
Awake or Asleep

A week went by and L.Joe was still thinking about what Yuri's parents had said, the thought of it kept bothering him, all the time he had been spacing out, racking his brain for anything to do with Yuri or her parents. Yuri, too, had been acting wierd, she hadn't left her room for a long time and didn't let anyone open the door. One afternoon the boys sat on the couches, they were really bored Yuri's house was great but she didn't have much stuff in the way of entertainment so they sat there motionless "Let's go talk to Yuri!" Ricky beamed "She wont let anyone in remember?" Niel reminded him "Maybe she has changed her mind besides when was the last time she came down to get something to eat?". Their eyes widened, Yuri hadn't come down to eat something for days she was probably starving up there, Chunji rushed to the kitchen and began to make lunch for her. When it was done they all rushed upstairs and Changjo knocked on her door "Noona?" "I'm busy" Yuri snapped back "You haven't eaten in a while, aren't you hungry?" "I'm fine, go away" Changjo's eyebrows furrowed at her stubboness "Noona please come out" "Just leave me alone, Changjo". Everyone was getting fustrated except Changjo but it was L.Joe who barged to the front and kicked the lock, the door flung open to reveal Yuri sitting at her desk, it was covered in papers but she quickly shoved all of them in the draw under the desk, she tried to run out of the room, head down so no one could see her face but L.Joe grabbed her arm before she could escape.

Yuri tried to escape but it was hopeless with L.Joe's grip, he swiftly lifted up her chin to see her face, her eyes were so red, under her eyes there were dark black circles and she was as white as a sheet of paper. Yuri avoided everyones eyes especially L.Joe's, she knew they were angry and worried about her. L.Joe was holding her arm so hard she could feel his nails digging in "Let go" she said ever so quietly L.Joe looked at his hand and quickly retracted it to see nail marks and red marks where he was gripping "S-Sorry". The room went quiet no one dare make a sound "N-Noona" Changjo walked forward and ed the plate of food into her hands "Chunji h-hyung made it just for you" Yuri looked down at the plate, tears formed in her eyes "Thank you everyone" they were all releaved she wasn't mad, "Except L.Joe". Everyone was shocked, L.Joe felt a pang in his heart when she said that, a smile formed on Yuri's lips, a giggle slipped out then she started to laugh "Ya! You brat! That wasn't funny!" L.Joe yelled as she ran out of the room and down the stairs L.Joe chased her "I'll kill you if you spill that food" Chunji started running after her then all the boys followed, the atmosphere in the house brightened as they ran after Yuri.

"It feels weird to eat!" Yuri giggled as she took another bite of her sandwich, "Mmm this is good!" they all laughed "Hey where's your first aid kit?" L.Joe suddenly asked "In my room on the dresser" he went upstairs while Yuri continued chatted and laughing with the boys. *I'm glad she's back to normal, I wonder what she was doing in here?* L.Joe thought as he looked around her room for the kit, he spotted it on the side of the dresser, picked it up and was about to leave but he noticed her desk remembering about the mysterious papers she had hidden in the draw *I shouldn't but.....*. Curiousity got to him and he approached the desk and open the door, on top was a paper with a hand drawn map labelled "Mansion" he saw under was lists, papers, notes and much more. He quickly shut the draw as he promised himself to only look for a minute *What could it all mean* he thought as he turned around to leave but his eyes widened in shock and fear ran through his body, Yuri was standing at the doorway with an unreadable expression.


Wow I finally updated after almost two months sorry about that ^^

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wanderxwonder #1
Chapter 8: Please update soon! I really love the story!
:3 fighting! ^^
Niecy313 #2
Chapter 4: Aww so cute