Jjong's POV

Falling For His Voice
A/N : I want to thank everyone that read and commented on my first ever fic on this website~

I'm sorry to disappoint, but this ~is~ a oneshot. BUT! I wrote a version where it's focused on Jjong's side of it.

Thanks again~ ^ ^


Kim Jonghyun sat blankly, warm dark brown eyes staring down at the black and white piano keys in front him. He positioned his hands, softly pushing a few notes and before he knew it he was playing, fingers easily pressing onto the right keys. He hummed a few times before he began voicing the lyrics, smooth and perfect.

Once he finished practicing, Jonghyun began heading out of the classroom. Just as he stepped out, he noticed her, sleeping comfortably on the floor, sitting up against the wall, head titled slightly to the side, knees pulled up. He raised an eyebrow before smiling as he recognized her. Cho Rinhae.

He grinned at his luck – he had been eyeing her for a while.

He crouched in front of her and debated whether to wake her or not. He studied her face, soft and peaceful, different from the smiling face he’d always see her wear. It didn’t, however, change the fact that he thought she was beautiful, cute when she slept. His eyes moved to her iPod and green and white headphones lying right next to her.

Jonghyun then decided he wasn’t going to wake her, taking her iPod and headphones and instead just sing for her. He figured she had fallen asleep listening to him practice. He straightened, wrapping the headphones around his neck and raising a hand to swipe at the blond tips of his bangs, he left.


He listened to the songs on her iPod, chuckling at the selection of love songs in her playlist. Jonghyun had thought about it, and concluded that he’d start singing the ones he liked best for her if she kept coming. It’s been just a few weeks, and he’d seen her sitting there every day he was in the room. His friends even noticed as well, but he had told them to just leave her.

Jinki even told him that she was his partner for Vocals, friends even and Jonghyun couldn’t stop asking questions about her. He asked him what her favorite song was, what she liked to eat, places she liked to go to, and he even grinned when Jinki told him she’s been talking about him as well.

Jonghyun decided to make a CD for her.


The months go by and Jonghyun enjoys every minute of staying after school for practice and just singing for her. The endless teasing from Jinki and silent smirks from Minho still continues, but he doesn’t care. Taemin just thinks it’s cute and Kibum thinks he should just tell Rinhae because she really doesn’t know it’s him. A Part of him wants to reveal himself, but the other half is afraid she’ll stop visiting if he did.

He lies in bed every night just thinking about her, wondering what song to sing next. He thinks about her dark brown eyes, and smiling face, and hears her laughing when she’s with her friends and the soft sighs she unconsciously releases when he’s near. Jonghyun takes just one look at her smile and slowly he falls in love.


Jonghyun frowns when he doesn’t see Rinhae sleeping in her usual spot. At first he thinks that she’s gotten busy when her visits are less and less frequent, until she stops altogether. He shakes his head, and resumes eating. He didn’t like thinking about it.

“Hyung,” He hears Kibum call, “She’s beginning to give up. Today, she told me she wasn’t going to go anymore.”

He snaps his head up, eyes locking with Kibum’s for an explanation. Jinki and Taemin listen in, sharing a bowl of noodles; Minho sits off to the side, only half interested.

Kibum sighs and continues eyes downcast towards his sandwich, “Rin-ah thinks you don’t really care. She really wants to know who you are…”

“Ah,” Jinki adds, slurping up his noodles, “She mentioned that in Vocals today.”

Jonghyun nods slowly, taking a sip of his water. “I’ll wait a bit.” He mumbles, thinking. He had no classes with Rinhae, and rarely saw her in the halls between passing periods. He couldn’t even spot her at any of the tables right now. He frowned.

“I was wondering,” Taemin trailed off, chewing, “why noona’s been hanging out in the practice room after school.”

Jonghyun turns to look at him and Kibum takes that chance to steal one of his cookies. “Is she coming there today?”

Taemin shrugs, returning to his shared bowl of ramen. Minho steals one of Jonghyun’s cookies as well.

“She’s going to be in Vocals with me afterschool.” Jinki supplies.

Jonghyun hums, and frowns at Minho before turning to lightly punch Kibum’s shoulder for stealing his last cookie.



The moment lunch ends, Jonghyun immediately goes to Jinki for help. His hyung agrees, of course, telling him to wait until they finish practicing and everyone is gone.

Jonghyun paces impatiently, wishing he had a wrist watch on to constantly check the time. Jinki had told him that it wasn’t going to take too long, but Jonghyun swears he’s been waiting for at least two hours. The doors suddenly opens and Jonghyun turns expectantly, only to be disappointed to find that it was two other students who had just came out.

He sighs exasperatedly, nearly throwing his arms in the air.

A minute passes by and Jinki opens the door, stepping out carefully. He grins sheepishly.

“Finally!” Jonghyun almost whines. Jinki quickly shushes him, eyes a bit wide. He tells Jonghyun that she’s asleep before leaving to go find the others. Jonghyun smiles in thanks, walking into the class room.

Rinhae is there, sitting, curled and leaning against a wall on one of the counters. She breathes in soft sighs and she sleeps and Jonghyun can’t help but stare. He almost steps on the fallen equipment as he approaches her, humming a quiet tune before he starts singing, watching closely for a reaction.

Then she’s waking, eyes fluttering as she stirs awake. Jonghyun sings louder and walks up to her, knees bumping against hers while he hooks her headphones around her neck. He stops singing only to , leaning in close and tugging on his jacket that she’s wearing.

Her surprised, wide eyed expression is so cute, Jonghyun almost laughs. Only he doesn’t and does the best thing he can think of.

He kisses her.


It ends here. (:

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MandeeGee #1
Chapter 2: That was 100% adorable and sweet and left me with warm fuzzy feelings.
hielooo #2
awwwww nice story!!
realmusiq #3
@arcady That was me, haha~ This was cross posted from winglin after I discovered this site and made an account.
arcady #4
I've seen this from winglin.
drizzleandrain #5
wow this is so good! :D i am at a loss for words. please keep writing oneshots like this. :D
O.M.G I was just scrolling through your stories, And I was stopped by - SHINee. I LOVE SHINEE! OMG. This is the cutest Jonghyun Oneshot I have EVER READ IN MY WHOLE LIFE. And that's 15 years! LOL. This is so sweet and cute. I'm going read your ONEW ONE NOW. I love your writing style! :)
kyokomiyuki #7
Cute.<br />
Simply adorable.<br />
Love all your oneshots!
AWE . AWE . AWE . AWE . <br />
damn . i want a love story like that !<br />
guys those days are jerks Dx<br />
anyways . love your story !
This is really beautiful...I love this..