Don't Hide Anymore

Scarlet Smile

“I.. I love you..”

Jieun was still in silent. Suho awkwardly stared at her with his blushing cheeks since he kissed her. When suddenly Jieun walked away, leaving him. Suho put his hand down and sighed. “I knew it..” He whispered in his heart. He looked at her walking away to the stairs when suddenly she closed the door.

“Jieun’ahh.. We can talk..” He said walking to the closed door. He turned the knob but the door won’t open. He turned and turned it again and it still won’t open. “Jieun’ahh! You’re still there right!?” He knocked the door.

Shishimato pushed his head out and stared at Jieun. He’s on the floor in her bag while Jieun stood facing the door. “What are you doing..?” Shishimato frowned to her. “But yea.. Good job for locking him up..” He grinned.

“Suho’yahh.. It’s going to rain..” She said out loud.

“What!” Suho turned to look at the sky. It’s a little cloudy. “How did you know!? Yaa.. Open up.. What are you actually doing..?” He knocked the door again.

“It’s windy and cloudy.. You can feel the difference in the air humidity too.. It’s really going to rain..” She answered him on the other side of the door.

“Then why are you locking me out if you know it’s going to rain!?” Suho turned and the sky became cloudier. {Damn.. She’s right.. It’s going to be cold!} He knocked the door again. “Open up.. I don’t wanna catch a cold.. Jieun’ahh.. Stop playing..”

“I’m not playing..” Her voice was serious as she cut him. Shishimato just stared at her weird action. “I’ll open it if..”

“If..?” Suho asked as the day became windier.

“Promise me you will still be my friend even if I reject you..” She held the door knob waiting to open it up after Suho promise to her.

“Tch.. Yaa idiot.. I already know that you’re going to reject me.. Why I still confess..? Cause that’s the least thing I can do.. I know your heart belong to someone else.. So can you open the door now cause the raindrops can get heavier and I’ll get sick..”

Jieun opened the door making Shishimato quickly put his head back into the bag. Suho walked in when suddenly she hugged him. He opened his eyes wide. “Miannhe..” She said hugging him tight. He grinned and patted her head. “Kenchanna.. At least I got to kiss you..”

“Yaa!” She let him go and hit him. Suho laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go eat now..” As the rain outside got heavier Jieun pick her bag up with a glad smile and walked downstairs with Suho. “Anyway.. I hope he reject you too later..” He said teasing her.

“Yaa!” Jieun turned and stared at him. “Hahaha! I’m just kidding!”



“Himchan seem like he’s hiding something from me last night.. So it was you..” Yongguk stared at the little guy on the table. It’s Tatsmato. Tatsmato nodded to him. “Which mean Shishimato is here too right..?” He asked him. Tatsmato nodded again.



“Yaa.. You go to Yongguk and give him your best lecture.. I’ll be with Jieun.. Okay..?” Shishimato looked at Tatsmato. Tatsmato crossed his arms and grinned. “Can I really lecture him..?” He asked Shishimato. Shishimato smirked at him. “Sure.. Just use all your sharp words and stab him..” Both of them grinned to each other.



“Anyway why are you here..?” Tatsmato said with his annoyed voice to Yongguk.

“It’s Himchan house.. And I’m his friend.. I’m staying here.. So.. What’s the problem..?” He crossed his arms and looked at Tatsmato. “Only I can stay with Himchan..” Tatsmato looked at him. Yongguk smiled at him. “And who was the one who hate human back then..?” Yongguk . Tatsmato looked away but then he smiled. “Shishimato know where you are.. And he’s with Jieun now..”

“Ohh crap!” Yongguk opened his eyes wide.

“Everywhere you go we can always detect you.. Even if it’s far.. We can bring her to you right away too.. So stop running Yongguk.. You don’t know how much she cried when you disappear from her..”

Yongguk looked down to his hand in silence. “She cried because of you which mean you’re the one who made her cry..” Tatsmato pointed to him. “Shut up little one..” Yongguk said and stood up.

“You shut up!! Don’t acts like a coward! You scaredy cat! While you’re hiding and running away who knows Suho might already win her heart! Tch.. and you said my master a weakling.. Then what about you.. Hiding yourself.. Disappearing just because your love one became friend back with someone who like her.. I think that’s more weakling.. Now that I think more about all this.. I don’t think you deserve Jieun if you keep hiding and running away..” Tatsmato words stabbed Yongguk. He said it in a really cold and serious manner with his arms being crossed and starring at Yongguk.

Yongguk sighed. “I need some more time..” He walked to the door when Tatsmato stopped him.

“Shishimato told her to give you some time and she agreed but you must meet her this Friday at the park where you guys always hang out together..” Tatsmato said. “Arra.. Yes sir..” Yongguk said.

“But I don’t think it’s a great idea… You should meet her right away you jerk..” Tatsmato added.

Yongguk sighed and walked out and also closed the door shut. Tatsmato sighed and sat down.




“Where were you two..?” L.Joe asked to Suho and Jieun who just arrived to them. “Yaa.. Wanna listen to an awesome story..?” Suho said and sat down with his plate. Jieun sat next to him while L.Joe nodded to Suho. Myungsoo stopped eating and looked at Suho. “Guess what.. I confessed to Jieun and she locked me outside on rooftop!”

“Yaa! Why did you tell them!!” Jieun hit his shoulder. Suho laughed at her. “You really confess!!? Jieun still with you which mean..”

“You didn’t reject him..?” Myungsoo asked her cutting off L.Joe word which was actually the same question to him. “I locked him just like what he said and rejected him..” She answered him making Myungsoo laughed and clapped his hands. “Good job!” He gave his thumbs to Jieun.

Suho looked at him with his annoyed face. Myungsoo stuck his tongue out to Suho. “I don’t even understand why I’m being friend with you..” Suho glared at him. L.Joe looked at Suho. “Suho’yahh..” He called his name out. Suho looked at him and so does Myungsoo and Jieun.

“Wae..?” Suho asked him. “Aren’t you hurt since she rejected you..” L.Joe question made all of them became silent. “I.. Shouldn’t have asked right..?” L.Joe asked again with an awkward smile. “You’re such an idiot..” Myungsoo said. “Well.. I am hurt.. but I can’t force her to love me when she love someone else..” Suho smiled and looked at Jieun. “Thanks..” She smiled to him.




… Night …

“She cried because of you which mean you’re the one who made her cry..”

Tatsmato cruel but truth words keep playing in his head. “She cried.. you made her cried..” Yongguk scolded himself. He keeps on beating himself up in his mind. “Aeish!” He leaned back to his couch. Finally back at his empty and lonely house.

“You shut up!! Don’t acts like a coward! You scaredy cat! While you’re hiding and running away who knows Suho might already win her heart! Tch.. and you said my master a weakling.. Then what about you.. Hiding yourself.. Disappearing just because your love one became friend back with someone who like her.. I think that’s more weakling.. Now that I think more about all this.. I don’t think you deserve Jieun if you keep hiding and running away..”

“Gosh.. Tatsmato.. That dude is good in lecturing someone.. What a pain that what he said was right..” Yongguk sighed again.



“You sure you know where his spare key is..?”

Yongguk turned his head to the door. He can clearly heard Jieun voice. “I think I’m sick..” He shook his head and leaned back to the couch.

Click! Tack! Yongguk turned his head and the door slowly opened making him stood up and quickly ran to his room. “Damn! She’s really here! I thought we’re going to meet on Friday!” He whispered in his heart. “Please don’t get in here..” He sighed on his bed just staring at his bedroom door.

Jieun looked around the house. She all of the light. Shishimato jumped on the couch. “Are sure it’s not a bad thing to sneak into his house while he’s at Himchan’s..?” Jieun asked. Shishimato nodded to her. “What’s the point anyway..?” Jieun asked him. Shishimato just shrugged. “I don’t know too..”

Jieun then walked around in the house.


Yongguk heard her footstep going closer to his room. “Please don’t walk in..” He grabbed a pillow and brought it to hug. He stared at the door.


{This must be his bedroom..} She whispered in her heart as she stopped in front of the door.


Her footstep stopped right in front of his bedroom door making Yongguk gulped. “Stupid me.. I should have locked the door!” He scolded himself in his heart. He slowly got up. “Should quickly lock the door before she walk in..” He talked in his heart again. He slowly walked to the door, tip toeing, being really carefully.

The door knob twisted and opened.

Jieun stared at him in silent.

Yongguk standing in an awkward position since he was tip toeing earlier and his hand was just about to lock the door when the door knob twisted and the door opened.

He froze and looked at her.


Shisihmato realize Jieun was silent so he went to her. He saw her standing in front of the door and was looking into Yongguk’s bedroom. “Wae..?” Shishimato walked closer to her. Both Yongguk and Jieun looked at Shishimato then they looked at each other again.

“Ahah.. Annyeong..?” Yongguk fixed the way he stood up and raised his hand greeting them. Shishimato face palm himself.

Jieun eyes become teary. “Yaa!!” She said and ended up crying. Yongguk quickly went to her. “Ji.. Jieun’ahh..” He bowed a little and looked at her face.  Jieun rubbed her unstoppable tears in front of him. Yongguk helped her wiped her tears. “Uljima.. Uhh..?”

Jieun won’t even stop crying. “Nappeun neon!” She said to him. “Mi.. Miannhe..” Yongguk held his back neck when suddenly Jieun hugged him. “Don’t disappear again!! Don’t leave me!!” She cried in his chest. Yongguk never made her cry and this time she was crying because of him. He seriously doesn’t know how to stop her since he’s the reason of her crying.

Yongguk looked down at Shishimato. Shishimato shrugged and walked away. {You’re supposed to help me you damn bunny!} Yongguk whispered in his heart. He was silent for a moment as Jieun keep on crying. His hands slowly hugged her and patted her head.

“Yaa pabo yaa!!” Jieun let go of the hug and hit him as she cried. “Stupid!! Idiot!!” Yongguk stared at her in shock. She’s mad..? He thought to himself. Jieun wiped her tears again before scolding him. “Why did you leave me?!” She got her hand hitting him again.

“Why do you have to be jealous of Suho when I’m always with you!” She cried and hit him again. Yongguk held her hand before she hit him again. “You know..? I.. I was being.. Jealous..?” He asked blushing. “You think I don’t know!? I know you like me too! Just look at all of those pictures..” She said wanted to point to Yongguk closet but can’t because he was holding her hands.

“Ahh right!” Yongguk blocked her from looking at all of those pictures. He blushed again. “You manage to look at all of those pictures when you’re crying..?” He asked. He was still holding her hands. Jieun smiled in her tears. “I already know you idiot..” Yongguk frowned and let her hand go then he wiped her tears.

“I already know since the day you stalked me..”



“Hana’yah.. Remember the guy that I bumped into twice..?” Jieun asked Hana as she was doing her homework. “Yeah.. Wae..?” Hana asked back as she stopped writing and looked at Jieun. “I think he likes me..” Jieun smiled to her as she held her pencil to her lips. “Are you sure..?” Hana frowned to her. Jieun nodded.

“He always stalk me and even took my picture..” She let go of her pencil and held both of her blushing cheeks. “Yaa.. That’s creepy!” Hana pointed to her with her pencil. “But I think he’s cute.. And he took my picture just now..” Jieun said smiling looking down to her cup of coffee. Hana looked around. “Where!? Yaa.. I think he’s creepy! Let’s just go home now!” Hana said packing her books. Jieun pouted. “Arra..”



Yongguk stared at her as she told her story with a smile and not crying anymore. Yongguk crossed his arms and smiled at her. She looked so happy when she was telling him the story. Jieun continue talking as Yongguk stared at her beauty after crying. He even chuckled at her, of course with his deep voice.

“Then you disappear.. You didn’t stalk me anymore when Hana died.. I thought you like Hana so I stop hoping for you.. I totally forget you too since I was really sad about Hana death.. When I just recover from Hana death Haemi came and my life became worse.. I seriously didn’t remember you anymore.. Until the day I was curious since Block B Beast keep talking about something but they won’t even tell me.. So I end up asking it too Taeil..”


Jieun held her hand out. Taeil gave her a high 5. “Aei! Not a high 5!” Jieun pouted to him. Then Taeil scratched his head. “You want me to pay you..?” He said as he took his wallet out. Jieun smiled. “Not with money..” She shook her head. Taeil frowned. “Then..? With a kiss?” Taeil pointed his lips.

“Anie!!” Jieun pushed his hand away from his lips. “Then with what..?” Jieun smiled to him. “A secret..” Taeil frowned to him.

… In Class …

“I think you guys are hiding something from me..” Jieun said as she sat in front of Taeil. Taeil frowned to her. “Hiding something..? What..?” He put his finger to his lips again and thinks. “You know.. When you guys was like ‘Yongguk blab la bla..’ and when you’re about to say something the others will stop you from talking..”

“Ahh.. That.. Yongguk like you a lot.. He used to stalk you but stop when he know that you’re close with Suho..”  Taeil said with a smile and he was nodding along too. Jieun blushed then she remembered something. “Ahh!! I remember now! He’s the guy who used to stalk me!! Woah! I can’t believe this!”

“Ahh.. crap..” Taeil gulped when Jieun mention ‘stalk’. He just realized what have he done. Jieun tilted her head and looked at him. “Wae..?” She asked. “Did I just tell you Yongguk’s secret..?” Jieun nodded and smiled to him. “I’m dead..” He made his head fell to the table.

“Why you’re dead..?” Zico asked as he walked in with the others. Taeil lifted his head and gulped. “You’re early today..” UKwon said landing his to the chair. “We were playing rock paper and scissors.. He’s dead since I beat him up so I have to flick his forehead now..” Jieun explained to them. Taeil looked at her and she gave him a wink before flicking his forehead.


“And that’s how I remember you..” Jieun smiled to him. Yongguk realized she’s done talking and he woke up from his fantasy. “Were you even listening..?” Jieun gave him a weak punch. “Of course!” He said. Of course he was listening but the room changed to a garden and both of them were sitting on the grass next to each other. Yongguk rubbed his back neck with his shy face.

“Which mean when I was stalking you.. You were stalking me too..” Yongguk asked blushing. Jieun nodded when suddenly she pulled him and gave him a peck on the lips. Yongguk opened his eyes wide while she was on her toes since Yongguk is taller than her. She step back and looked at the shock Yongguk. Jieun grinned to him.

Yongguk stared at her and she was still smiling to him. Yongguk grinned and pulled her for a kiss. They kissed for a moment when they heard a click sound. They stopped and turned their head. “So this is how this thing work..” Shishimato held Yongguk’s camera.

“Yaa! Did you take a picture of us!!” Yongguk chased the already running away Shishimato. Jieun laughed at them.




Everyone need to calm down.. XD
Hep! Chop chop everyone!

This doesn’t end here..
There's going to be twisted plot after this~

Buahaha!! *evil laugh*

Forgive me for disappearing too!!!!! *bow* I'm a WiFi Hunter now.. XD lol

And welcome to my new subcriber~ Hope you guys enjoy reading.. Love you all~


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smileondesy #1
Chapter 29: OOOHHHHH FINALLLLLYYY~ Both are met by the fate, I mean, by Be_Happy authornim LOL =))
Chapter 29: Welcome back :-):-):-)
I liked it :-):-):-)
Chapter 29: Sarang!!!!!!! What is this sorcery of plot twist yoou speak of? *Author.nim starts walking.away slowly* authornim get back here, this isnt over, dont walk away slowly!
Chapter 29: That was a really good chapter!! What do you mean twisted plot?!? Should I be worried? lol :P
Chapter 28: Yah! Yongguk, someone is kissing your girl. Where the hell are you when she needs you?
Suho, between us I should step back if I were you. That kiss is not okay.
And Authornim, you are forgiven. I really like this chapter. drama~ ;D
Chapter 28: I dont like suho in this story -_-)/ yongguk pls come back ; u ;
Chapter 28: i miss you so authornim <333

oh no... dont... jieun is youngguk's
dont kiss her :(
Chapter 28: OKAY!!!!! THE HELL GIRL!!!! thats a super huge NO.. Its BANGSONG 4 EVERRRR <3<3<3
coward or not my gukkiee is sensitive give him some time..
well honestly that wasn't my favourite chapter *sigh* hope she rejects him (although I like suho but not in this story)
keep the hard work authornim :-):-)
baby_eunkyura #9
Chapter 28: Shishimato!!! Wht do u mean?? Is Yongguk really late, ???!!? :""'( No, HE CAN'T. He is belong to Jieun. And Jieun is always YONGGUK'S. Oh my god Yongguk ! Why r u soooo make me crazy??! >< You said that u r love Jieun, but why r u disappear from her ?? Why r u disappear?? T__T Okey stop now Yongguk ! Go catch Jieun and make her happy again ! You can't always like this ! >< And thanks authornim, u r bring back shishimato. Shishi, help Yongguk ! Help Yongguk to confess his feeling toward Jieun and make them official, please ! Jieun, open your eyes! There is still Yongguk waiting for you ! Don't give up. Always happy with shishi ! Authornim, u always the best! I'll wait for ur another daebak chapter ! ♥