come, right?



thank you for reading

i hope you enjoy the story



you what is love?



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Chapter 1: This seriously left me hanging sunbae !!!! xDD I don't know what love is yet but I'll probably find out sooner or later like Taehyung oppa righteu ? lol DAEBAK STORY SUNBAE!!! FIGHTING!!! ^^ MISS YA!!

V OPPA FOREVAHHHH!!! *heart heart* lol XDD
swarn_swam #2
Chapter 1: Love is not words but, your feeling to someone special.
Love is something that can make your enemy become your lover.
Chapter 1: love is to not say i love you but u have to prove it and show it not by words but with passion,affection,actions,and mostly ur love. love is also to shower your lover with love no matter what.
Chapter 1: I really liked it're soo good at writing so keep it up.:)
Aaand for your question...hmmm I really don't know either cz i've nevet been in one..i guess i'll know when the right time comes too huh...sorry teahyungiee hehe we're in the same mess hehe~ ^^
skylightbaek #5
Yes I love the fic ^_^
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