Death's world


What if he does not remember anything? 

If he even doesnt know where he is? 

Can he find a way out? 

Will someone be waiting for him? 


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Aniram #1
Thank you!
Chapter 1: (T^T) Just Beautiful!!! Really love Todae I hope all of Bigbang stay safe and stay alive forever... I dont think Ill handle it if anything happen... loved this fic!
Aniram #3
Thank you!
jess11041102 #4
Chapter 1: 3 words, THIS IS AMAZING! so sad ToT
Aniram #5
Thank you for your attention and commenting - its my pleasure if you like it so much, im very grateful!
Sure, you can translate it any language you would like to) Its an honor for me!
Though I would like to notice that English is not my native language)
WhiteLive #6
Chapter 1: I was cry when I read this. I hate cry when I read story becuse it's stupid fiction but... that story it's amazing. I think I fall in love for this story~~ Daesung have beautiful love for his Seunghyun.
Can I translating it to polish language, for my blog and people who read this? I want to introduce people with english amazing story. Can I?