Not one but two

Face of Reality (Sequel to Fake Engagement)

Jung Min POV

It has been exactly 30 days since I last saw her and our daughter. It has been a month full of work and keeping up distraction from worrying about my wife. But now I stood there with all the guys, waiting impatiently. Joey had been invited by Xavier to his wedding, yes the same Xavier that butted in our relationship years ago and almost destroyed my wife in public eye. It was him who made her appear as a cheater and tried to still her away from me. Still, I let her go back to Europe and take our daughter with her. I couldn’t attend the wedding since we were finishing promotions here.

After long thoughts about the whole trip we decided it will be good for her to just treat is a vacation and stayed there longer. After all it supposed to be a bit of a healing trip for her. It’s not like I wanted her to go to see Xavier but hey, he was getting married, which meant that he moved on. We both new back then that he loved her, that’s why he lied in front of fans. But now since the information came I just let her go, on her own. Firstly I was a bit sceptical for such a long holidays but Young Saeng hyung talked me into it. He really cared for my wife and new her so well I had to take his advice.

So or past month I was totally focusing on work, trying to stop thinking about Joey and Hannah, that haven’t been waiting at home for me. I practically was living with Hyung Jun, who I bet by now was annoyed to death with me, just like in old days. We grew even closer now. But I felt a bit bad for kind of taking him away from his girlfriend.

Over past days Hyun Joong hyung and Kyu were spending a lot of time with me even so they both had their own problems to deal with. I guess our friendship was still rather strong against all false rumours we heard in the past. Young Saeng was spending a lot of time training recently. He looked like something was bothering him but never admitted to anything. But then he was always like that.

So now all of us stood there, on the airport, waiting. It seemed like we all have been Joey’s husbands sometimes the way we all wanted to protect her. I was a bit worried as there were many fans taking pictures and some media as well. Joey still didn’t get comfortable with all the attention, especially that she wanted Hannah to be safe from all public eyes as much as it was possible. I knew she will be upset, probably angry that we drew so much attention and say we shouldn’t have all come and let her take a cab quietly. But how could we? How could I? I missed her and Hannah like an air for the past weeks.

Her plane landed around thirty minutes ago or so, therefore as soon as doors opened I couldn’t stay still. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was kind of scared I must say. I noticed her just behind the man in his late thirties. I scanned crowed around us. I was grateful Triple S took the distance and gave us some space. They knew us so well.

Then I lifted my eyes to meet my wife’s eyes. I was expecting discomfort on her face but there was something different about her. He eyes sparkled when she looked at me and she smiled. Something she didn’t do for a months now. I even thought she blamed me for the issues we had. But at this moment I got confused. She looked at people around us. Hannah was shifting in her arms and clapping her hands. That little one wasn’t scared of crowds. She had a charisma after her dad.

Joey fastened up her steps. Passing by Triple S’s she smiled and waved at them. Even bowed slightly. But it wasn’t out of the fact she had to, it was like she was really grateful they are there. It was first time ever she looked so easy between our fans. Hyung Jun poked me softly and gave me that “something’s off” look. I shrugged it off. Then Joey did something I didn’t expect. She put her free arm around my neck and kissed me softly on the lips. I missed it. But I was also in a state of shock when I realized she did it in front of all those people. She normally tried to hide from fans and remained outside of idols world. But now she looked careless, like she enjoyed it.

-          I missed you -she whispered after breaking our short kiss.

-          I missed you too, I love you – I responded.

She was looking in my eyes with that spark, I thought it was long gone. It was the same fire she had when I proposed to her officially. I took our daughter.

-          Daddy – she cheered.

Joey said her greetings to the boys and hugged each of them making all fans clap. She turned around to them and smiled.

-          Are you ok ? – I heard Young Saeng asking.

-          Yes  - she answered cheerfully and patted hyung’s had like he was younger than her.

It seemed like she was back to her old self. Something had happened in Europe and I hope it was a good thing. Seeing her happy and it was all I wanted.

I didn’t ask her this evening what happened. I didn’t want to spoil her mood. I figured she will tell me, once she make herself home again. I was wrong however, to expect that next day. I checked quickly over the phone with Young saeng if he knew anything. Apparently he was kept in the dark as me. I was surprised I didn’t feel change in her voice through all phone calls we shared when she was away.

After breakfast, since it was my day off she planned a trip.

-          I want to push a bit towards adoption, I am ready – she said to me, putting on another surprise.

We knew we will not be able to adopt straight away.

-          I know you started everything three months ago. I think it’s time we visit the orphanage.

-          Sure – I smiled.

-          I will get Hannah ready.

Adoption wasn’t easy process. It might take months or even years. It all depended on how we will be seen as potential family. We knew we can take a baby home but we won’t be his official parents for long after that.

We stepped into the building just after eleven in the morning. Older woman greeted us with a warm smile.

-          Mr Park – she said – my granddaughter is fan of yours – she smiled.

-          Thank you, I am glad – I responded.

-          Mrs Park I am glad to meet you. Ah and this is Hannah, I assumed.  – she took little girl from my wife’s arms. Hannah didn’t hesitate and started talking in her baby language to the stranger like she knew her already.  – let’s go to our office. I will show you some profiles of kids.

We followed her. However before we entered I looked up at children who were playing. My attention rested on a little girl, maybe six with long black hair and sparkle in her eyes. She was playing with a boy, probably around fifteen. I smiled, it was cute.

-          Are you coming in dreamy? – Joey called.

-          Yeah – I responded.

We took a sit in two very comfortable chairs. Two drinks were placed in front of us and some folders.

-          We have around thirty kids around here now. Please take a look on kids profile. I understand you would prefer a boy as we have spoken before? – woman asked.

-          Not really – Joey asked.

I looked at her. Wasn’t that she wanted all along?

She didn’t look at the pictures, nor was scanning profiles.

-          Let’s the fate decide – she whispered and opened folder on random page. – Fate chosen the person. I wouldn’t be able to do it. I would want to take all the kids – she said to me.

I knew it will not be easy. How you can just walk in and choose kids according to your preference when you knew all of them needed love?

-          Ah it’s Jaehe. She is a lovely little six year old.  – Woman clapped her hands.

-          That’s fine. Can I meet her? – My wife asked.

-          Yes we would like to take her home if possible as we arranged everything with lawyers? – I added.

-          But you see there is a little problem – she started.

-          We don’t care about anything – Joey was stubborn. I admired her at this moment.

-          I will ask someone to bring her in – old woman murmured and quickly asked assistant over the phone to bring girl in.

We sat in an awkward silence for a moment. Then the door opened and I recognized the little girl that drew my attention before. It’s funny I didn’t even scan her picture when my wife made decision.

-          Jae – she called her – this is Mr and Mrs Park.

Behind her walked in the boy she was playing with before. His face was dark and worried.

-          Jung Min adjussi? – she asked then dragged the boy behind her closer till she was close enough to touch me.

-          You know me? – I asked rising my brow and lowering myself to her height level.

-          Yes. I love SS501 – she squeeked.

-          I have to admit she is your fan – the woman chuckled. – But then a lot of people are.

-          Would you like to live with me and my wife then? – I asked while Joey patted her had.

-          Is that Hannah? – she went closer to my wife to have a look at my daughter.

I chuckled now myself. She really was a fan.

-          So what do you say?

The boy behind her stiffen but didn’t say anything.

-          Are you her brother? – I asked him.

-          Not by blood – she responded shortly. I could tell he had a temper.

-          Jae this nice lady and this man would like to know if you would like to become their daughter? – the woman asked impatiently.

Little girl eyes drifted away from Hannah and she looked at the boy, then at me.

-          I can’t  - she whispered then came back by boys side.

-          Don’t be silly – he said to her – You will have a family now.

-          No oppa – she hold on to his sleeves.

Joey was watching the scene with amusement.

-          I will arrange for someone to pack her.  – the woman said not even thinking about a girl that now had tears in her eyes.

-          I don’t want to go – she cried  - oppa don’t let them.

-          It will be good for you Jae  - he patted her head – Oppa will be fine.

It was strange to watch how his eyes were so rough to us but so gentle to her. The woman started pulling Jae from the boy.

-          Stop – I heard my wife saying. The woman looked up on her in question. I didn’t have to looked at my wife to know what is on her mind. – Can we talk for a bit alone? Can you take her outside – she said to a boy softly.

He did as he was told. Joey took her place in a chair again resting Hannah on her knees. I sat next to her and look into her eyes.

-          I know – I whispered – it was obvious what her words will be. She squeezed my hand.

-          We would like to take both of them. Is that possible.

The woman looked with shock in her eyes.

-          Are you serious? Minwoo is such a trouble. He was here for years now. Nobody can go through to him. Well apart of Jae.

-          How close are they? – I asked.

-          They got close as soon as she was brought in, she was three. He cared for her since then.

-          We will sort everything with a lawyer. Please let us take them both – I said. – I know we need to be ready for all the needed inspections and paperwork. I am also aware I am away from home quite a lot but it will not have affect on kids.

-          Fine – was all that woman said.

I can’t say I wasn’t worried. The boy looked like walking trouble. After all I could recognize my won kind.

-          Can you take Hannah? – Joey asked.

I sat my baby girl on my lap and watched as my wife opened the door. Minwoo was holding Jae on his lap, trying to calm her down.

-          She will be fine – he said to her.

-          Oppa please – she cried.

-          Can you come in for a moment Monwoo? – Joey asked.

Boy looked up shocked as his name was called. He took Jae’s hand and forced her into the office. I stood and went over to my wife’s side. The boys gave me that “If you hurt Jae, I will kill you” look. I chuckled. He tried to scare me.

-          Jae? – my wife’s soft voice sounded in the room. The girl looked at her through tears. – how would you like if we would let you take your favourite oppa with you?

I swear the boy went white like he couldn’t believe the words.

-          Minwoo oppa will be living with us too? – the gril asked to be sure.

-          Yes I smiled.

She let go of her Minwoo oppa, run towards my wife and literally throw herself on her. I smiled. It will be hard. I was actually a bit worried since I got to promote again soon. But my wife seemed finally happy and it was all that mattered. I looked at the boy who still looked shocked. I knew he will not react the same way as the girl. He smiled at Jae and then turned towards me. He still had something dark in his eyes. I guess there will be some trust we will have to work on. 


A/N Sorry for such a late update. Had hectic week and stuff. Also I would like to note that I have no clue how adoption process look like so don't blame me for some fulish words :)

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 6: Will you ever be continuing this story?
deermao #2
Chapter 6: interesting...
mako336647 #3
Chapter 6: Awwwwwwwww Saengi-ah.............. : (
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 6: Love it! I just stumbled onto your sequel. My heart feels for Young Saeng and Jim Yeon. If he loosens up a bit and stops obsessing I over Joey, he could be very happy. The adoption is great for the Park family. I think Joey relies too much on Young Saeng as her confidant. She is unknowingly confusing him. Having the kids around might keep her busy and also keep the communication open between Jung Min more than her and Young Saeng.
o she doesn't
Chapter 5: New reader. Love your story. :)
Chapter 5: too much tension in this upadate but hey you update and thats enough.

I am just so sad for Jiyeon cause I know how it feels too. I've been there. I want to really smack Youngsaengs' head but I can't cause I know just how torn he might be. I wonder if Jungmin knows or has an idea but not saying anything.

and as for Minwoo, he just needs time and a lot or a humongous amount of patience.
Chapter 4: oh so I was right Yougnsaeng did or does have feelings for Joey. I was kind of trying to ignore it cause I thought "no Saengie wouldn't do that to Jungmin" but I guess the heart always win somehow. But this game he's playing with Ji Yeon is really gonna hurt then in the end.
I feel your pain dear about Youngsaengs' enlistment don't worry he'll be out in no time. Have patience and always believe!
Chapter 3: A Whaaa?! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????????????! I thought he doesn't want history to repeat itself?
mako336647 #9
Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, jinjjaaaaa!!!
Chapter 3: well that's good news at least ^^