
Digital - Myungsoo

Being assigned to a new project was always exciting for you, especially when you going to work with Myungsoo. A new and upcoming digital designer, you were brought in for you new and unique ideas that were quickly becoming more and more accepted.

"You will be compiling Mr. Kim’s photographs in a scrapbook like format. Make them look as good as they can. Good luck." The manager left you alone with the company computer as you got to work. Working to your music you compiled his pictures as they fit perfectly with the templates that you were given to work with. 

"What are you doing?" You heard a voice call from the door as you turned around.

"Um I got hired to work on this book for Mr. Kim." You said as you turned down your music. He half smiled and smirked as he pulled up a chair next to you as he sat on it backwards straddling it as his arms rested on the back. 

"Do you want to see the whole thing?" You asked as he nodded his head curious of what you were doing with his pictures. Getting the program into viewing mode. You flipped through all of the papers that you had finished as you watched his face. The expression on his face, made you smile as it was too cute, the confused, yet intrigued look on his face.

"How could you?" He hissed, "How could you do that to my photographs. I thought you would make them better but you are just ruining them. They aren’t mine anymore they are yours!"

"All I did was add boarders on your photographs and just tilted them to get more than one on a page. I am not changing anything, I am just making them easier for people to see and to try and make the meaning of the picture more prominent." You said calmly as he began to get angrier.

"You are just tarnishing the pictures until there is nothing left." Myungsoo argued back.

"You think that you can do better?" You proposed

"I do! I don’t think they needed to hire you in the first place." Myungsoo said as you got up, gathering your things you left leaving the program up. Hoping on a bus you began to travel home.

”______ how is the project coming?” The manager said that was looking for you. Myungsoo was in your place as that startled the manager. “Myungsoo? What are you doing here?”

"She was ruining my pictures so I told her to go home." Myungsoo said as his eyes were glued to the screen trying to undo everything that you had worked so hard to do. 

The buzzing of your phone alerted you as you rode the buss to get to your house.

I’m sorry about Myungsoo - Manager

No it is ok, they are his pictures, he is the artist.

Please don’t be discouraged. You are a great artist, I would love to use you for another project. You have a wonderful talent. - Manager

Thank you Manager, I will wait for your call.

Walking to your apartment you opened the door as the bag from your shoulder slipped down your arm. Letting it fall, you slumped to your bedroom as you changed into shorts and a long sleeved shirt.

"I hope that they will call me back." You mumbled as you looked through the freezer before pulling out a pint of Cookie Dough ice cream. Shuffling over to the couch you a movie to try and forget that you got insulted and that you lost a job today.

A couple days had passed as you found no desire to work on your digital art. Moping around the house you found some projects to keep you busy but then you thought that you would go over to see if they needed any help since the deadline for the project was in the next couple days. Putting on some casual yet comfy clothes you headed to the office again, if not to help them, just to see the end project to see if you could learn something new.

Finally arriving at the building you found your way to the small room where the computers were. Opening the door, a figure laid on the keyboard as the project that you were working on was on the screen. Gently lifting his head from the keyboard you set it on your jacket as you pulled up a chair and began to work on it again.

Seeing the pages that he tried to, most of them weren’t finished as you went back through the files to find where you original, last saved copy was. The late night soon fell on you as you worked through the night, sneaking glances at Myungsoo who was sleeping next to you peacefully.

The following morning you had finished all of the pages as you too fell asleep on the keyboard. With the morning light filtering in, Myungsoo gently woke up and finding you next to him. Rather confused he saved your work as he looked through the finished project. In awe of all of your hard work, seeing how everything worked together.

Stirring gently you woke up just to have Myungsoo’s arms gently around you as he looked through his pictures.

"Um Myungsoo?" You asked wanting to get up as it was a little awkward position for you to be in with him.

"Oh sorry." He moved his arm from you, "I was just admiring your work. I think you did a really great job with my pictures, making them look all professional and better than when I took them. Nothing was wasted and everything is needed that you put on the pages. I am truly sorry about the words that I said. I didn’t realize how hard this job was just to make one picture look good. I know that you just did your job and that you are unique and honored for the way that you look at things. I am sorry about the way that I treated you, you should be treated with respect and I didn’t honor you for your differences. I am truly sorry." Myungsoo’s cheeks began to burn as he began to see your kind side, your beautiful side; as he began to fall more in love with you.

"It’s ok, I understand why you did. Thank you for apologizing I really appreciate and honor that as well." You said as you began to print out the pages.

"W-would you like to go get some breakfast together?" Myungsoo stuttered out as a big smile curled onto your lips.

"That would be wonderful~" You let the project print as you two went off for breakfast to celebrate your differences, similarities, and your hard work.

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Chapter 1: yaye -turned sweetie pie kim myungsoo =]