Side Track Chapter!

The Revival of Time

“Yeobeoseyo? Jay Oppa?” Cosy spoke into the phone.
“Yes Cosy? What’s up?”
“Can I ask you a question? You have to promise me that you will answer truthfully.”
“Okay. Anything for my lovely dongsaeng. What is it?”
“Honestly, how do you feel towards Gyuri?”
“Woah. Where did that come from?”
“Stop pretending. I saw you staring at her the whole time in the restaurant.”
“Oh really? I thought your eyes were only on Taec.”
“Yah! I am being serious here. I promise I won’t say anything.”
“.... Aish, even you noticed it.. if you did, why can’t she?” Jay sighed through the other end of the line.
“Tsk..You really had no idea how much she likes you, do you? Do you remember how at the clothes shop, her mood suddenly went down? Guess who’s the cause of it? It’s you, ‘Mr. Oh-how-come-she-didn’t-notice.”
“I didn’t even do anything. I just changed, walked out and then this girl came out to me and---”
“Flirted with you? Jay oppa, you should know how Gyuri is after being friends with her for such a long period of time. She needs the reassurance.”
“....Ok. I think I know what to do now. Thanks for calling, Cosy.”
“No problem. Good night.” Cosy said.
“Nights.” Jay replied and hung up the phone.
“One thing off my mind! Time for sleep! It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.” Cosy said to herself as she skipped into her room.

Jay scrolled to the end of the page, wanting to press the “Next” option to realize that that was the latest updated chapter.
“Argh. Why did Cosy cut off the chapter here? She has so many back up chapters!” Jay complained and placed the iPad onto his lap. 2 more hours before reaching he would reach Singapore. Singapore would be the country that the 2 girls are in right? He started pondering; thinking through of all the clues left in the chapters of the story and reconfirmed his thoughts that these 2 girls ARE from Singapore. I must find those girls and get them to update the story quickly! I wonder how Gyuri/Jade look like. Jay leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes, taking a nap since there wasn’t any chapter to read.
As Jay exited the arrival hall, he was shocked to see fans awaiting for his arrival. It was like 11.35pm and it was a school day. Damn. And I dressed so casually. Black throughout accompanied with a black haversack, Jay walked through the pathway made by the security barriers, towards the van which will take him to Fairmont Hotel for the night before the performance at the HTC Likes Award on 22 July.

---22 July---
Jade has been queuing up since 4pm even though the concert would only start at 8pm. Since she bought the standing pen ticket, it was a free standing thing and queuing up earlier meant better chances near the stage, and better chances near the stage meant better chances of fan service from Jay, right? Being bored that she was alone, she messaged Cosy.
Wah. I’m like super super early. Only a few people are here>< Lol. Got some overdressed! 4 inch high heels-.-“ –Jade
LOL! They crazy what! Starting at what time? –Cosy
8. Came early coz standing pen ><” –Jade
That’s super duper early!!!! –Cosy
The message exchanged continued before it just came to a stop after Jade sent the last message asking why was Cosy on the bus. That girl, she must be sleeping on the bus again. Forever like a pig. Tsk! Jade thought to herself as she started to stand in line for the queue to get into the hall.  She struck conversations with 2 other Jaywalkers and she heard screams coming from the convention hall. That MUST be Jay rehearsing. Jade was so excited that she expressed it by spamming messages to Cosy who was away in lalaland on the bus.
Finally at 8.15pm, the doors were opened and Gyuri rushed straight to the front, right at the corner where the T-shape of the stage is.

“And now, let us invite our next artiste to present the ‘Most Stylish’ award. Mr Jay Park!” The host announced as Jay walked to the stage. Among all the flashing lights, screams and cheers, he just felt a certain presence that he couldn’t ignore. Why am I having the feeling that Gyuri/Jade is here? Jay kept pondering in his head as he kept his smile and present the ‘Most Stylish’ award.

The time ticked away as Jayesslee performed, followed by Derrick Hoh. Jade totally enjoyed the perfomance and had managed to shake hands with Derrick Hoh but that wasn’t her main reason for coming here. She was still waiting for that main reason to appear. And finally, the intro of ‘Nothing on You’ came through the speakers and ALL the Jaywalkers went crazy cheering and the shutters on the cameras went open and close at a quick rate. And of course, that included Jade.

As the intro to ‘Nothing on You’ played, Jay walked to the end of the T-stage, following in the direction of where the presence was coming from and then he saw her, immediately. He had never seen a single photo of her at all but he just knew that it was her, and definitely her. The chemistry was so strong. Throughout the whole performance of 3 songs - Nothing on You, Abandoned and Tonight, he could only put his attention on the side of the stage that she was at and managed to first time, touched her fingertips, the second and third time, the whole hand.

“Okay. Thank you Jay Park for the awesome performance, and now we shall start the auction for the autographed phones. Bids please.” The host announced as the phone of Plain White T was auctioned off, followed by Jayesslee, Derrick Hoh and finally Jay.

“790. 790. Any more bids higher than 790?” The host asked as Jay raised his hand up and bought back his own autographed phone at $795. He already had an idea on what to do with that phone. That girl better reach early at the dENIZEN event tomorrow.

“Oh my God! Did you realised?? Jay keep looking at our direction! OUR direction!!” Michelle squealed as she, Jade and Hazel walked out of the convention hall where the event was held.
“I am sure he gave the same attention to all the fans.” Jade said as she walked to the taxi stand.
“See you guys again!! I shall go home, have a nice sleep and appear nicely in front of Jay at the dENIZEN event tomorrow! Byeeee!” Jade bade the 2 girls goodbye and boarded the cab.

The next day, Jade woke up at 7.30am, messaged Cosy at 8am waking her up just to tell her she had reached the venue for the dENIZEN when the event start at 10am. Jade couldn’t keep her excitement and kept spamming messages to Cosy to tell her about all the tiny little updates until the clock finally struck 10.

“YAH!! You are going to be late!” Jong Min hit the lump that was on the bed in Fairmont Hotel.
“Hyung...What time is it?” The lump started moving and said sleepily.

“9am. You have half an hour to brush up and half an hour to travel there, so just get up now!” Jong Min said and opened the curtains, allowing the bright sunlight to stream into the room.
The lump appeared from behind the blankets to present a grumpy Jay Park.
“Hyung, if you know that I had an early event today, you shouldn’t have dragged me to Zouk last night. I didn’t even drink a single thing or danced at all. You should have let me return to the hotel and SLEEP!” Jay complained as he slowly made his way to the bathroom.
“TSCH!! Stop complaining and be quick if you want see your Kwon Gyuri or Jade or whatever her name is. I have totally no idea how can you be so attracted to someone that you READ about online.” Jong Min said as Jay quickened his actions to wash up and all.
“I will see you in the carpark at 9.30am. Be quick. I will get one of the staff to get a sandwich for you.” Jong Min said before he left the room.
Jay came out of the bathroom and dug through his suitcase for the white dENIZEN shirt. He wore a light blue plaid shirt over it and completed the look with a pair of jeans.

10am. That was the time on the clock as cheers echoed in the area as Jay appeared at the dENIZEN store. His eyes were scanning for the girl. HIS girl. Yes. HIS. And he saw her! Number 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 …............ he squinted to see the queue number around her wrist.. 118! Aish. That slowpoke. I shall private message Cosy to make Jay call her Slowpoke in the story. Jay walked to the front of the wall with the word ‘dENIZEN’ printed all over it and the photo-taking started as the first girl approached him. He was counting the number in his head and was getting anxious and excited at the same time as he counted closer and closer to the number ‘118’.

Jade waited in line as she started getting closer and closer to Jay with all the girls in front of her having their turns at taking a photo with him. AHHH! I am so excited! as she was finally the next in line to take photo with her ultimate bias - Jay Park Jaebeom.

Jay was stunned as the girl approached him. It’s her, definitely. The ‘Gyuri’ aura or presence or whatever you called it was so strong. She said a soft ‘Hi’ and requested for a hug which Jay gladly give it to her. He have her a side hug as they took a photo and before she left, he bent down and whispered into her ear.
“Kwon Gyuri. I know it’s you. You better accept Jay when he confessed to you in the story.” Jay said as he slipped the phone into her pocket without the others seeing as Jade turned to look at him with a shocked look.

“Girl! Stop staring and get going!” The security guards shouted as Jade hurriedly left the spot and keep turning to look at him with a shock evident on her face. He sent her a wink before he proceeded to take photos with the other fans.

Jade took out the item that he slid into the pocket and it was the autographed HTC by him that he bought back for himself. She opened it to see a note on the background.

Gyuri! There’s only one number in the contact book. Call/message me (: -Your bias forever, Jay Park. *Attempt at cheesiness.* I know I can’t win Cosy or Taec in that.

Jade took out her iPhone and sent an extremely long message to Cosy. She waited and waited and her phone buzzed. She opened the text that Cosy sent to her inbox.

. I have no more image in front of Jay Park already. -Cosy

Annyeong everyone! Sorry to burst your bubbles, thinking that this is a new chapter! Anyway, I promise to upload the REAL new chapter up soon, alright! This is just a side track one shot for co-author, bitterswee-t that went to meet Jay!!! YAYEEEE! Most of the parts are true except you know which parts. HAHAHA! The one about her spamming me and waking me up is DEFINITELY true!! Anyway, my dear dongsaeng, hope you like your present! I am the best unnie right? HAHAHAHA! :D :D


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party-party #1
please update!! :DD
gotler #2
Y no update haha.
update this soon
orelse I shall spam both of your walls
Seungri's panda eyes are adorable kay? ;~; <br />
Jay is so funnay xD LOL <br />
I'm still confused on weither I want JayRi or TaeRi :|
Cosyheartx #5
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung I am so sad over it okay! OMG!! Then what will happen when Jayri do ever comes back?? D: D: HAHAH! Yes and we will take loads of pictures! MUAHAHHA!
The Cheesy couple~ <3 <br />
yeah I know the feeling, when you just want to scream "GO A GOAT" But then you might get arrested ._. <br />
....Anyways~<br />
Mr.Bread likes taeri now -_- Confused loaf of bread.
Cosyheartx #7
@dannyskye thank you!! Do continue reading and commeneting and promote(:<br />
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@fireworkrainbow oooh! Finally a taeri shipper!<br />
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@Julia2345 yeappp! We are back! :D
Cosyheartx #8
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung if it's taeyang, I don't mind! :D haha! I'm still for jayri though! And me and jade are finally meeting each other for 2pm concert!!! :D