Chapter Six

His New Maid
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“WHAT?! WHY?! HOW CAN A CONTRACT BE EDITED?!” Jiyeon shrieked but still, took the paper over.

“You signed it. The paper is with me. I don’t see why not~” He smirked.

Jiyeon just frowned and read the papers.

“Rule Number nine… Do not talk back or argue or shout at Kim Myungsoo. WAIT! WHAT IF YOU’RE WRONG AND I’M RIGHT?!”

“Uh-uh! It stated no shouting. What are you doing now?”

Jiyeon bit her lips. She would die from suffocation with him then.

“Rule Number ten… Do not call Kim Myungsoo animal names or other bad names. But… Conceited jerk! That’s how I live if I want to work for you!” Jiyeon whined.

Myungsoo just shook his head, “Call me Mr. Kim, or Master, like I’ve said. And do not call me names.”

“I can’t do that… Please? Please? Pleaseeeeee? Take this off?! Moreover, you’re really a jerk, badass, monkey, crocodile, dinosaur, tiger and hippopotamus.” She pouted with her puppy eyes, trying to gain sympathy.

*Dugun Dugun* *DAMN! Those eyes again!*

“Please???? Pretty pretty pleaseeeee? EO? With cherry on top? Pleaseeeeee?” She continued whining.

“Aish fine!!” He took the paper and off the last rule.

Jiyeon grinned widely and clapped her hands happily, “THANK YOU JERK~”

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Chapter 15: Ice cream ~
New contract: rule number 11 is so cuuuuuuute !
Aha This kind of ending always makes my heart flutters ~♡
Chapter 14: Ji is back !
Myungie freaked out !
Skinship, kisses .. Ah Myungie ~
Chapter 13: Ji is completely afraid..
Myungie loves her so much..
Chapter 12: Excited Myungie ~
Late Ji ..
Nearly ..
Thanks Myungie !
Chapter 11: Ahahahaha Ji is so naive!
Myungie can do anything to her, she'll think it's normal :3
Junhong is so cute :3
Jealous Myungie!
Chapter 10: When the Myungcat is away, Jimouse will play ~
Myungie miss her ..
Aha Junhong totally shocked!
Chapter 9: Yah outsider !
This cute Myungyeon moment was rare!
Coooookie and cream ~
Aha Ahjumma ~
Happy about the kiss is Myungie ~ ♡
Chapter 8: As if she would lie about the supplies! :3
His heart beats faster and he can't say no !
Neaaaaaar ..
Chapter 7: Huhuh, yes she did something to her eyes!
Groceries time !
Chapter 6: "With cherry on top!" :3
Myungie is weak against her eyes ~