Seven Days in Heaven

Seven Days in Heaven

When the summer had come to an end, everything would be back like before

As if nothing happened

As if everything was only a dream

But the happiest seven days in my life would never be forgotten forever


Never in his life had Choi Minho stepped on a small village like this. Growing up as the only heir of The Choi Company, he even never followed the MT that was held by his school. He had more important things he should do like studying how to manage the company. He did not even once hang out with friends or slept over at the friends’ house. The life of the most envied guy in the country was like a life of a puppet doll.

Next week would be day of Minho’s marriage. No, he didn’t fall in love with a poor girl like in stories. He, like other rich people, was engaged to a person who he didn’t even know, except of her name and her face, and was set a marriage in a very young age even without he knew. But Minho didn’t feel bothered much, because in his opinion, he would still get married someday. And he himself didn’t have time to hit on girls like other people could do, so he just left it like that: leaving the choice on his parents.

Minho looked around and breathed on the fresh scent which he was sure he wouldn’t meet on big city like Seoul. This village was very green, and beautiful. This was a little bit refreshing for Minho who always locked himself up in his work room. But one thing still bothered him. The conversation with his mother which brought him to this place still lingered.

“Holiday?” Minho raised his eyebrow. He moved his attention from his book to him mother who was sitting on the edge of his bed.

“Yes!” his mother claimed happily. “You can stay at the house of a friend of mine there.”


Mrs. Choi smiled. “Well, she is like my mother than a friend. I met her when I spent my holiday in that village. I was seven back then. I kept visiting her until she passed away 10 years ago.”

Minho straightened his back and asked his mother, “15 years ago? It means that house is empty since 10 years ago?”

“Don’t worry,” Mrs. Choi patted Minho’s back. “His grandchild often goes there on his holiday to clean the house or to only visit the village. If you’re lucky, you can also meet him there later. He’s really a good boy and stunningly beautiful.”

Hearing this, Minho’s confusion got bigger. But he couldn’t help but smile when he saw the spark on his mother’s eyes when she was talking about that grandchild, although he questioned in his mind, wouldn’t a boy usually be handsome than beautiful?

“Alright, what do make you like this?” Minho faced his mother.

“What? Couldn’t I ask my own son to take a rest and have fun?”

“C’mon, Mom,” Minho said. “You know what I mean. Why so sudden? Why do you ask me to have holiday while my marriage is getting near? You know I should prepare for it and all.”

Mrs. Choi wrapped her arms around Minho’s shoulders before caressed his head lovingly, which surprised Minho because his Mom never showed this kind of affection again since he was eight. “You don’t have to worry about your marriage. I believe your father will make it perfect as in his eyes. What you should worry is you’ll get married, Minho.”

Once again, Minho raised his eyebrow. “I don’t get the point.”

“You’re getting married, while you never experience love even once.”

When Minho wanted to speak, Mrs. Choi cut him off. “All of this time, you have lived for your parents, for your father, for the company. You never experienced the real happiness, Minho,” his Mom emphasized the word ‘real’. “You’ve always been known as The Heir of Choi Company, but no one ever knows you as Choi Minho, an original boy, not even yourself, honey.”

“I want you to spend your last seven days as a free man with being yourself, Minho. So you won’t regret everything later.”

And here he was, in front of a tiny house that looked so cozy. Minho wasn’t a spoiled brat, so he didn’t really mind stay at a small place like that. Actually, this holiday plan excited him a little bit. Imagining spending his time alone without any of his bodyguards seemed so fun.

Minho took out the key his Mom gave to him. She already informed the Lee Family, the owner of the house, that Minho would come to visit. They didn’t mind at all. Mr. Lee had just passed away, so they didn’t have time to look over the small house.

As soon as he entered the house, he was welcomed by a sight of the warm living room. It was so clean, that Minho thought that someone actually lived there. Shrugging his shoulder, Minho ignored the cleanness and headed to the bedroom. He found two bedrooms. One was on the left, and the other was on right. He chose the left.

The room was also clean. The single bed was neat and looked so comfortable that Minho plopped himself there. Travelling from Seoul to the village for hours sure made Minho so tired. He didn’t remember when he was asleep. But when he woke up, the sky had already become dark.

Minho rubbed his eyes sleepily. He would come back to sleep if he didn’t hear a loud noise from the kitchen. He quickly went out and silently walked towards the kitchen. Was there a burglar? Minho asked himself. But he doubted it.

Like Minho had expected, there was someone in the kitchen. But this person was far from a burglar, because he had the blonde hair that cupped his very beautiful face perfectly and pale skin which made him more stunning. Minho quickly concluded that this person was Mrs. Lee’s grandchild his Mom talked about. And he now understood why his Mom said this kid was beautiful instead of handsome.

Feeling Minho’s stare, that boy lifted up his face to meet Minho’s gaze. And Minho was captivated by the pair of brown innocent eyes. He couldn’t take his eyes from the kid. Minho was sure if this boy was a girl, he would instantly fall in love with him.

“Hey, you’re awake.”

Even his voice was so clear like the holly bell.

Minho bowed politely before joined the boy in the dining table. That boy offered him a plate of curry, which Minho accepted. They ate in silence. But when Minho felt he could burst because of too many questions in his head, he finally spoke.

“When did you arrive? I don’t see you earlier,” he asked, tried too sound kind, but he felt like he was investigating the kid.

“I came this morning before you. But after I cleaned the house, I went out to buy some groceries. When I was home, I found you fell asleep and decided not to wake you up because you seemed so tired.”

So, this explained why this house was so clean, Minho thought.

“What’s your name?” he curiously asked again.

“Lee Taemin,” he said. “And you’re Choi Minho.” It wasn’t a question.


“Ahjumma said you’ll visit.”

“Well, my Mom suggested me to have holiday here. But I think you won’t come because…” Minho paused, suddenly remembered about Taemin’s father’s death.

Taemin smiled sadly. “It was three months ago. I’m okay now and I think holiday will make me better.”

A silence again enveloped the room. Both of them finished their dinner silently. The sound was heard only the spoon met with the plate. Once the plates were empty, Taemin gathered them and started to wash.

Minho, in the first time of his life, felt awkward seeing someone wash his plate—he had hundreds maid to clean for him—so he decided to help. He stood beside Taemin and dried the dishes with a serviette.

“You don’t have to do that, you know,” Taemin said. “I know you’re not used with this.”

“Well, I just want to help.”

The dishes finished faster than Minho expected. He didn’t know what he should do next. He planned just going back to his room and slept until the morning came. But unexpectedly, Taemin started another conversation with him.

“Well,” he started. “I don’t intend to disturb your holiday or what. I know you not expect me to show up, but I just want to visit this house and all. I won’t bother you if you want.”

Minho was taken aback by the words, and quickly shook his head. “No, I don’t mind at all. I mean…I don’t have siblings so I think it will be cool if we spend holiday together.”

“Really?” for the first time, Minho saw Taemin’s excited smile. “I’m also the only son. I always hope I can have brother. Can I call you ‘hyung’?”

“Of course,” Minho smiled. “Wait, how old are you?”

“I’m 19 this year. I heard you’re 21. That makes you a hyung, right?”

Minho laughed at Taemin’s excitement. “Yes. So, you’re my dongsaeng.”

“And Minho hyung?”


“You slept in my room earlier. Not like I mind, but I don’t think we will fit to sleep there together tonight.”

Minho laughed.

Too many the first times Minho experienced today. The first time he stepped on the village, the first time he slept for hours from afternoon until night, the first time he did the dishes, the first time he felt the unfamiliar warm creeping into his heart. He knew this summer would be the best summer in his life.


The scene of the village was very pleasing for Minho. That morning, as usual, Minho woke up so early. But instead of facing piles of documents, today he went out with Taemin after they had breakfast. They walked around the village. Taemin introduced Minho to the neighbors there. Minho could tell that Taemin was very popular between the citizens of that village. Who wouldn’t like him, Minho thought. He was so lovely.

They rode Taemin’s old bicycle. Minho insisted to ride Taemin, but the younger one was unsure a rich person like Minho could ride bicycle. When they cycled smoothly on the road, Minho purposely unsteadied the bicycle a few times, and the younger boy would squeak.

After several rounds, they stopped to take a rest. Minho teased Taemin for squeaking like a girl. Taemin pouted and playfully punched Minho on his arm, but the older boy just laughed. If people around there didn’t know Taemin, they would think that Minho and Taemin were brothers.

“Aaah…” Taemin groaned, wiping the sweat on his forehead. “Why is it so hot?”

Minho chuckled. “Of course it is. It is summer, Taemin.”

“But this village is never this hot,” Taemin pouted cutely. But suddenly he smiled brightly. “Because it’s so hot, why don’t we have an ice cream? I know an ahjumma that sells very delicious ice cream!”

“Alright, alright,” Minho said. “Let’s go!”

They stopped in front of a house which had a small stall at its front yard. The ahjumma who was sitting on the chair quickly stood up and welcomed Taemin and him warmly. Minho started to get used with this kind of situation. Here, in this small village, everyone was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and took care of each other. I’ve should visit this place since a long time ago, he thought to himself.

“Taemin-ah…” the ahjumma hugged Taemin lovingly. “Finally you come!”

“Ahjummaaaaaa,” Taemin hugged her back with the same enthusiasm, which made Minho can’t help but smile.

When they pulled apart, Taemin said, “Banana ice cream, ahjumma! Banana!”

“I know, I know,” the ahjumma said. “I’ll take it for you,” she motioned Taemin to wait and started to look for the banana ice cream inside the freezer.

Minho nudged at Taemin, “You’re 19, but you’re like 4 years old child.”

Taemin pouted again before stuck his tongue out. He turned away from Minho and approached the ahjumma who had the banana ice cream in her hands. Taemin squalled happily before started to the ice cream.

“Young boy, you also want an ice cream?” the ahjumma kindly asked Minho.


“Hyung, just choose your favorite! My treat!”

Minho scratched the back of his head. “I don’t have my favorite.”

“What? Don’t tell me you never ate ice cream before!” Taemin stared at Minho weirdly, as if never eating ice cream was the most abnormal thing he ever heard.

“Of course I have. I just eat what served for me…so…”

Taemin clapped his hands. “Why don’t you try every flavor so you can choose your favorite one?”

Before Minho responded, Taemin had asked the ahjumma to take out all of the flavors of ice creams.

That day, Minho had his favorite flavor for the first time.


On the next day, Minho spent his time with Taemin on the beautiful lake. They brought their picnic bag and had their lunch there. They talked a lot, about their likes, their dislikes, their childhood, and their school. But Taemin only told about the last topic until he was in middle school. He refused to tell the rest by changing the topic. They started to talk about their family, but the only one Taemin always talked about was his grandmother. Minho really wanted to ask him, but he was afraid Taemin would think he acted too close or what.

“So…I heard you’re getting married,” Taemin didn’t look at Minho.

“Wow, you know a lot about me,” Minho joked.

“Yeah, I am,” Taemin turned to Minho with sad face, and Minho felt more confused than before. Taemin lay on the grass before continued, “You’re popular, the Heir of Choi Company, the richest son in this country, who don’t know you?”

“Everyone doesn’t know me, Taemin,” Minho lay beside Taemin, and turned so he could face the beautiful face staring on the blue sky. “Not even me.”

Taemin also turned to Minho that they were facing each other now. “What do you mean?”

“My life is scripted,” Minho answered, ignoring the fast pace of his heart when he realized how close he was with Taemin. “I only do the same routine every day. Not like I complain. But now I realize that I never know the world outside my mansion, the company, and my school.”

Minho turned his body again and stared up at the sky, feeling a little calm to have enough distance with Taemin. “I never know me. I don’t know what I want to do, what I don’t want to do, what I want to be, my dream, and…my feeling. I just walk on the path my parents choose. I become what my parents want me to be. I get married with who my parents expect me to marry.”

“My Mom said like that to me, and I know she was true. Now I realize how pathetic I am.”

Suddenly Taemin rolled on top of Minho, shocked the latter. He gulped when those brown eyes pierced through his black ones, feeling his heart started to thump crazily again.

“You’re not pathetic, hyung. You had done your best. You’re obedient. You’re a good kid for your parents. You make them proud. You’re just confused. It is okay. But you’re not pathetic. Do you hear me, hyung? Do you understand?”

Minho dumbly nodded, trying to absorb what Taemin had said, but found it was so difficult because every time the blonde-haired boy spoke, his breath would hit Minho’s face, spreading his sweet scent.

And Minho lost his calm for the first time.


On the third day of his holiday, Minho went to buy groceries with Taemin. The groceries Taemin bought had run out of the stock, so they decided to go shopping. Minho, typical the rich person, bought what he wanted and didn’t bother to bargain. But Taemin quickly stopped him right away. He tried to bargain until the cheapest price. Minho was amazed by Taemin’s skill. Well, who wouldn’t fall to this cute boy’s aegyo?

Watching Taemin bargain like an old woman made Minho exploded to laugh. Taemin shot him a dagger stare, but it only made Minho laughed louder, because no matter Taemin tried to look scary, he was still very cute. Despite of that, Minho finally surrendered and apologized when the younger boy started to ignore him. And Minho really couldn’t stand not to talk to the boy even just a few minutes.

After they were home, they made dinner together. It was the first time Minho cooked. But it turned out very well. Taemin pouted unsatisfying. He felt unfair because he learned for years until his food was appropriate to be eaten. Minho just laughed of Taemin’s childish protest.

God, he forgot when he ever laughed like this. Or maybe, he never experienced the happy moment like this.

Finally, that night Minho understood what the ‘real’ happiness meant for the first time.


That morning, Taemin left the house early to bring some food for the grandmother who lived not far from his house. Minho offered to come with him, but Taemin refused. He said that the grandmother had a grandchild who was very rude to new person he met. He didn’t want Minho to feel uncomfortable.

But until almost afternoon, Taemin didn’t come back yet. Minho couldn’t help but feel very worried. He headed towards the grandmother’s house. There, he didn’t find Taemin. Instead, a few people gathered there. Minho had known a few of them, and decided to ask.

“Taemin? He didn’t come back yet?” Mr. Wang asked back.


“I’m sorry,” the grandmother placed his hand on Minho’s shoulder. “This is my grandson’s fault.”

“What happened?” Minho questioned her, but that sounded more demanding than he expected. Nonetheless Minho could careless because he was too anxious.

“My grandson shouldn’t talk like that to him. Taemin is really a good boy. He was just confused and lonely. I’m really guilt my grandson brought back about his past,” the grandmother apologized sincerely as tears fell on her cheeks.

Minho looked to the people in that place. “What happened on Taemin?” he really demanded them to answer him this time.

Mr. Wang was the one who explained it, about Taemin’s past, while the others’ wiped their tears secretly.


Minho ran around the village. His eyes wandered around, trying to find the blonde-haired boy.

You’re not pathetic, hyung.

Taemin was an obedient kid. He always did what his parents said. He obeyed his grandmother’s words. He was lovable and smart. He was never even once being naughty. But after his grandmother passed away when he was nine, everything seemed didn’t go well in his family.

In the age of ten, Taemin witnessed with his own eyes his mother was having with another man in her bedroom. In the age of eleven, he saw with his own eyes his father beat his mother up after finding she was cheating. After that he saw his mother ran away with her boyfriend, not caring how hard Taemin cried to beg her not go. In the age of twelve, Taemin never saw his father again. He was left alone in that cold house. In the age of sixteen, his father came back bringing a new wife. That year, his father married and divorce five times. That year, Taemin started to rebel.

He became a part of gang. He dyed his hair bright red. He skipped class and never did his homework. He cheated in every test and exam. He went to a club although he was underage. He would receive a letter from his teacher every day, expecting his parents would come. But he would tear it right away and said he didn’t have any parents.

You had done your best. You’re obedient.

Minho had come to the place he knew in that village, yet he couldn’t find the boy. He started to sweat, feeling totally afraid that he didn’t see the younger boy. He had to see him.

Where are you, Taemin?

Three years Taemin roughly lived his life. He went back to his old self only when he visited his grandmother’s village, where he could forget his misery. While in Seoul, he always came home drunk. His father would be furious and punished him. Sometimes he would receive a few slaps on his cheeks, even some punches. His father would yell at him how ungrateful son he was, how ashamed he had a son like Taemin. But it doesn’t matter to him. He would do anything to make his father realize his existence.

You’re a good kid for your parents.You make them proud.

The fear in Minho’s chest spread through his blood. He still couldn’t find him. He was like a madman running around, shouting Taemin’s name.

Taemin, please. Where are you?

One day, Taemin was arrested because he bullied someone with his gang until that person was hospitalized. His father came to the police station, feeling furious than ever. He cursed at him, scolding him in front of public. Taemin didn’t care. He was happy enough his father came for him. He finally came for him as a father. But Taemin widened his eyes when his father collapsed in front of him. He passed away in the journey to the hospital because of a heart attack.

In the age of nineteen, Taemin killed his own father.

You’re just confused. It is okay.

Minho’s tears had fallen. But he still brought his tired legs to run. He wanted to meet Taemin. He wanted to envelop him with a warm hug. He wanted to tell the younger boy it was okay. He wanted to show the blonde-haired kid that he wasn’t alone.

Taemin is really a good boy. He was just confused and lonely.

Minho abruptly stopped when he saw that familiar back was sitting on the edge of the river. He quickly ran towards that person and wrapped his arms around him. He cried on Taemin’s back, thanking God he had found him.

“M-minho hyung?” Taemin stuttered.

“Taemin, Taemin, Taemin,” Minho chanted. He spun Taemin around to meet his gaze, and at the moment Taemin realized that Minho had known.

Taemin smiled bitterly and moved away Minho’s arms around him. “You already heard it, didn’t you, hyung? Now you must think how pathetic I am.”

“I don—”

“You called yourself pathetic, hyung. But look at me. I’m the pathetic one. I did so many mistakes. I deserved it when Umma left me, because she would only feel hurt seeing me like this. I’m not worthy, just like Appa said. I killed him…I killed my own father.”

Taemin looked down at his laps. He laughed, but it sounded so cold. “You must pity me right now. How a stupid kid like me, caused his father’s death because of his confusion and loneliness.” Taemin lifted up his face, stared at Minho’s with his teary eyes. “I’m better die or disappear, or even I shouldn’t be born in—”

Minho pulled Taemin on his chest, whispering ‘You’re not alone’ and ‘I’m here’. Taemin kept silence in shock before he broke down. He sobbed hard on Minho’s chest, pouring what had been inside him so long.

Hearing Taemin’s sob made Minho understand what the meaning of pain for the first time. He had fallen to the boy. He had fallen in love for the first time.


“No movies here, no mall, no park. Where will we go, then?” Taemin asked excitedly. Minho dragged him that afternoon to go on a date. Or Taemin hoped so. He knew Minho just wanted to lighten Taemin’s mood after what happened yesterday.

Minho just grinned teasingly at Taemin, a sign that he wouldn’t tell. Taemin didn’t protest. He was too busy staring at their intertwined hands. It fitted so perfectly, like they were made at each other. But the thought fell when Taemin remembered that Minho was getting married.

“Here we are!” Minho exclaimed happily.

The thought of Minho’s marriage disappeared as soon as it appeared. Taemin was too absorbed to the sight in front of him. They were in the waterfall inside the forest. Taemin had always wanted to go there, but wasn’t allowed because everyone treated them like a baby.

Soon, the couple had swum around the waterfall. Taemin splashed water on Minho’s face. Minho caught the clue and they started to war. Taemin swam as fast as he could to avoid Minho. But Minho’s long legs and hands afforded him to swim faster.

“Catch you!” Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin’s waist. He laughed, but the laughter stopped when he found how close Taemin’s face to his. Their breath mingled. That warmth crept again inside Minho’s heart.

Now, without hesitation, Minho closed the distance between their lips and kissed the kid passionately.

Under the waterfall, Minho had his first kiss for the first time.


On the sixth night of his holiday, Minho cuddled with Taemin on the couch. They ignored the show on the television and just chatted by themselves. They talked about and laughed over nothing, but both of them felt content.

“I hate Monday,” Taemin suddenly said.


“Monday is the end of every holiday. We should go back to school, to college, to work. Monday is the start of boring work days. Monday makes us forget about Sunday, and the day before that, because we have so many things to do on Monday.”

Minho tightened his embraced on Taemin, finally realized where this would head to.

“When Monday comes, the holiday seems like a dream, whether it was a nightmare or a sweet dream. Everything would only leave a memory, or even leave nothing at all. We will come back to the life we have before.”

“I don’t want to leave,” Minho whispered on Taemin’s ear.

Taemin closed his eyes. “Appa always praised my dancing. He said I would be the best dancer someday. And I will Minho hyung. I’ll go to USA and become the best dancer there.”

“You’re leaving?” Minho hitched.

“On the day after tomorrow,” Taemin paused, and continued. “The day of your marriage.”

Minho shook his head. “I don’t want to—”

“Our holiday will end, hyung,” Taemin cut him off. “No matter what we want, every holiday must come to an end.”


On the last day, Minho and Taemin spent their time together as much as they could. They rode bicycle again, they went swimming again, they ate ice cream again, they shopped again, and they cooked together again. They would constantly kiss each other, whether a long sweet kiss or only a small peck. They held hands, wrapped their arms around each other.

They finished their dinner and did the dishes together, just like on their first day. But this was totally different; because their heart was already different from the first time they met each other. When the dishes were done, Taemin lent his head on Minho’s shoulder.

“Should I say goodbye?” he asked.

Minho shook his head. “I don’t like goodbye. See you again are much better.”

Taemin turned to look at Minho and whispered, “See you again, then.”

Minho smashed his lips on Taemin’s, kissing him passionately. He wrapped his arms around Taemin’s waist tightly, afraid if he let go, Taemin would disappeared. Taemin didn’t mind at all. He kissed Minho’s back hungrily. Their tongues danced sensually, despite the tear that ran on their faces.

When both of them ran out of the breath, they pulled away.

Taemin took Minho’s hands and placed it on his chest.

“Take me, Minho.”

That night they became one. And Minho felt whole for the first time.


Minho looked at his own reflection on the mirror. He was very handsome in his tuxedo, although he didn’t smile at all. His eyes were dead, so was his heart. It was only hours he separated from Taemin, and he already missed the younger boy.


Mrs. Choi entered the room, looked so beautiful in her age wearing such an elegant gown. “How was your holiday?” she asked as she fixed Minho’s bow.

“Great,” Minho bitterly answered. “Better than I expected.”

Mrs. Choi caressed her son’s cheek lovingly. “You fall in love.”

“I do,” Minho admitted. His tears welled up on his eyes, before broke down into sobs. He cried like a 5 years old kid in his mother’s hug. He really loved Taemin. He didn’t want to be apart from him. But nothing he could do. Taemin was gone, and he would be married in one hour.

Those seven days were the happiest moment in Minho’s life. How could he erase those memories he have with the person he love?


The first week Taemin arrived at USA he spent to adjust with his surroundings. He tried his best to be busy, so he wouldn’t have time to think about Minho. He stayed late in the dance room to practice until he was tired, and went back home before instantly fell asleep.

Sometimes Taemin would find him himself crying, or hugged his fragile body, missing the warmth of Minho. But he quickly changed his thought to other things. His favorite one was not thinking at all. His life wasn’t much better than a zombie.

That day, Taemin couldn’t find anything to do. The dance practice was cancelled and he had done all the chores. He ended up sitting on the couch watching TV. He switched the channel so many times until news from South Korea caught his attention.

“The Heir of Choi Company, Choi Minho, had disappeared from two day ago. The chaos he caused in his marriage and the runaway thing seem as the start of his rebellion. He left only a message said he wants to go to heaven before he—”

The bell ring interrupted Taemin. Still dazed with what he had just heard, Taemin walked towards the door of his apartment and opened the door.

Once the door was opened, he was attacked by a tight hug. The familiar warmth he missed came back. He cried right away and hugged back the person in front of him. That person whispered those three magical words and Taemin chanted, “Minho hyung, Minho hyung, Minho hyung…”

Minho was in heaven, then. And their time was no longer limited. It wasn’t seven days anymore, because they would make it become seven weeks, seven months, seven years, forever.


Sorry for the errors. It's 01.30 a.m here. I'm so sleepy but I determine to finish this as to show my guilt for not updating my stories....

Hope you like it and sorry if it is a little bit rush...

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ilovekimjongina #1
wow very very nice
Chapter 1: This is really really really beautiful, and I really love this piece! I love how the relationship between Taemin and Minho were simply created, not rushed, just right. Even their life backgrounds were pretty nice. But I have to say that Taemin's past life/self really shocked me a lot! I mean, he's so different from the past to right now. But anyway, I seriously had troubles understanding why Taemin suddenly got hunted by his past. Is his mother back or was it his stepfather that triggered it? Or whichever. Anyway, the title is totally misleading for. Actually thought that this one's gonna have a character death or that 2min will not end up together... But I really love surprises okayyyyy ;~; I really love this, going to reread this for sure in the future ^^ (Sorry for my jumbled mumbles~)
Chapter 1: oh my god sooo much feels ;A;
y_nieq #4
omg wow, this is beautiful.
park-minrin #5
love it so crazy much. <3
Definite favourite!
Amazing, I love this story <3
Ouah....3rd time I read it (oneshots are convenient cause we can read them a lot of times!) and I still love it!!
Just_Lan #9
This is such a sweet one-shot! I completely loved it, soo cute =)