Chapter Four

Moment Captured


Chapter FOUR.

…and because celebrations always called for cake


4:30 rolled around and I along with the 2-C clan and a few others of Sungyeol’s friends were hanging around the school gates. I tried to hide myself behind Howon as the other guys had fangirls screaming and fawning over how handsome they all looked. Howon was still the new kid but his popularity amongst the female population was slowly soaring.


“Petty1!” I cringed at that terrible nickname as a male placed his arms around my shoulders.


I really hated that nickname but after that Sungyeol’s stupid prank and Kim Sunggyu’s random outburst at school, everyone just started calling me that. Stupid seniors and their freaking power. I was not even remotely close to that penguin.


I turned to greet the senior and was taken aback by the fiery colour present on his head. The last time I saw Kim Sunggyu, his hair was his normal, black tone but today it was on fire. Like literally. It was bright red. Almost as red as Junho’s was last summer.


“Woah, Gyu-nim,” I wrangled myself away from the male’s grip and tussled his hair. He just swatted my hand away as he straightened out his new fiery red do.


“What’d I tell you, Gyuzizi’s on fire!” Dongwoo’s voice entered our space as he threw punches to said male’s arm. So that's what Dongwoo meant earlier.


“So this was what you meant by a new year, a new you,” Woohyun teased as he joined Dongwoo. Hadn’t Woohyun seen Sunggyu this week? They were in different classes but they couldn’t last a day without seeing each other…oh wait, Sunggyu had only come back yesterday from visiting his family.


This “New Year, New You” thing had come about during our last week of the last semester. I wasn’t too sure on the details as it was against “the Bro Code” or whatever that meant. All I knew was that Sunggyu was planning to finally do something…about something. And that apparently involved changing one’s hairstyle…to a fiery red. Like I said, my knowledge on said subject was very limited.


I’ll just get Myungsoo to tell me later.


My thoughts were still on said fiery subject when the hooks of my bag were pulled and a jolt was shot to my waist. I felt myself leave the ground for a millisecond and I let out a high pitched scream. The group’s chatter stopped as they all looked at me like I had been attacked. My hands were over my head as I opened one eye. It took me a few seconds before I registered that stupid laugh behind me and proceeded to grab the nearest thing and beat the living daylights out of one Lee Sungyeol.


Unfortunately all that was in reach was Junho’s empty water bottle and that did absolutely no damage on the taller male as he swiftly caught the bottle in his hand. I really needed to think of a better way to defend myself against my supposed best friend.


As soon as the last of our little party arrived (something about a freshman) we all relocated to our usual coffee shop, five minutes away from Loen.


Undecagon, or Undec as we often called it, was our usual watering and feeding hole. They offered your regular teenage needs such as bubble tea, smoothies, bread, decadent pastries, cakes…all wondrous food items that a teenage appetite could hope for.


And one that tended to such a sweet tooth’s needs. I could not stress enough the amount of love I had for—


“Strawberry Pudding!” I screamed in delight. I turned to give the wonderful gift-giver a hug. “Namu-Sunbae, you remembered!”


“Of course I did!” he squeezed me back and spooned some into my mouth.


Chansung exaggerated a cough and Woohyun pulled away and I reluctantly let him as his face was a shade very close to the delectable treat sitting in front of me. Teasing followed as Sunggyu made suggestive eyebrow movements at him, Dongwoo laughed uncontrollably and Myungsoo snickered to himself as he took a sip of his café latte.


Sungyeol came back, chocolate, chiffon cake in hand and planted it in the middle of the table. A girl came into vision and she seemed like she was dragged along. She was struggling to keep her violin case sitting on her shoulder so Sunggyu stood up and easily took it from her. All the while muttering something about not doing everything herself. From the exchange I assumed Gyu-nim knew violin girl. And from the icy daggers L was shooting at the couple’s direction, I assumed he did too.


Would taking a photo now be too obvious? I resulted to taking a quick snap with my phone’s camera.


This earned me a disapproving look from Chansung. I ignored him as he muttered something about scaring people off.


Violin Girl’s eyes briefly met with mine and I looked up from my red object and gave a small nod in acknowledgement. She raised an eyebrow as I quickly shoved my phone into my jacket pocket and she gave a weak smile. The girl did seem awfully familiar and I probably had seen her around. Hey, just because I took photographs does not mean I had to know everyone’s names.


Sunggyu pulled a seat in between himself and Dongwoo as he motioned for her to sit down.


After all necessary introductions were tossed around with our newly expanded group (our latest additions being Lee Sungjong - that freshman that somehow had a connection with Sungyeol, and Violin Girl – something about her being accounta…something buddies2 or whatever with Yeol – I honestly lost count of how many random people that guy knew) we all dug in for cake.


Cake brought people together. And because it was the universal go to symbol for a celebration. And because cake was cake.


The celebration was really just Sungyeol’s way to share his plans of becoming the first student rep that was not a senior and becoming famous in Loen even until after graduation. I really didn’t care much of his plans for fame in Loen because…well cake.


And the fact that Nam Woohyun was practically using my plate and fork the whole time. All I could think of in that moment was that we were eating from the same fork and that indirect kisses were being shared the entire time.


Yeah, Im allowed to fantasise like that okay.


As the sun set, so did our moods as we all proceeded to go home. Sungyeol disappeared, along with the cake and Lee Sungjong. Something about a Taeyeon-sunbae and Sungjong’s ability to dance to girl group dances.


Violin Girl looked a bit like a lost puppy until Sunggyu helped her find the exit. A brooding Kim Myungsoo followed close behind and before I could call out to him he disappeared into the shadows. Oh typical L. I thought I’d let him be for now and bug him later at home.


But that also meant I had to walk home. Alone. And I never did that.


Not that I was scared. No, not the very least. I just wasn’t too fond of walking around in the dark. So what if I had this irrational fear of the dark? Everybody has once in their life. I just happened to never grow out of said fear.


Chansung had left earlier due to some “appointment” (he had a secret girlfriend I was sure) and Junho left with Min soon after. Usually Junho and Chansung would walk with me if Myungsoo didn’t but I knew the former still wasn’t too friendly with Lee Howon so he took the opportunity to hitch a ride with Min.


Dongwoo was on the phone, his smile literally brightening up entrance to Undec, when my eyes met with one Nam Woohyun’s. He gave me that dorky smile of his as his top teeth showed and his eyes disappeared. He sauntered towards me and I really wasn’t ready for this. Well, I was never ready when it came to being in close proximity of Nam Woohyun.


“Where are your bodyguards?” he said, that dorky smile still very present on his face.


“Unfortunately I can’t afford 24/7 bodyguards,” I joked and he laughed the stupid Namu laugh.


He stopped next to me and looked across the street. “Well we’ll have to change that,” he sung, swinging back and forth on the balls of his feet. He bit down on his lower lip and I had to look away in order to keep my oxygen levels up.


I tried not giggle like a school girl and instead let out a muffled squeak, “And how would we do that?”


Before he could say anything, Dongwoo dragged him away by the wrist as soon as he ended the phone call that made him smile even wider, if that was even possible. Woohyun shouted a “bye” as he attempted to throw hearts with his one free arm. For such a Namstar, he sure could be a dork sometimes.


And there went my life saviour.


I had an inkling as to why Dongwoo was so giddy that he had to drag Woohyun with him. It seemed as though the guys always went to Nam Woohyun when they were having girl troubles. Was he really that knowledgeable on said subject? I guess that is what you get for being the Namstar. He knew what the girls wanted. Besides, who wouldnt swoon over Nam Woohyun?


Sighing, I looked over to my right to see the only person of our party left. It was just me and Lee Howon.


Lee Howon was still somewhat of a mystery to me. I hadn’t really had the opportunity to get to know my new classmate but it was still the first week of school. Well it would be for the next few hours anyway.


Deciding I’d rather not, I bid an awkward farewell to newbie as he tapped away on his phone and pulled my red backpack over my shoulders and slung my camera over my neck. As I turned in the direction of my house, my name stopped me in my tracks.


“I’ll walk you home.”


I turned around to see Howon standing awkwardly behind me. I tilted my head at him and he cleared his throat and repeated. Unlike his nervous hands, his voice and the rest of his body weren’t so. Maybe it was true what they said about Busan men being “Cold City Men”. They really did exude this irresistible confidence. And I had learned that first hand through one Jang Wooyoung.


I blinked a few times. I hardly knew the guy so I wasn’t really thinking of considering his offer. Was I?


“Uh…it’s okay,” I said.


I bowed and my heel to walk in the other direction. Yes, because one should not accept such things from a stranger.


Except Lee Howon wasn’t really a stranger.


Despite having all my classes with Howon, we didn’t really have many interactions. Mind you it was still the first week of school and Lee Sungyeol had been keeping him preoccupied most of the time. Usually we’d have lunch in the school caf together but I hadn’t seen Sungyeol all week (besides our core classes). It was probably because he was busy doing unnecessary “campaigns” for the student rep elections coming up or convincing Howon to join his “following”.


Howon didn’t seem to mind hanging around Sungyeol though, despite his reluctant expressions from following the male around campus. He looked more amused than annoyed most of the time. I guess that said something about their relationship. Then again, it wasn’t very easy to dislike Lee Sungyeol.


A few seconds later I heard rushed footsteps and I turned to see Howon on my right side where the road was. I looked up at him and he gave me that awkward smile of his.


“I live in this direction,” he offhandedly said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.


I hummed a response. I had a feeling I knew who put him up to this.


“No really,” he denied, his voice unwavering.


“Okay, whatever you say,” I played along.


Unfortunately for Howon, I knew he was lying. Why? Because this situation had happened before. And now I remember how Lee Sungyeol discovered my living arrangement with Myungsoo.


Kim Myungsoo had decided to not tell me he wasn’t coming home with me one summer afternoon in our second year at Woollim. Not knowing this information, I stood by the school gates like an idiot for almost an hour before he called me up to ask if I was home yet.


“And I heard you’re scared of the dark,” his comment stopped me.


I blinked a few times as I felt my feet stop suddenly. Howon kept walking until he realised I was no longer next to him. He stopped and gave a confused double take before spotting me a few steps behind him.


“Was I not supposed to know that?” As innocent as that question was, his tone was more of a mockery than anything.


I gave a bitter scoff. “What friend he is,” I mumbled under my breath as I walked back up to Howon. “And I’m not scared of the dark…what has Sungyeol even been saying about me?” I accused, ignoring the chuckles coming from my walking buddy.


“His words not mine,” he chimed.


I will kill you, Lee Sungyeol.


“You two are really close aren’t you?”


I mock sighed, “Unfortunately,”


“How long have you known him?” Howon asked.


“Mm…beginning of Junior High?” and as much as I would never admit to Sungyeol, I was really grateful to him.


It was actually the first day of Woollim when I met Sungyeol. Whether those all-powerful beings did it purposefully, Myungsoo and I were being separated. We were placed in different classes for the first time ever (which I think was really how Ice Prince came to life) in our school lives. I had the chance to be seated at the last seat at the back of our class (due to a ranking system to which this day I highly disagree with. I did not deserve to be ranked 30th in my class) and ended up having Sungyeol take the spare seat beside me due to his late enrolment and arrival that day.


“No wonder you’re immune to him,” he teased. I nodded and laughed at the truth in that statement.


“Why? You seemed to enjoy being his right-hand this week,” I teased back.


“He’s…interesting…” Howon mused and I couldn’t help but chuckle.


“But that’s what makes Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungyeol.” I shot him a cheesy grin and he smiled. It was actually the first time I had seen a genuine smile from newbie.


Howon hummed a tune as we walked home and with every step he took, he did a little skip. From the few days I had observed Howon, everything he did seemed to be sprinkled with little rhythmic steps. It was a nice change from the usual poised walking buddy I had with Myungsoo.


We chattered the rest of the journey and I managed to learn a lot about Lee Howon. And, no I didn’t mean about his personal life but more of his personality if you will.


I had done some prior research (to clarify: not stalking, okay? I was part of the “Loen News” team so I had easy access to such findings. And besides, I was doing this all for the safety of my best friend) and found out that Lee Howon was quite the celebrity back in his home town. But that was as much as I could find given I was kicked out of the edit suites multiple times by the IT guys because they were still updating our computer systems. They had all winter break to do that.


From my observations so far, said male had quite the wit but I didn’t think I would experience this first hand so fast. Howon always spoke with such ease and although his tone always had a slight bite to it, you could still feel relaxed around the male. He definitely had an interesting personality and it wasn’t as cold as I had initially thought it would be.


I wasn’t sure if it was a regional thing but Howon really was blunt. A lot of the things he said, whether it was intentional or not, was sharp and laced with some degree of sarcasm. It was entertaining to say the least and I think Lee Howon and I were in the makings of a good friendship.


“Sungyeol put you up to this didn’t he?” I finally asked. I knew what the answer was but I needed his confirmation to kill my curiosity.


He cocked in eyebrow at the accusation.


“Walking me home,” I clarified.


“Why would he do that?” Howon’s reply shot straight out and I knew he wasn’t lying.


“But Yeol’s the only one that knows I’m scared—uhh doesn’t walk home alone,”


Of course Myungsoo did too but I didn’t need any other people knowing about my relationship with Loen’s Ice Prince. Not that I didn’t trust newbie. But given from what I’ve gathered of his personality so far, he’d probably just let it out unintentionally.


“Nam Woohyun messaged me,” he easily replied. “Sungyeol didn’t say anything about you walking home alone,” he continued.


Wait, what?


“N-Nam Woohyun?”


Howon nodded, “He said he couldn’t and that since I was still around and that we’re classmates I should take you home,”


How could Howon be so nonchalant about that? I mean, yeah we we’re classmates but I mean that was it.


“And you agreed?”


I was still in a state of shock as his name rang in my head. How did the two even get each other’s numbers? And when did they even meet?


There were way too many questions that needed to be answered. My head could not take it all.


Again Howon nodded. He stretched his arms out wide and rolled his shoulders before shoving his hands back in his pockets. “We’re friends aren’t we?”


I stuttered, “Uhh…well yeah…”


“Then I see no problem.” Howon casually explained, “’Sides, he’s like, Sungyeol’s Hyungnim or something…and Sungyeol’s your friend so…you know. Bro Code.”


And that was the end of our conversation as we reached the letterbox of Myungsoo’s place. Before I could ask all those questions, Howon told me to go in.


“Your ‘rents look like they’re waiting,” he said, referring to the lights on in the kitchen.


I just nodded and said goodbye as I walked up towards my front door. I muttered a thanks and he just shrugged like it was nothing, walking in the other direction we came from.


Upon entering the house, my nose was greeted by a lovely smell of kimchi stew and rice. I saw the table set with mine and Myungsoo’s portion of food and looked over to see Auntie cleaning up. Saying my hellos, I made my way upstairs, dumping all my bags off in their respective corner by my wardrobe. Shrugging my windbreaker off, I emptied my blazer pockets only to have my phone vibrate and ring.


Nam Woohyun.





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Good job!!
Chapter 7: It seems like our heroine's mind is not only preoccupied with Nam Woohyun. Sungyeol is still a prankster and he's doing some interesting things. Myungsoo is suspicious too lol. I'm really curious now ~
Chapter 6: All the ninja references in this. Also, yes, okay. Flower arrangement and all that applies is tha manliest thing ever. Ever.

And why is Taec in the cool group? Since when was Taec cool? HAHAHAHA!
Chapter 6: Ah, this was good again. It's funny how Junho's not a Monday person and it's cute how he texts her to ask her to take notes for him. Sungyeol never stops bickering lol. Wonder why Woohyun hasn't talked to her since Yeol sent that strange text to him. Lol, the 2PM sunbae-nims are cool ~ Wooyoung is like the top dog, which is awesome since I've always seen him as a 'cutie pie' type.

P.S, I think you might have written a typo when Hoya was talking to Wooyoung, and you wrote Woohyun instead. I was confused for a bit lol.
Acgoo1999 #5
What's the meaning of slice of life??
Chapter 5: Wow, I must say this chapter is the best so far. I really liked it, and also the length of it :). I couldn't get enough of it. Sungyeol is funny, and he seems kind of iffy about her relationship with Woohyun. If Myungsoo found out about their texts, I think he'll probably explode. Oh, I also adore the snippets of new characters and classmates. But, Sungyeol's last quote is very suspicious lol. Please update soon :).
Chapter 4: Looks like my Nam Woohyun is about to go for gold! Good on him ;). Myungsoo has competition now. Things are going to get very interesting now :D.
Chapter 3: It's always a good thing when you have the Ok family donating things and Woohyun sequestering clubrooms and Dongwoo and flowers and all that's left is the other Blondie to do his flower arrangements because that's the manliest thing ever.
Chapter 2: Ah, I enjoyed this chapter once again. It was a nice insight of her relationship with Myungsoo, how it was like at home, how it was at school. I like her friendship with Sungyeol, who seems to be your average funny guy friend. I sense a little jealousy from Myungsoo, when he was listening to their conversation and his quote at the end kind of indicates that Woohyun may be the player type. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next chapter :D
Chapter 2: you're really going all out for complicated dynamics