f o u r

Guitar Lessons [hiatus]



Jiyong entered a small cafe that his older brother and his girlfriend took over after their parents died in a car crash three years ago. It was a good thing his older brother was 20 at the time, otherwise they would've lost the cafe and neither of them would've wanted their parents' hard work to go to waste. 


He walked over to Yuri, his older brother's girlfriend, who was behind the till serving a customer. 


"Hey, noona." he greeted. 


Yuri gave a slice of cake to the customer before looking at Jiyong, smiling. "Hey, you're finally here." 


"Yup. Where's Tae hyung?" he asked as he looked around the cafe, seeing if his brother was serving someone. 


"He's in the kitchen. Hold on a minute." Yuri walked over to the entrance of the kitchen before telling Taeyang that Jiyong was here, then walked back to the till where Jiyong was sitting down on a chair by the counter. "He'll be out soon, just finishing off decorating a cake." 


Jiyong nodded, then looked over at the counter full of cake. "Noona, can I have a slice of chocolate cake?" 


She walked over to the counter, grabbing a small plate and opening the glass. "Which one?" Jiyong pointed to the cake of his choice. She placed a slice on the plate and gave it to Jiyong, earning a bright "thank you!" from the latter. Yuri gave him a fork and he started devouring the delicious cake his brother had most probably baked. 


Just then Taeyang walks out of the kitchen, immediately laughing as he sees his little brother eating. "Yah, you're gonna make us loose money if you keep eating our cakes." 


Jiyong stuck out his tongue, ignoring his brother's comment. "So hyung, what did you want me here for?" he asked as he finished swallowing the previous bite he took. 


"Ah! Oh, actually me and Yuri have great news." he said as he looked over his beautiful girlfriend adorably. 


"You're getting married?!" Jiyong asked loudly. 


Yuri laughed as she shook her head from side to side. "No, we're not ready to take that step yet. We're still young, Ji." 


"Ah, okay..." he nodded. "So what is it?" 


"But we are ready to take another step." he said, making Jiyong curious. "We bought a house. We're going to move in together." Taeyang announced with a smile on his face. "I know I should tell you somewhere more private but we just couldn't wait to tell you."


Jiyong clapped, congratulating his hyung on taking another big step into his relationship with Yuri. He had faith that they would last considering the pair had been together since they were 15 years of age, so nearly 8 years of being together. But even though he was happy for his brother, he couldn't help but think about himself. 


It seemed as Taeyang could read the thoughts in his mind as he said, "Ji, the house is just a road from the cafe so it's really close by, and you can stay with us since the house has three bedrooms. We can even make one of the bedrooms into a sort of music/study room for you." 


Jiyong smiled. "That's nice and all, hyung, but don't you think you guys would want to have some privacy?" 


"I had a feeling you'd say that so I have another option." Taeyang said. 


"Which is?" 


"Stay at the flat above the cafe. Since we're already paying for the bills and such for the cafe, it's not a problem if you lived upstairs. We haven't rented out the room for a year, and no one is asking to live in it so what do you think?"


Jiyong thought it was an excellent idea, and Taeyang could tell because of the smile evident on his face. 


"You're turning 18 soon anyway, so you can live on your own." he continued. 


"But you're more than welcome to sleep at our place if you ever feel lonely," Yuri joined in. "Also, you have to have dinner at our place everyday. That's not a suggestion, it's an order!" 


Jiyong laughed, and so did Taeyang. She's been like this since a year ago, always making them be together for dinner every single day. It was like a tradition to sit together in the table, eating and having conversation about their day and so on. It felt nice considering him and his brother hadn't felt like a family since their parents had died and Yuri bought that feeling back, so Jiyong was thankful to her, he didn't consider her as his older brother's girlfriend, he considered her as his older sister from that moment on. 


"I think I'm going to live upstairs. I really want you guys to have your own privacy but I promise to go over there for dinner everyday." Jiyong told them with a bright smile on his face. 


"Well, okay, it's your decision. Just remember we're always going to be here for you, okay?" Taeyang told him with a look of sincerity in his eyes. 


Jiyong nodded. "I know." 


Taeyang ruffled his brother's hair affectionately while Jiyong huffed at his messed up hair. 


"Oh, Ji, how was the guitar lessons you've been giving, by the way?" Yuri asked. 


"Ah, yeah, how was it, Ji?" Taeyang also asked. 


Jiyong's smile got even bigger just thinking about Dara. I mean, she was beautiful and friendly, she gave him a feeling that he's never had before. He has had a couple of girlfriends but he doesn't think he's ever liked someone as much as he likes Dara. It may seem stupid to some people how quick he already likes her but it only takes a couple of seconds to like someone and from 1 second of seeing Dara, he just knew that he wanted her to be his, then he got to know her a bit more which made that thought intensify.  


"Great." he replied. 


His blunt answer caused the couple to look at each other, and press on the younger for more information since there were no new customers anyway so they had time. 


Jiyong laughed at their nosiness. "Nothing much happened. I just taught chords and played a little guitar, that's about it." 


"I'm guessing this person is fun to teach since you haven't complained like how you've complained about the past 5 students you've had." Yuri said. 


"Yeah, no complaints. She's... I don't know, she listens to everything and works hard. Not unlike those other brats who just give up after a couple of tries. Whatever though, I still got paid with them." he shrugged. 


"Isn't £10 a bit too much for you to charge people?" 


"Noona, I gotta make a living here," he said. "I can't just rely on hyung's money forever! And just for today, I earned £40, and we have another lesson tomorrow. I wonder if she's practising still... Let me text her." 


Taeyang raised an eyebrow as he watched his younger brother texting whoever this person was. Yuri nudged him, whispering in his ear: "Looks like he's going to have a new girlfriend", to which Taeyang smiled and whispered back, "just hope this one lasts more than a month", making Yuri tap him lightly on the arm. 


"Do you like her?" asked Taeyang bluntly. 


Jiyong looked up from his phone, he had just finished sending the text message. He looked his hyung straight in the eyes and said "yes", before grinning widely. 


"Hmm, wow, first time you actually say you like a person. Normally the girls tells you first, right?" 


"Yeah, but I didn't really fully like those girls, I just felt mean if I rejected them so I went out on a couple of dates with them but nothing serious." 


"Is this girl going to be a serious one?" asked Yuri. 


"I hope so." Jiyong winked. 


Someone tapped Jiyong by the shoulder, he turned around seeing two girls in front of him, shyly looking down on their feet. 


"Uh, yes?" Jiyong spoke. 


"Um, hi, we were just wondering if you were going to play in the cafe today..." one of the girls asked. 


"Yeah, we really want to hear you sing and play guitar." said the other. 


Jiyong put on his killer smile as the two girls plucked up the courage to look up. "Sorry, not today. Maybe some time soon when I finish off some songs. I'll put up a sign on the shop to let you know when I'm playing, is that okay?" 


The two girls nodded quickly before walking off, giggling. 


"Wow, my little brother sure is popular with the girls." Taeyang noted with a sense of pride. 


"Of course!" Jiyong agreed, giving a mischievous grin. "Anyway! I'm gonna go head off first. I really need to finish writing this song."


"Ok, I'll see you at home."


Jiyong stood up from the chair, he took a few steps towards the door before remembering something. He turned around. "Oh! By the way, hyung, when do we have to move out?" 


"Um, in a week or two? The landlord said we could move out anytime since there has been no offers to the apartment just yet. We don't have much to pack anyway so we'll probably be done by the end of this week, but I've already left some boxes in the new house." 


"Ah, okay. Oh, and Yuri noona, are you gonna come by for dinner later on?" he asked as he held the door handle. 


"Yeah, I'm staying over tonight." she informed. 


"Okay. Anyway, later!" Jiyong walked out of the cafe and continued on walking home since their apartment building was only about 15 minutes away. 


While he got out of his keys to enter, his phone buzzed to indicate that he had a text message. 


From: Dara~ 


Yup, I'm practising hard! ^^ 

But I took a small break to do my homework lol. Wat r u doing?


Jiyong smiled as he read the text by Dara. So she did practise... He was glad that she takes such an interest to guitar since the guitar is such an important aspect in Jiyong's life. He's always wanted to meet a girl who had an interest in musical instruments and had a devotion to do their best, and for Jiyong, Dara gave him that feeling. He quickly replied back to her that he had just gotten home and then set off in the comfort of his room to write a couple of lyrics down. 


The two texted back and forth until they both fell asleep. 

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also i keep writing small pieces instead of just focusing on this story. im terrible D: (maybe i wasnt ready to take on a chap fic? but i'll try my best!!!)


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babyhuwey #1
Chapter 6: what ? seungri cheated on dara ?
poor dara .l
ji, you have to confront seungri keke
thanks for update, authornim .
LumosStorm #2
Chapter 6: kyaa an update!! i've been waiting for this! =)
i'm curious to see if jiyong will tell dara about seeing seungri with someone else.
babyhuwey #3
Chapter 5: finally an update !
ji is falling in w/ dara, poor jiyong he doesnt know that dara already has a boyfriend .
curious what will happen to ji when he know dara already has bf
Malditahselosa #4
Chapter 4: Hmm love dix. . H0pe to read m0re but plx n0 m0re grlx ar0und jiy0ng juxt dara neh
babyhuwey #5
Chapter 4: i love this story .
but so sad, dara already have a boyfriend .
daramaegon #6
Chapter 4: i guess they're both attracted to each other and their passion in music would bring them more closer but sadly dara had already a boyfriend..pls update soon:)
Chapter 4: Kyyyyyyyaaaaa!!! Jiyong admit dat he like Dara(^-^) I know It's mean 2 say dis but I want Dara and her bf break up so she can be with Jiyong(^-^)

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 3: Actually, it's pretty good. When will seungri appear? XD
Pandaraaa~ kk
Chapter 3: They getting closer(^-^) I want them 2 be together but Dara has a bf(..)

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^o^)/
Chapter 2: Oh Dara has a bf?!
I think they interesting with each other(^-^) can't wait 4 moooorrrreeeee(^^)