To See the World We Created

Through the Eyes of Your Heart

Yoona was in the middle of capturing a beautiful shot of a young child as he took his first steps with his parents watching.

They all stood in the middle of a beautiful green field,

Hello readers~!

Here's the continuation/epilogue.

I'm sorry it took so long but it really didn't turn out how I wanted it to end.

But anyway, here it is!



The photographer herself was hiding behind a tree to not disturb them.

His parents stood barely two steps away as they called for the little boy.

The family of three was laughing and encouraging each other.

Yoona snapped several pictures and continued to watch them through her lenses.

As the boy stepped forward, the mother cooed and the father awed.

His footing was shaky but he managed to balance himself.

Giggling the little boy looked up to his parents with pride.

However he soon lost his footing from his excitement and fell to the ground with a plop.

In seconds, his wails echoed throughout the park.

Quickly the mother scooped up her son and the father was wiping tears off of his chubby cheeks.

The deer smiled softly at the touching scene and saw that the family needed their privacy.

She put down her camera and decided to find another place to shoot.

Sometimes the world's beauty couldn't just be captured by her lenses...


The doe-eyed woman turned around, only to find an extremely annoyed black pearl.

Yuri was fuming with anger as she held two melting ice cream cones in her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were going?!?!"

Yoona bit her lip as once again she had wandered away in order to capture something.

It happened quite often and it made her loved ones worry all the time.

The doe-eyed woman didn't mean to cause trouble but she just couldn't control herself when she found a "worthy" subject.

Her feet moved of their own accord!

Yoona tried giving the black pearl her puppy eyes

Yuri rolled her eyes.

"Never mind, at least you're safe but honestly when we get married you HAVE to tell me where you're going or I'll panic!"

Yoona smiled at the word marriage.

She played with the elegant and simple engagement ring that rested on her left hand.

The ring sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight as the deer touched it affectionately.

Yuri smiled at her fiance as she kissed the engagement ring and Yoona's fingers sweetly.

"It looks good on you my Yoong~..."

It had been exactly two years ago that Yuri had come knocking on her door.

Letting Yuri into her apartment and into her world was the best decision she had ever made.

Two years had passed since the first awkward date.

They had barely talked and most of the dinner was silent.

However the deer had found watching Yuri crumble underneath the pressure quite entertaining.

So she agreed to a second date and then to a third and so on and so forth.

Through Yuri's skill of photgraphy, Yoona had perfected and honed her own skills.

Slowly Yuri also began to see the wonders of the world through her own heart.

And miracously Yoona had fallen for Yuri's witty charms.

She had grown to love the proud smirk on her lover's face when they held hands in public.

The timid look in her eyes as they kissed good night.

Her gentle hands as she lovingly caressed Yoona's cheeks.

She had slowly fallen in love with everything about Yuri.

From her talents and all the way to her faults.

The longer they spent together, the more the two learned to see the world together.

Yoona often referred to their lenses of love.

And after the countless numbers of dates, she had finally accepted the kkab's unrelentless proposal for marriage.

Now they couldn't be happier.

Yoona swung her camera bag onto her shoulder.

She gave Yuri a quick kiss on the cheek, who blushed.

"I'm sorry for going off on my own Yul. I guess I got caught up with my work..."

Yuri couldn't stay angry at her lover for very long as she lost to the big doe-eyes.

"It's okay Yoong. But we have to get going, Soo's waiting for us!"

Yoona took one of the melting ice cream cones and replaced it with her hand.

"Arasso! Let's go Yuri-ah!"


Since it was YoonYul's own wedding, they couldn't hire themselves for the photoshoot.

Thus they hired the next possible option. Choi Sooyoung and her wife, Kim Hyoyeon.

Yuri walked around her studio, carefully arranging the lights and set as Yoona finished dressing.

Her dream had finally been accomplished as she had purchased and built her very own studio just last year.

It wasn't the largest, but it was the perfect size for her and Yoona.

They still worked for Taeyeon and Tiffany respectively, however they had also wanted to try something new

Yoona went into some freelance photography.

So far Yoona's pieces were selling wonderfully.

She was praised by many critiques and her skills were known internationally.

Yoona had gotten job offers from what seemed like every single person in the business.

Of course the black pearl was there with her for every single assignment.

Yuri had also been offered many free lance opportunities.

However she had opted to run a studio rather than shoot pictures.

Her studio was hired my independent companies to photograph models and etc.

Although Yuri preferred her fiance as her primary model, she enjoyed the studio setting.

She had also started some photography classes at her studio.

After spending so much time with her Yoong, she had to share the simple of beauty of the world with others.

Every week Yuri spent time with young and aspiring photographers, teaching them to see through their hearts.

Sometimes Yoona would help as well, when she wasn't busy with her assigments.

The two were busy with their lives but managed to find time where they could be together.

Ever since Yoona decided to move out and give JeTi some privacy, she had been staying at Yuri's.

Yuri had moved out of her apartment and bought a house outside of the city.

With both Sooyoung and Hyoyeon in the house, the YoonYul couple never had a dull moment...

Life was pretty good for the two.

Yuri rearranged one of the many pictures of Yoona that decorated the walls of her studio.

Over the course of two years, her collection had grown.

Adding the hundreds of shots of Yuri, taken of course by Yoona, the wall was exploding with YoonYul sweetness.

Yuri was admiring a photo of Yoona sleepin when her shikshin assistant walked in.

"Wow Yul~! You look great!" exclaimed Sooyoung as she finished setting up her equipment.

Tiffany had picked out matching light pink dresses for the two of them.

They were elegant, making YoonYul look like heavenly angels.

The picture would be used for the wedding ceremony.

Yuri smiled at her assistant.

"Thanks Soo, but you won't be saying that when you see my Yoona."

And as if on cue, Yoona walked into the studio with Hyoyeon right behind her.

Sooyoung whistled lowly and agreed.

"WOW~! You look amazing Yoong!"

Yoona blushed and took Yuri's waiting hand.

The two settled against each other and Sooyoung was snapping away at them.

Although Yuri had learned to capture emotion in her photos, Yoona had also taught her one more important thing.

Yuri knew how to show emotion now.

And at that moment there was nothing but love and adoration flowing out of both of them.

The black pearl placed her slender fingers gently underneath her deer's delicate chin.

Yoona looked up at Yuri, love evident in her eyes.

"I love you so much Yuri-ah..."

"You are my world my Deer Yoong..."


Taeyeon never knew that becoming a parent was this much hard work.

Currently, Sunny was taking a shower so she was left with their 2 year old daughter, Tae Mi.

Her daughter was throwing a fit as she flung yogurt across the kitchen and splattered it all over the wall.


Tae Mi laughed hysterically as Taeyeon's face was covered with pink colored strawberry yogurt.

"Taeyeon-unnie?" a voice rang from the doorway.

The short woman wiped away the mess on her face before cleaning her daughter's sticky hands.

"I'm in the kitchen!" yelled Taeyeon.

Yoona walked into the kitchen, a look of wonder on her face.

She was dressed nicely and she carried a manila folder in one hand.

Tae Mi immediately abandoned her yogurt art and stretched her arms out for Yoona.

For some reason, the little girl absolutely loved the deer.

The doe-eyed woman smiled and lifted Tae Mi from her high chair.

"Hello Tae Mi-ah~! How are you today?"

"Keke~! Auntie Dweer~!"

Yoona kissed the baby's chubby cheeks as Taeyeon cleaned the mess in her kitchen.

After the young mother was done she sat across from Yoona who was currently bouncing Tae Mi on her knee.

Tae Mi was laughing loudly.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at her daughter. 

She would behave for Yoon but not for her own mother...

"So Yoong, what brings you here to my house?"

Yoona smiled and pushed the manila folder to Taeyeon.

"I was on my way to Tiffany-unnie's and I decided to drop this off. It's from my photoshoot with Tae Mi last week~!"

Taeyeon opened the folder and instantly grinned.

There was her baby girl all smiles and giggles as she was hugging a teddy bear.

The next one was Tae Mi in her blue bonnet.

A picture of Tae Mi playing with blocks...

It was a folder filled with many different shots of her baby girl.

And every single one held an essence of Kim Tae Mi.

The mischevious dorkiness from Taeyeon...

The over-flowing aegyo from Sunny...

It was all there.

Taeyeon never grew tired of Yoona's photos.

She closed the manila folder.

"These are great Yoona! Thank you~! I'll make sure to show Sunny!"

"Show me what?"

Tae Mi perked up when she heard her other mom's voice.


Sunny walked into the kitchen, looking quite refreshed.

Yoona handed the short girl her daughter.

"Hi Sunny-unnie, sorry for stopping by so early in the morning!"

Sunny smiled widely as she was always happy to have Yoona at her house.

"What are you talking about Yoong? We love having you over~! Right my little Tae-Tae?"

Tae Mi laughed as her mother tickled her.

Taeyeon pouted. 

Yoona gave the Kim family a smile and dug into her bag once more.

"I wanted to give you guys something else too."

The SunYeon couple opened it and almost dropped the envelope.

"Y-Y-Yoong?" said Taeyeon with her eyes wide open and gaping.

Sunny was also in a similar state of shock as she examined the piece of paper.

"Does Yuri know Yoona?"

Yoona smiled mischeviously.

"Not yet~... Anyway I'll see you guys at the wedding next week. Don't forget about the rehearsal~!"

The door closed and Sunny and Taeyeon were left in the quiet kitchen.

"Boy is Yuri going to be surprised..." whispered Sunny.

Taeyeon kissed Tae Mi's chubby cheeks.

"Yeah that's one hell of a wedding gift..."


Yoona happily ran along the shore as the waves rolled gently from the sea.

Yuri was behind her smiling at her choding. 

It was the night before their wedding

Instead of the traditional bachelorette parties, they decided to spend it together in a more peaceful manner.

"YUUUUL~! The water's COOOOOLD~!" giggled Yoona as she dipped her toe into the salty cold ocean.

"YAH~! Get back here before you get a cold!"

"Merong~! Catch me then~!"

"Aish~! Come back you~!!"

Yuri ran after her deer and finally caught her by wrapping her in the blanket she had brought.

Yoona squealed and the two tumbled onto the soft sand.

Their laughs filled the cold night air as they rolled together.

Finally out of breath, the younger of the two girls snuggled into the older one's embrace.

Yuri then took that as an opportunity as she flipped Yoona over onto her back.

Surprised, Yoona gasped in shock.

However she didn't have time to react.

Yuri had captured Yoona's lips with her own and was kissing her passionately.

The black pearl at the deer's lips for enterance but Yoona wouldn't open .

Yuri though, had a few tricks up her sleeve.

She carefully slid one of her hands that were resting on Yoona's cheeks down towards the bottom of her shirt.

Her hand then s its way up and started caress the young girl's curves.

Yoona moaned loudly and soon she was under Yuri's dominance.

"Hey Yul..." murmured Yoona gasping for breath as Yuri finally let them breathe.

However Yuri's lips didn't leave Yoona's milky skin as she continued to explore the deer's neck.

"Yes Yoong?" whispered Yuri, making Yoona shiver.

Yoona yelped as Yuri suddenly nipped at her sensitive neck and Yuri's fingers were dangerously getting lower.

"We're supposed to do this tomorrow night~!"

Yuri paused and looked at Yoona directly in the eyes.

The deer gulped as the black pearl's eyes were ones of a predator ready to devour.

"Why do I need to wait?"

Soon the beach was filled with the cries of Yuri's name and loud moans...


The wedding ceremony had gone smoothly and perfectly.

Now the newlywed couple lay next to each other in the bed of their new home.

Yuri surprised Yoona after the reception with her honeymoon gift.

She had purchased a house a month ago for just the two of them.

Since Sooyoung had purchased the previous home, they were all set.

Their new bedroom also happened to be the largest room in the house.

Yuri had the second floor of the large mansion converted to just one large room.

The large walls were decorated with the many pictures of them together and several of Yoona's works.

With the morning sunlight pouring down upon Yoona, Yuri couldn't help but admire her new wife.

She gently Yoona's closed eyelids until they suddenly fluttered open.

Yoona yawned and stretched up in bed, rubbing at her eyes.


Yuri smiled and planted a chaste kiss on her lips.

"How'd you sleep my Yoong?"

Yoona giggled.

"I didn't think I'd ever wake up after what we did last night..."

Yuri blushed as the younger girl just laughed.

"YAH! But you enjoyed it!"

Now it was time for Yoona to turn red.

As the deer looked away she suddenly spotted a small box among her clothes.

"Omo~! Yuri-ah! I forgot to give you my present~!"

Yoona wrapped herself with the bed sheets and walked over to retrieve the box.

"Here Yuri-ah, it's what you always wanted..."

Yuri looked at it curiously and opened it.

She found a folded piece of paper.

The black pearl unfolded it and almost dropped the gift in shock.

It was black and white picture of an ultrasound.

"Y-Y-Yoona-ah? Is t-t-this for real?"

Yoona giggled.

"Remember that shoot I did in San Diego about two month ago?"


"I didn't actually have an assignment. Tiffany and I went to get the treatment done. Last week we went to the hospital and... Well I guess it worked. We're going to be parents Yul~!"

Yoona grabbed one of Yuri's warm hands and placed it on her growing stomach.

"What do you think Yul?"

Yuri was speechless.

"I-... I don't know what to say Yoong... I didn't think I'd ever be happier more than I was yesterday..."

She had tears in her eyes as she tenderly her wife and future baby.

"I'm so happy Yoong... this is the best present you could ever give me..."

Yoona kissed Yuri and looked up at her with her warm doe-eyes.

She took Yuri's hand again and placed both of their entwined hands on top of their child.

"This is what we created together from our love Yul. Let's show him or her our world..."

Yuri smiled brightly, tears still flowing down.

"Together we'll see the world through the eyes of our hearts..."

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Mistermind #1
Chapter 5: I'm sorry for your loss. May decimo rest in peace.
yoonabeauty #2
Chapter 4: rest in peace decimo i hope that you are in heaven
leesonekyu #3
Chapter 6: aw.. im sorry for your loss is such a wonderful story..
RIP decimo27 eonni i love all your stories and i will miss you even though i dont even know a reader to a great author be happy wherever you are:]
Chapter 4: Gone too soon but your stories will live on

Rest in peace
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh. Why. The fanfic made me so happy then suddenly..

Rest in peace. You left us something memorable
FeliciA530 #6
Rest in peace decimo27.
I really love reading you fics.
NeyryAki #7
Chapter 5: omg.. so sad :( eventho i dont know her more than just an author
i will miss so sorry to hear that...
this really surprised me :(
Chapter 5: Rest In Peace decimo27, I'll miss you :(
I really love all of your story :(
ameeroslan #9
Chapter 5: Rest in peace decimo.
BrandonPikachu #10
Chapter 5: OMG..really unexpected..i really love her stories..may her soul rest in peace..