"Jungie, thanks a lot. I had a lot of fun today. It's been so long i didn't feel this happy.” Hyomin said with wide grin on her face.

She was beautiful. Just be patient, unnie. You can handle this. I know she was strong enough to overcome her sickness.

“Ok, Unnie. Have a nice sleep. We will hang out next time okay? I love you.”

Eunjung said as she kiss her forehead and fix her blanket. Then, I walk Eunjung out from the room and send her to her car.

“Thanks a lot Jungie. I don’t know how to repay you back.”

“Hey, it was nothing. You are not only my best friend but my little dinosaur too. Come here, repay me by give me some hug.” She said as she walks up to me from a few feet away with her arms open.

“Aish, this chingu. I love you.” I said and go to her embrace.

“I love you too.”

 “Hold on, for just a second.” She wants to back off but I tighten my hug more.

Both of us had a warm hug for about 5 minutes. It was so warm, I don’t want to release her hold.

“Park Ji. Seriously, you should have let go of me. It was late already.” I can hear her chuckle at the end of her word.

“Hehe. I’m sorry.” I scratch my back head. It was a little bit embarrassing actually.

“It’s okay. Then, I should make leave now. See you tomorrow Park Ji.” She said as she hops into the car.

“Before I forget, this is for you. Happy becoming birthday!”

I extend a small box to her. It was an earring. I saw she was very interested with them in that antique shop.

“I know it was a week early, but I want to be the first person.”

“So sweet.. Thanks a lot! You don’t really have to give me present actually.” She said as she trying to open the box wrapper.

“Wait, Jungie! I think it was better if you open them later.”

Well, it wasn’t a pair, I don’t have any idea where I lost the other one. Before she asks me some more questions it was better I kept seal first. It takes whole year courage to steal that earring from the scary owner of that shop.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I got money okay?

“You were right. I’m just got over excited. See you tomorrow. Good night!”

“Night. Bye!”

Fuh, it was close.




After 1 hour pampering my body in lavender bath, I lay on the bed. What a tiring day! but I had a lot of fun with them. For the first time in my life I forgot about you, Eunnie.

Oh, the gift that Jiyeon gave to me! I grab my handbag and take the small box inside and lean my back at the head of the bed. She was such a sweet person actually. I open the box and my eyes were focusing to the small shiny silver earring.

Wait a minute, this earring looks very familiar. This is the one in the shop earlier! I thought the shop owner say this one wasn’t for sale? Did she steal it? Nah~ Although sometimes she was kind of naughty but Jiyeon wasn’t that kind of person. Maybe she persuades that woman. Wah, I was so touched.

‘Knock! Knock!’

Knocking sound divert my attention from the earring.

“Come in. the door was not locked.. yet.”

As soon as I finish my word, a middle age man enters my room with a smile plaster on his face.

“How’s my princess day for today?” he said as he wrapped her arm around my shoulder and plant a warm kiss on my forehead.

“Daddy.. it was completely okay.” I said, leaning my head into his broad chest.

“My cute baby has grown up already.” His rough hand caresses my hair. It’s been long time we didn’t spent time together. How I miss this moment.

“Yeah, and you also wasn’t handsome than before anymore.” I’m trying to .

“Yeah. So, when will I get my own grandchild? I’m afraid I don’t have enough time to playing with them.” he said with light chuckle.

His word makes me taken aback. I sit straight and face him. This doesn’t sound joke to me.

“Why are saying like that? That was not funny at all. Stop it.” I hit his back lightly, trying to hold my tears. I don’t know why his simple word makes me feel so sad.

“Ommo. I’m just kidding. Since when my princess was so sensitive?” he pinch my cheek, tilt his head upward and his lip curving a smile.

“I don’t like your joke. Take your words back.” I said pouting, make him burst into laughter.

“Ok2, daddy was sorry okay? Come here, don’t do that face again.” He patted his lap and I place my head on his.

“What’s this?” he ask as his hand reached the small box that contain the earring.

“Oh, Jiyeon gave that earring to me. It was pretty right?”

“Jiyeon? Looks like you already had a friend here. You want me to wear this to you? Where are the other one? It should be a pair right?”

“Daddy, you ask me too much question. Just put it on.” I was giggle over his non-stop question.

“Okay2, I got it.” He said while his hand trying to fit the earring.

“It really suits your style. Do you mind to tell me about her then?”

“Who?” I know whom he meant but still I want to ask him. Silly me.

“ That Jiyeon girl.” He said while playing with my hair.

“That girl was pretty to be honest. She was very loud person, sometimes bad temper but more to happy go lucky person.” I was smiling when describe Jiyeon’s character.

“Oh, she kind of reminds me with someone that I knew before.”

I know who he meant. Tears please don’t let your guard down.

“And she got a very beautiful and sweet sister too. This life was like karma. It was like a coincidence right, dad?”  

I hope he doesn’t detect the shakiness in my voice. But I’m wrong. My father was the sharpest father in this world. He lift my upper body to make sit straight.

“Don't cry over the past; cry to get over the past. Don't smile to hide the pain; smile to heal the pain.” He said as he wipe the tears in my face and pull me into his embrace.

“I miss her dad.” My voice was trembling.

“I miss her too. But you have to remember, in life, when something bad happens to you, don't let it keep you down, you have to try and move on and be happy, it's not that you're ignoring the past, it's just that you have decided to stop living in it. I bet she also want you to live your life, not this way Jungie.”

 “I’m sorry dad. I’m sorry if u disappointed with me.” I said as I release the hug.

“Never dear, I’m always proud with you, Ham Eunjung. Take your time, sooner or later I believe that you can make it. Fighting!” He said with ‘fighting’ hand gesture.

His sudden action makes me burst into laughter. Where on earth I can find this funny yet caring father?

“Thanks a lot, dad. I love you. Now go get your sleep. It’s was late already. My eyelid can’t stand any longer.” I said as I push him to the door.

“After what I done to you, how dare you push me like this? You don’t want accompany me until I sleep?” he said with puppy eyes. What a childish father I got.

“Nope! Get your own life dad, find new girlfriend so that you don’t talk nonsense again.”

“Don’t you say you love me before? I don’t need another girl in my life again.”

“I love you dad. But I’m your daughter not your wife. Go to your room, night dad!” I said as I close the door.

I was giggle over his mumbling at the other side. This daddy really lack of love, I need to find mom’s replacement so that he don’t turn to crazy people after I get married. Wait, did I say married? Lol. What nonsense. I think I need to take a sleep instantly before my mind processing something that really out of logical world.

I don’t need a man in my life.


In the morning,


I was in deep slumber when the loud ringing from my phone buzzing inside my room. Who’s the stupid human who calling me early in the morning? It’s weekend! Leave me alone! After a while, the sound was stop by itself. It was great.

But, my great feeling was not stays any longer when my phone’s sound bugging me again. Doesn’t he know how to give up? Damn! I’m reached the phone with my eyes closed. I really need some more sleep after a whole night partying.

I slide the screen and put the phone close to my ear. Still can’t bear to lift up my eyelids.

“Yah! Does your phone lost the answer button? I’ve called you a thousand times already.” Taecyeon’s stern voice attacks my eardrum.

This guy really knows how to piss me off. I bet he called me only for 2 times and what the hell he said a thousand times?

“Aish, you were so noisy. What do you want?”

“Yah, what with that voice?” and I heard him laugh out loud at the end of the line. What’s wrong with him?

“Yah! Are you crazy?” I said as I wake up from the bed and sit straight.

Did I have a sore throat? Wait a minute, where this hair comes from? I take a look at the long hair that disheveled on both side of my face. Did I wear wig last night? I’m trying to pull it but damn, it’s hurt. This is so wrong.

As fast as lightening I ran off to the bathroom and look at the reflection from the mirror.

“WHAT THE HELL!!!” This is not me! Who is this girl?

I was dreaming right? Wake up, wake up! I slap my face constantly, but damn. It’s hurt. That’s mean I’m not dreaming. Oh my goodness.

Did I’ve done plastic surgery last night and change my gender? Hell no, I will never ever do this nasty thing even if I was drunk.  Who did this to me? I want to kill him and chopped him into pieces. , I feel like crying right now.

Think! Think! I walk back and forth in the bathroom and trying to figure out with a few logic things that bring me into this kind of situation. But for the god’s sake,I don’t get any idea. And the only thing that came up was Taecyeon!

I quickly run to my phone and dial his number. Answer me please.

“Yah! What happen to you?”

“Taec, I really need your help. I’ll wait for you at the studio now, come rain or shine.”

Before he could say anything, or in another word, laugh his off I immediately cut off the line. What should I do now? I need to take a bath first. But wait, I can’t! This is so awkward. Although I’ve already slept with many girls before but I never thought that the girl is me. Yuckks!

I just wash my face, grab a sweater from the hanger and call a taxi. This is so ridiculous! I was lucky I didn’t change my cloth last night.


Taecyeon already in the studio when I enter the room. He lifted up his from the coach as he watches me walk towards him. What’s wrong with him?

“Eunjung? What are you doing in here?” he ask with disbelieve look.

Okay, I’m forgot the fact that I’m not the ‘original’ person. Yes! That girl! I think about who is this body belongs to on my way here but her name wasn’t crossed at all in my mind. I sit in front of him and give signal to him to take a sit first.

“Taec, this is me. Nickhun.”

My words make him furrowed his eyebrows.

“What's the date today?” he asks me back.

“7 December. Why?”

“I thought it was April’s Fool, because to be honest your joke wasn’t work out on me, Eunjung. Haha!” he said with laughter.

How to convince this jerk? I hold his shoulder with both of my hand and make he facing me. My action makes his laughter off in sudden.

“Look. I’m not joking at all. Look at my eyes. Do I look like a joker to you?”

He looks at me for a while but change his glance to other place. He clears his throat.

“Stop it Jungie. This wasn’t funny at all.” He said while push me off. Wait, is he blushing? His ears were red. This guy is really something.

What should I do now? I sit down on the couch and ruffle my hair.

“Ok Taecyeon. I don’t have any other person who I can rely on this time. I know this may sound crazy to you but this is really serious. I wake up this morning and I’ve got this.” I said while pointing to the upper asset for female.

“Of course you have that thing. You were a girl. What’s the matter?” he chuckled. This guy drives me crazy!

“I’m not! I’m Nickhun not this girl! Taec, you have to believe me. I really need your help!” I said almost yelling make him startled.

“I’m sorry Eunjung. I think it was better you get out from here, please.” He said while crossing his arm.


“Just out!” he said with his thumb point to the door. His stern looks really scary.

I let out deep breath and grab my sweater and walk away from the room. But I don’t a whole day for this thing. I turn my back and approach Taecyeon again.

“What else that you want?”

“Look. Taec, I don’t know how to convince you even more. But if you were my true friend then you should remember what you have told me when we are officially being friend after 2 years fighting over a girl named Yoona in our high school days. “Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love. But friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.”  

After heard me, he turn his back and look at me with confusing look..

“I still remember when you, Chansung and I messed up with Corny Wooyoung’s hair.  He was angry like crazy and he chased us like there is no tomorrow with Samurai Sword. I was wondering why he was so angry with us and why he freaking love his hair so much. Then you said; “They love their hair because they're not smart enough to love something more interesting.” I said, drawing a smile.

“Khun, is that really you?” he ask while touching my face.

“Do you want me to tell the stories of you in the fitting room?”

“Yah! Stop it already. I believe in you.”

“Thank you, chingu! I love you.”

I was so excited and hug him. At least, I was not alone. Feel like crying.

“Khun, let go of me. You make me .” He clears his throat.

“Yah! Want to die? You sound so gay right now.” I hit his head.

“Aww, Khun. You were so girlish.”  He mocks me up. 


"Stop joking around and think idea to help me. My biggest problem for now is, I really need to pee."

Seriously, I can't stand any longer but i don't have a guts. It gives me a goose bump.

“That can’t be considered a problem at all. Just go to the toilet and let it out. Do I have to teach you that?”

“I know, but I was not an easy as talking.”

“Just act like usual. Want me to accompany you?”

“Yah! What was that face? I don’t know, but I really feel insecure when I’m with you.” I said heading to the toilet.

“Don’t take a peek!” he said with laughter.

“I know, you ert!” 


P/s :i'm really sorry for late update. Bunch of work waiting for me. Thanks for your patience and for the subscribers and silent reader do leave your comment. so i can read your feedback. :) Oh, next chapter will full with khunjung moment.

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lialee #1
Chapter 7: update soon authornim
Princess910603 #2
Update soon.. please
ffajarr #3
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for your update authornim :)
yasminajung #4
Chapter 7: where the next chapter chingu...hehe...
update soon please...
Ramjung #5
Chapter 7: nice story *.* update soon plz ^^
1126 streak #6
Chapter 7: Aww eunjung in nickhun's body calling top hyung so cute.... Khunjung moments im waiting for it :-D
Chapter 7: hohohohoo..^^
Finally you update..
I'm waiting for you so long long time..
kekekekee.. :p

and yeii^^ TOP know they condition.. :D
xielai #8
Chapter 7: Yay... I can't wait for the next moment...

Khunjung moment..... love it..
Chapter 6: i love you authornim..update soon please.. :-D
1126 streak #10
Chapter 6: Top that hurts getting hit on the balls... Jungie in Nickhun's body i hope shes okay.... I forgot top is a weird guy thats why he figured it out quickly...