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Guitar Lessons [hiatus]


Earlier that day, Jiyong had woken up at 7am since he promised his brother that he would help out with the cafe as Yuri was sorting out some of her things for the moving. He saw a couple during the time he was working at around 10am, calling each other "babe", "sweetheart", any nickname a couple can probably call each other, feeding each other and giggling over small things, and though it was sickening, Jiyong couldn't help but think that he wouldn't mind being that way with Dara. He thought being overly cheesy with the other would be a fun experience to have since he's never done that before when he was in a relationship. Thoughts of the two getting together were filling his head that he had to slap his cheek to get a hold of himself. He doesn't even know whether she likes him back, she probably thinks of him as just a friend and though that thought saddens him, it can't be helped if she felt that way. 
And thinking about Dara made him realise that he hadn't told his brother about performing today. When he had no one else to serve and saw that one tray from the display was empty, he quickly went to the kitchen to replace it. 
He saw his brother, telling his assistant chef on how to decorate a certain cake. Jiyong walked towards him, passing one of the employees and asked her to fill the tray with donuts. 
"Hyung!" he called out.
Taeyang turned around, holding out his index finger telling him to wait before turning back towards his assistant chef and saying more things before leaving his employee to it. "What's up?" he asked as he wiped his hands onto his apron. 
"Just letting you know I'm going to perform today." he said casually. 
"Oh, short notice but ok. Just do a sign onto the blackboard outside and I'll make sure we have enough food." Taeyang smiled.
"Thanks." he was about to go when Daesung, one of the employees, called him to inform him that the tray is filled and ready to go out but Taeyang called him. 
"Next time give me more of an advanced notice when you're going to perform. There's always so many people that comes here during those times, and usually I'd order more ingredients for that specific day." he said.
"Ah serious? I didn't know that, hyung. Ok, how about I perform but not inform anyone about it?" he suggested because he didn't want his brother to run out of food. He wasn't bragging or anything but a lot of people really did come to the cafe whenever he performed. 
"Nah~ that's cool, you can tell people. But next time you definitely have to inform me beforehand."
"I will." he grinned.
"Why did you even decide to perform today?" he wondered out loud.
"Oh… Because I invited Dara to come over here. She doesn't know I'm going to perform at the cafe, all she knows is that I've finished my song and I wanted her to listen to it." Jiyong said shyly, scratching the back of his neck. 
"Ahhhhhhhh! I get it now!" his hyung exclaimed, clicking his fingers together. "Ooo, that seems romantic. Are you gonna tell him you like her too!?" He was really interested in how things were going with that Dara girl he had mentioned before. Not to mention he's always wanted to meet her and he's quite excited that he'll be able to tonight. 
"Ey, hyung, I don't know about that. I doubt I can say it today. Plus, I don't even know if she likes me." he says. 
"Hmm, you never know until you tell her though. I mean, look at me and your noona, Yuri… I wasn't sure she liked me so I never said anything but it turned out she did like me, my friends were telling me to go for it but I thought they were lying but in the end, I got really jealous of seeing her hang out with this one guy that I confessed to her but it turns that it was her brother. I felt so stupid! But at least I told her. It took me half a year!!" he exclaimed.
"Wow… Hyung, you're so lame." he laughed.
"Shut up! What I'm trying to say is don't waste time like I did." he concluded. "Anyway, go out and do your work. Don't just make Minzy do all the work outside. She's our new employee so I don't want her to overwork herself, she still doesn't know all the ropes of this place."
"Kay~!" he called out as he grabbed the tray by the side and went back outside to serve customers and clear out some tables. As he did this, he thought about how much time his brother had wasted on dwelling whether or not Yuri noona had liked him and when he thought about it some more, he didn't want to be like that. 
So he had decided! He will tell Dara today, after he performs his song. Just the thought of it made him feel all nervous inside. 


Dara was running towards a certain restaurant as she was late. Since she had talked to Jiyong until such a late time, she completely ignored her alarm clock, and had woken up during the early afternoon. She had texted the person she was supposed to be meeting that she would be late for about an hour and had pushed their scheduled time back, she was happy that the person had been understanding enough and not mad at her about changing the time. 
She pushed open the door harshly, coming to an abrupt stop when an employee was passing by. It was a good thing they didn't barge into each other considering the employee was holding onto a bunch of menus. When the employee had placed the menus by the side, he turned towards Dara and smiled. "Hello, table for one?" he asked as he grabbed one of the menus he had put away. 
"Actually I'm meeting someone…" she said. 
"Sandara!" someone called her name, she turned around and saw a waving panda (well, in her eyes anyway). She waved back, then turned to the employee and bowed before walking towards a table. "Hey~" he said as he stood up and gave her a hug. 
"I'm so~ sorry for being late. We haven't even been able to meet recently with exams week and I was late for our first meeting in a while." she sighed as she sat down. 
Said guy chuckled. "Don't worry about it. It was good timing actually since I was still helping my dad with some of his paperwork at that time." 
"Oh really?" she said as she looked through the menu that was in front of table. 
"Yeah." he was also looking at the menu in front of him. "So, are you hungry?" 
She looked at him and grinned. "Starving. I missed breakfast and lunch since I woke up so late haha." 
He laughed. "Order whatever you want." 
"Thanks, Seungri." she smiled. 
"You're welcome, babe." he smiled back before taking hold of one of her hands and kissing it, causing Dara to blush. "I've really missed you." he confessed.
Sandara giggled quite awkwardly and replied, "I missed you too…" Seungri smiled before going back to reading his menu, still holding onto Dara's hand, it lightly with the pad of his thumb. 
To be honest, she didn't miss him at all. She was so concentrated on exams and learning the guitar that she had time to focus on Seungri. Not to mention that the two would text and talk on the phone once in a while, so it still felt like the other was there so she thought what was there to miss?
She wasn't those type of girlfriends who couldn't live without her boyfriend for one minute because in her opinion, that's stupid, and of course she liked Seungri, why would she go out with someone she doesn't like, but there was no longing to see each other as soon as possible while they weren't able to meet. 
She didn't think about it and just continued on reading the menu, and after a couple of minutes they ordered their food, catching up and just enjoying each other's company. 
It wasn't until an hour later when they were walking around a park, Seungri suggesting that he would drop her home that she remembered about going to Heaven Cafe. 
"No, it's ok, I have somewhere to be afterwards." she said.
"Oh?" he looked at her, wanting to know more. "Where to?" 
"Ah, Heaven Cafe. A friend of mine is performing there." she stated casually.
"Hmm, I think I know what you're talking about. I've been there to see some guy perform at that cafe before." he said.
"Oh yeah?" she asked.
"Yeah," he nodded. "He's pretty good. Hey, why don't I come along? And I can meet your friend too." 
"Oh, yeah, ok, that sounds good…" she said, though she wasn't at all pleased. She didn't know why but she didn't want to introduce Seungri to Jiyong. Just not yet. But she guessed that it couldn’t be helped, and as the couple walked towards the bus stop, Dara took out her phone and quickly typed a message to her best friend. 


As they neared the cafe, they spotted Bom waving and Dara silently sighed in relief. She knew that she could always count on her best friend, that’s why she called her up in order to make things better considering Seungri had a bit of a jealous streak when it came to guys that involved themselves with her. 
“You invited Bom?” asked Seungri as they neared Bom by the cafe. 
“Yeah,” she replied. “I thought why not? I’ll introduce my friend to both of you guys, then you two could watch the performance too.” 
Seungri nodded, and when they got close to Bom, Dara was engulfed in a hug. 
“Oh my god, Dara, I didn’t know that Jiyong was you’re friend! I usually watch his performance here, but you were always busy whenever I invited you to one of his performances.” she blabbered on.
“Jiyong? So you’re friend is a guy?” asked Seungri with a raised eyebrow. 
Dara gave a meek smile. “Yeah. He’s my guitar instructor, didn’t I tell you about me learning guitar?”
“I didn’t know he was a guy though. So you two are in your house alone while you’re learning?” he asked accusingly. 
She hated his tone of voice, how he seemed to be accusing her of something that she had never done. “Seung-“
“Shut up, you panda. Who else is she going to learn from? She called so many others before someone finally accepted to teach her. Plus, he’s a really good guitarist so he’s one that you can trust. Anyway, introduce me to him, Dara!” Bom linked her arms with Dara, rescuing her from her boyfriend’s intense gaze. 
“Thank you so much.” she whispered to Bom. 
“Anytime, babe.” smiled Bom. 
Inviting Bom was definitely the right decision because if she wasn’t here, Dara would never win in an argument like this with Seungri. Now, Dara isn’t saying that the two of them argue a lot but when it involved guys - even friends like Seunghyun who happened to be Bom’s boyfriend - Seungri just didn’t trust anyone! He’d always think that a guy would have an ulterior motive for talking to Sandara but she overlooked it and thought that it’s just another way of her boyfriend showing his affection towards them. Because isn’t there a saying that if a guy gets jealous, it means that they’re serious? 
As they entered the cafe, Dara was overwhelmed with the amount of people that turned up just to watch Jiyong play. She could feel his popularity from just by looking at the crowd. 
Dara looked behind her and caught Seungri sulking a little and she giggled a little with his child-like behaviour, she thought it was adorable and she could never stay mad at him for long so she grabbed his hand with her free hand and smiled at him as she squeezed his hand a little, earning a smile back. They clasped each other’s hands as they made their way towards the counter so that Dara could ask for Jiyong. 
“Dara! Hi, I’m glad you could make it to Ji’s performance.” Yuri smiled at her. 
“Of course, he asked me to come so I wouldn’t miss it.” she smiled back. 
Yuri hummed and glanced at the two people behind her, she noticed that Dara and the boy were holding hands, giving her a sad feeling. 
Seungri slightly squeezed her hand as if to ask “who’s she?”. Dara caught the message and began. “Unnie, this is Seungri, my boyfriend and Bom, my best friend. Guys, this is Yuri unnie, she’s Jiyong’s brother’s girlfriend.” 
“Nice to meet you.” greeted Seungri and Bom. 
“Likewise. You two seem very familiar, have you been to the cafe before?” she asked, making conversation. 
Seungri shifted uncomfortably but didn’t let it get noticed by Sandara though Bom side eyed him a little before responding. “I’ve been here a couple of times to watch Jiyong’s performances.”
“Oh really? What do you think of him? Talented, isn’t he?” praising her brother-in-law. 
“He’s really good. I’d love to sing with him one day.” she commented.
“You sing?” Yuri asked.
“She’s an amazing singer.” butted in Dara. “I think it’d be a good performance if the two of them performed together. Bom is also a music major though I’m not entirely sure whether or not she’s in the same classes as Jiyong.” 
“You attend the same university?” inquired Yuri.
“Yes, actually my boyfriend is good friends with him but I hardly talk to Jiyong since he doesn’t hang out in university much and Seunghyun told me it was because he teaches guitar, is that right?” replied Bom.
“Seunghyun is your boyfriend?” Bom nodded at the question. “Wow, he never told me this! Seunghyun, you brat, come outside!” she turned towards the kitchen door.
Within a few seconds, a tall, handsome guy came out. “Noona?” his voice was deep. He turned to Bom. “Bom? What are you doing here?” he asked as he walked towards his girlfriend to plant a kiss onto her cheek. 
“Dara invited me to watch Jiyong’s performance.” she said. 
“Dara… Wait, Dara, you’re the Dara that Jiyong was on about? His guitar student?” he asked. 
“Mhmm,” she hummed. “Why?”
“Oh, uh, nothing.” he bluffed. He couldn’t believe it was actually Dara that his best friend talked about. If he had known, he would’ve revealed that she already had a boyfriend so there was no way he could date her. And to top it off, Seungri was there too. Poor Jiyong, he thought. 
“Seunghyun hyung, can you get the-“ Jiyong stopped talking as soon as he saw Dara. “Dara, you came!” he smiled.
Seungri didn’t like the tone of his voice, he sounded way too happy to see his girlfriend.
“Of course I came, I told you I would.” she smiled back, she was about to give Jiyong a hug but a hand on her wrist stopped her. She turned to the side and looked at Seungri. He raised an eyebrow, as if telling her to introduce him. “Oh…” she turned towards Jiyong once again. “Ji, this is Seungri, my boyfriend.” 
Jiyong looked at Seungri. “Boyfriend?” 
“Yeah, I’m her boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you.” Seungri introduced himself. 
Jiyong continued to look at Seungri. The more he looked at him, the more he began to recognise him. He’s the guy who came with a girl earlier this morning. “Boyfriend?” He furrowed his eyebrows. But how can he be if he came with a girl this morning, calling her baby? He was so confused. 
Seungri rolled his eyes. “Yes, her boyfriend.” 
Jiyong looked at Seungri, putting all the pieces together. 
He was cheating on Dara. 


a/n; i'm INCREDIBLY sorry for being such a bad author and updater. i'll try to but omg, i had no wifi for a month during dec-jan, and i got sick. not to mention i'm running out of ideas even though i planned this beforehand and have all these ideas in my head, when i write it, it just turns all crap and i'm not satisfied enough with it so i end up deleting, then re-doing and then deleting again. i'm going to try and write more but my grandparents always likes taking me out so yeah lol. also, i'm moving back in london around may so i will have faster wifi but i'm not sure if i'd have time to update a lot cz i'll obviously love to see my friends who i haven't seen in months. anyway, i'm sincerely sorry. 
p.s. i didn't proof read this. 
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also i keep writing small pieces instead of just focusing on this story. im terrible D: (maybe i wasnt ready to take on a chap fic? but i'll try my best!!!)


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babyhuwey #1
Chapter 6: what ? seungri cheated on dara ?
poor dara .l
ji, you have to confront seungri keke
thanks for update, authornim .
LumosStorm #2
Chapter 6: kyaa an update!! i've been waiting for this! =)
i'm curious to see if jiyong will tell dara about seeing seungri with someone else.
babyhuwey #3
Chapter 5: finally an update !
ji is falling in w/ dara, poor jiyong he doesnt know that dara already has a boyfriend .
curious what will happen to ji when he know dara already has bf
Malditahselosa #4
Chapter 4: Hmm love dix. . H0pe to read m0re but plx n0 m0re grlx ar0und jiy0ng juxt dara neh
babyhuwey #5
Chapter 4: i love this story .
but so sad, dara already have a boyfriend .
daramaegon #6
Chapter 4: i guess they're both attracted to each other and their passion in music would bring them more closer but sadly dara had already a boyfriend..pls update soon:)
Chapter 4: Kyyyyyyyaaaaa!!! Jiyong admit dat he like Dara(^-^) I know It's mean 2 say dis but I want Dara and her bf break up so she can be with Jiyong(^-^)

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 3: Actually, it's pretty good. When will seungri appear? XD
Pandaraaa~ kk
Chapter 3: They getting closer(^-^) I want them 2 be together but Dara has a bf(..)

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^o^)/
Chapter 2: Oh Dara has a bf?!
I think they interesting with each other(^-^) can't wait 4 moooorrrreeeee(^^)