I'll love you forever and always

Moonlight Shadow

Yoseob paced through his living room as he waited for his husband Doojoon to get home. He was supposed to be home an hour ago for dinner, but failed to show up.

He stopped pacing and grabbed his coat from the closet and ran outside quickly.

Damnit Doojoon where are you!?

From the woods next to his house he could hear distant shouting. He walked cautiously into the woods, trying not to snap any twigs or get slapped by low hanging branches.

A part of him told him not to go any further; to just turn around and walk back to the safety of his home, but he shook away that thought and kept on walking to the two shouting voices.

“He should have been mine Damnit! Why did you take him away from me!?” he heard a voice shout as he got closer.

When he got close enough to see who the shouting was coming his eyes immediately widened.

Lost in a riddle that Saturday night…far away on the other side.

There stood Junhyung with a monstrous look in his eyes and a gun was in his hand pointed at his beloved Doojoon.

He was caught In the middle of a desperate fight.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you Junhyung, I really am. Please put the gun down, you were never meant to kill anyone.” Doojoon answered calmly.  

And she couldn’t find how to push through.

“Bull! You never cared about my feelings! If you did care then you wouldn’t have asked Yoseob out on a date!”

The tress that whisper in the evening…carried away by a moonlight shadow.

 “You never told me how you felt about Yoseob!” Doojoon yelled back. “Even if you did would you be okay with hurting him? You know how depressed he gets whenever one of our friends fight with one another!”

 Sing the song of sorrow and grieving…carried away by a moonlight shadow.

“It wouldn’t have ended up like this if you would have just backed off and let me have a chance!”

Doojoon let out a frustrated sigh.

“God Damnit Jun! He never wanted you in the first place. If he wanted you he would have come up and told you like he did to me!”

All she saw was a silhouette of a gun. Far away on the other side.

At that point something in Junhyung snapped and he pulled the trigger of the gun.

Doojoon cried out in pain as the first bullet entered his body.

He was shot six times by a man on the run.

Yoseob’s eyes widened as he saw his husband fall to the ground. Without thinking he ran out of his hiding spot, and fell to his knees next to Doojoon’s body.

He put two his fingers on his husband’s neck trying to his pulse. His heart shattered in a million pieces when he felt no life pulse underneath his fingers.

One by one the tears fell down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe it…his love…his life…his world was taken from him in a blink of an eye.

He jumped when he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder.

“Yoseob…I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to go this far.”

Yoseob got up and shrugged Junhyung’s hand off of his shoulder. As soon as he turned around his hand connected with the man’s cheek.

“Your apology means nothing to me.” Yoseob said coldly. “Do you think your apology will bring my husband back!? Nothing you say now will bring my love back to me!”

Junhyung looked away from Yoseob’s face. The guilt was already starting to eat at him. He knew what he did was wrong, but to him at this point knowing wasn’t enough. He had to make it right somehow.

“I know you and my guilt will never let me atone for the sin I did, but I have to at least try and to do that I’m going to go turn myself in right now. If I ever get out of jail then you will never see me again. Good bye Yoseob.”

Yoseob didn’t say anything, just watched Junhyung walk away through blurred vision.

After Junhyung was gone Yoseob turned back around and fell to his knees next to Doojoon once more.

“Why…Why did this have to happen?” Yoseob sobbed. “We were supposed to be together forever, and now you’re dead. What life is there without you?”

Suddenly the wind picked up. It wasn’t violent, it was gentle and kind and Yoseob instantly knew that it was Doojoon’s way of saying everything was going to be okay. Even if things got hard at time he would be there to lead the way.

“Thanks Doojoon, I’ll never forget you. I love you forever and always.”


Yoseob walked up the gravestone ahead of him and set down flowers in front of it.

He kissed his fingers and set them on top of the gravestone.

“Your image still hasn’t faded from my mind, and it never will. That’s the only thing I have left to remember you by, and I don’t want it to go away either. This is not goodbye love, I know I will see you again someday…when my time has come. Forever and always I will love you Doojoon.”

Yoseob took one last look at the gravestone before walking away with one lonely tear running down his cheek.


Here lays Yoon Doojoon
A caring husband and best friend.
He will never be forgotten
and he will always be loved.


 A/N: Wooo...this was really hard to write I was trying not to tear up through this whole thing. Anywho...for all of you who are reading my Fiction or Fact fanfiction I have a question for you. The poll thing is not working for me so I am just going to ask you (yes this is kind of a spoiler) Which wedding would you want to see A. Dooseob wedding B.Kiwoon Wedding C.Junseung Wedding D. All of their weddings Please tell me what you think about this fic and the question!

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iecha_chacha #1
Chapter 1: I choose D
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: Nooo, doojoon.. :'(
Stupid junhyung..
shivaitzmeys #3
Chapter 1: khak bar saret!
PigRabbit1912 #4
i chose d. all! and stupid junnie! y did u have to kill joonie, u already have seungie, whaaa
Gosh, this is sad. Seeing your love die in front of you is unimaginable, I admired the strong Yoseob you protrayed that has the courage to move on confidently. <br />
;-; <br />
I choose A
Aish junhyung!! You have seungie already, why you must disturb them? And killed doojoon. Omo…<br />
<br />
He killed doojoon for nothing :(
eternalove #9
Waaah~ this fics knows how to make someone cry >.<<br />
But I like it :)<br />
As for fiction or fact I choose D^^
my firs time crying while reading a fanfic it was a good story :) i choose D