Last Reminder

Last Reminder

My eyes fill with tears but they go unnoticed as everyone rushes to congradulate you and her. Everyone thought you were the perfect couple. Everyone except me. I turn and walk out of the practice room. Past everyone whispering. The news of your engagement has already spread.

This pain in my chest, will it never cease? She should be me, standing on the sidelines watching, wishing. You were everything. My best friend, confident, my love. I had told you that i loved you but you didn't reply. But now, as i leave, all you are to me is my heartbreaker.

Just as i get to my car you run up behind me. By now my tears have fallen. I turn around to ask but my voice is gone. You ask whats wrong. The question you never ask. You used to ask who you should hurt but i see that she's changed you. Or at least tried. I turn back around and get in my car but you keep the door from closing. You knew how i felt and still decided to toture me by making me be there to here you tell them that you proposed.

Is it out of comfort? Obligation? Or do you really love her? Do you love her like i love you? More? You pull me out of the car and hug me. Keep telling me to explain my tears yet i cannot because it is you. Am i not good enough? You and i both know the boys are only acting happy. She hates me yet you turn a blind eye to her comments. Key........ Taemin.......... Minho......... Onew........ none of them like her. She thinks she's perfect and apperantly so do you. You don't realise how she talks behind your back. You close the car door and let me go. I finally find my voice and tell you. Tell you everything. What i feel, what she does, everything. And you finally listen.

The boys walk out and over to us listening as i, quite loudly, tell you. She follows behind. When i'm finished, i'm breathing hard. The boys hug me but you. You just stare. She walks up to you and tries getting your attention but it doesn't work. As you ignore her, she finally snaps and starts yelling at me and the boys.

Throughing comment after horrid comment at me especially. When she finally stops, realisation is your only expression. She tries to pull you back to the building but you pull out of her grip. Your about to say something. But i had already slipped into the car during her rant and pulled our of the parking space.

A week later, I had the news and saw the anouncement that you had broken it off with Sekyung. I heard the door bell ring I opened the door to see you standing there with flowers.

I let you in and when we sit down you explain. You had finally realized she was everything i wasn't and thought that you would want the opposite of your best friend. You tell me you love me. You wait for me to reply but the only thing that i do is pull you down and kiss you.

You had no clue how long i've been waiting for that moment. And now as you lay in this hospital bed, 50 years later. As i tell you this knowing you won't wake. Tears roll down my cheeks. I rest my head on your bed and sleep, hoping i won't wake either. Because death with you is better than life without. My love. My husband. My soul. My heart. My Jong Hyun......Saranghae....

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
Aawww she ended up with him! But Jjong is going to 'leave' D;