Study! No! Have Fun!

Reply 2013 - No! Just Reply Me (hiatus TT)
Sooooo sorry for not updating after a long time. Many events happened so u had to postponed updating. Im so sorry TT Btw do you think each chapters are too long? Will you prefer if i lessen it a bit? Do tell me on the comments section~
"I told you a thousand times to study! Don't keep on thinking that you are going to be Donghae's wife! You crazy girl! I should send you to a mental hospital!" You father reprimanded while beating you with a cane.
Every one of the caning was unbearable.
"Uncle... will punish you for not studying" Sunggyu's words replayed in your mind while tears kept on strolling down your face.
"Why can't you be hardworking and smart as ..." continued your father.
Hearing what he said your eyes was led to a family picture of your family with that special person (not Sunggyu).
Sunggyu ran down the stairs as soon as he heard your father's loud voice. He tried to stop your father however he was pushed away until...
"Stop Appa! It wasn't her fault!" rebelled Sunggyu.
Your father (will be called Appa from now on) was taken aback. Sunggyu rebelling was a rare case. Appa wanted you to be successful as Sunggyu who was hardworking and excelled in his studies. If Sunggyu failed, the punishment by Appa was lighter. Far lighter.
"Heecha-yah! Omo! Yeobo what did you do to her!" Omma questioned. 
She dropped her basket of vegetables and ran to you after seeing you was in tears and was scarred with cane marks after arriving home from the market. 
"She failed her test... 1 mark..." Appa replied looking away from Omma.
"It was just a suprise test," Sunggyu replied while still looking at Appa.
"Suprise test! How could anyone study for a suprise test?! Why did you have torture her for that?!" Omma shouted.
"Because she was the only one who got 1 mark! That's why!" exclaimed Appa.
"It's better than nothing!" fought Omma.
Omma made you stand and led you back to your room. She made you sit on the bed while she apply ointment for the cane marks.
"It's okay. He just wants you to do well," Omma cajoled you.
"I'm sorry i'm stupid," you spoke while trying to endure the painfulness of the ointment that is like acid on your cane scars.
"No. Don't say that my daughter," Omma softly replied. She hoped in her heart you will at least do well.
[Back to the future]
"Yah. Where are you zoning out to?" Joona said while waving her hands infront of you.
"Nothing..." you embarrassingly replied.
Woohyun smiled at you and pinched your cheeks. Kai ruffled your hair.
"Look at them haisss," said Jonghyun.
Woohyun and Kai threw the napkin from the table at him.
"So how is life? Dating? Getting married?" Joona asked.
"Ya, we should be the one asking you that," Jonghyun replied.
Hearing that Joona bit her lip and glance at the boys.
"Hehe, but... hey! Did you tell them before i did?" Joona interrogate you.
"I just said you probably getting married..." you said after remembering what you spoke when you had lunch with the boys the other day.
"Aish!" Joona hissed and hit your arm.
"Sorry~" you apologized.
The boys just laughed. You look at Junhyung who was smiling.
[Back to the past]
"Class this is our new student from Seoul, Junhyung. Please treat him well," Mr Woo, the boys teacher said.
Everyone nodded and Junhyung went to sit in front Kai.
"Hey, nice to meet you, i'm Jonghyun!" Jonghyun introduced himself to Junhyung after class.
"I'm Junhyung," replied Junhyung and they shook hands. 
They share things about each other and found their common interests and became friends.
*Lunch time bell*
"Guys this is Junhyung," said Jonghyun.
"Hi! I'm Joona! This is Heecha, Woohyun and Kai," Joona said.
"Hi~" everyone said.
"Umm... Hi..." Junhyung replied shyly.
"Don't be shy, come sit here," Joona patted the sit beside her.
Junhyung accepted and sat, feeling awkward with new friends.
"So where are you from?" you asked while drinking your coke.
"Seoul," Junhyung replied taking bites from his sandwhich.
"It must be comfortable and nice there right?" Woohyun asked and took the coke from you once you finish and drank it.
"I guess so, but its good to be in a new environment," Junhyung replied.
He eyed you and Woohyun and naïvely asked a question which caused everyone in your table to choke on their food :
"Are you two dating?"
"What?! How do you even came up with the question?" Joona bewilderedly asked.
Junhyung point to the can of coke that Woohyun and you shared and everyone look at it.
"Ahh, that's normal between us," Jonghyun explained to him.
Junhyung just nodded and tried to understand and adapt with you guys. Joona just finish sipping drinking her banana milk when Junhyung took it and drank it. Joona stared at him.
"It's okay right?" Junhyung asked and gave her back her milk.
Joona just nodded and took a small bite of her bread.
"Wow he is so brave, indeed a seoul person..." Jonghyun said and admired him.
*Ding Dong Deng Dong*
School ended and students left happily to enjoy the weekend.
"Remember tomorrow! We are supporting Kai!" Jonghyun said and waved as he walk home.
"Aish... Its too bad Junhyung is not coming along, he said he have a part time job," Joona said sadly with a pout.
"Wait Joona-yah don't tell me you fall in love at first sight with Junhyung?" you questioned her.
"No! I- i just though it will be good if we can get closer.. Ah! I got to go! I will message you! Bye!" Joona replied as if she was rapping and went off like Road Runner.
"Yah are you jealous Joona has a crush? Unlike you who is Donghae wife *coughnotcough*" Woohyun teased you.
Kai laughed and they high fived each other. You glared at the both them and when they saw your eyes they ran away.
"See you!" Kai said and waved at you while running away from you who is like a soon-to-be-errupted-volcano.
"Yah why are you angry?" Sunggyu asked as he saw you who have your fist clenched.
You was brought back to earth from your evil thoughts of revenge to the two boys. You just shook your head in response to Sunggyu question and gave a small smile. You follow him to the car and went in.
"Do you have any homework?" Sunggyu asked while driving.
"Nope! Finally a homework-free weekend!" you cheered in happiness.
"So you thought, on Sunday oppa will give you tuition," he said and smirked.
"Ah why?! Just when i thought i had a free weekend," you pouted.
You texted Joona to inform her that on Sunday you two wont be able to go to the mall together.
Haishh you cant wait for the weekends... Yeayyyyy TT
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Chapter 5: I'll wait for the update then. ;"))
Haha. Naw, Shawols won't kill. :D
harshinikai #3
Chapter 3: Author-nim Updates soon(:(:(: ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: I love Reply1997!
And i also love suju accept my bias is leehyukjae
Playnana #5
Do update! ^^