Chapter 3: going in gangnam



Victoria is cooking food , krystal is already taking a bath while sulli is still sleeping and in her dream land

sulli then woke up when she smelled something delicious so she got up then got to the living room but she finds

something strange..


I got to my senses and I smell food and it smells really delicious is that mother?

so, i woke up and stand up and came to the living room 

"hmmm...?" why does it seems strange

"where am i?" I said to myself while I observe my surroundings

"Why are you standing there?" krystal appeared behind me suddenly

"AHH!" i got a shocked causing her to be shocked

"why are you like that?" she asked me while she still cover her ears

"where are we?" I asked her

she chuckled a bit then she hit my head lightly

"were here in korea stupid were in victoria unnie's house"

"ah! thats right sorry" i said to her i think for me going to korea feels like a dream

she just laughed well i do have this kind of habit


victoria called sulli and krystal for breakfast they had kimchi and grilled meat

 while eating they happily chat about some things

"ah, thats right where are you two going?" sulli asked krystal 

"us? were just gonna go to a supermarket" victoria replied

"why can't i come" sulli said while having a frown face

"its because i tried to wake you up so many times but still you won't even move a bit in the end i just let you sleep" krystal said to 


"you really have to get rid of that habit of yours" krystal said while smiling

"well she can't help it she needs many hours of sleep you both are still growing up" said victoria

"thats right" sulli agreed 

while finishing breakfast the two decided to go to the market leaving sulli behind

"were going" krystal said

"oh sulli you can also roam around here we have a spare key" victoria said to sulli

"but i don't know where i can go?" sulli said 

"theres a bubble tea shop here and its really delicious" victoria said to her

"really! where is it?" saulli asked

"its not that far its near in gangnam" victoria instructed

"vic unnie hurry up!" krystal wanted to go

"okay sulli bye!" victoria running to krystal's side

"be safe you two!" sulli said

"ok!" replied both then they got to separated ways.


krystal and victoria left to go to the supermarket while im going to gangnam you know why?

im gonna go to a bubble tea shop i love bubble tea very much! especially mango flavor

i noticed that its 6:49 a.m in the morning im sure its opened by now victoria unnie said that it opens at 6:30 a.m

so i started walking to gangnam

I wore a grey cardigan and leggings also a flat boots




EXO is practicing for their comeback with their new song growl

"okay! thats all for today but be sure to practice okay"their instructor said

"yes! thank you very much" exo all said

"goodbye now" their instructor leaved their practice room

all of them sitted

"good job guys you did well" suho said to all of s

"yeah i never knew you guys could do really well" kai said to exo m

"we did our best" kris said

"hey luhan lets go to the bubble tea shop" sehun inviting luhan

"okay lets go hyung! were just going to a bubble tea shop" luhan getting permission

"sure!" they let them


so we changed our clothes then when we were out of the building i stretched

"morning breeze sure feels nice" i said to sehun

"yeah it does hyung come on lets go" sehun told me

good thing that it was morning and there is only a few people

" so what shop are we going?" luhan asked sehun

"oh were gonna go to the bubble tea shop near gangnam i heard that the bubble tea that they sell is really delicious 

and the store is big and the atmosphere there is good"

"then what are we waiting for lets go!" they both headed towards their destination





 he he he this is exo's first appearance i decided to show it actually i plan on showing it after a few chapters but im sure you will be frustrated why exo hasn't appeared yet ( i know how that would feel)



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vanilla133 #1
Chapter 4: Update soon!! Is this hanlli? I love the story very much!!
Chapter 2: Lol krystal is such a big fan just like me to my bias XD
Chapter 4: update soon please authornim, thank you
Chapter 2: UPDATE please!
lilian123 #5
update soon plsss
update it plsssssssssssssssss
f5sulli #7
Chapter 4: I read your comment on my fanfic and decided to read your stories....omg I love this...luhanxsulli....please update chapter 5 authornim
Chapter 4: Please update the new chapter , authornim . Huhu , :-( Jebal........!!!
Chapter 4: Author-nim , your story so interesting ,..... Poor luhan , so dissapointed . Hehe. :-P