It Was Me...

31 Days

Hansol's POV

Where is Soo? I’ve been waiting here forever! Man why do girls take so long to get ready? I looked over to my right and there she was looking like a love struck puppy, staring at someone.

“Who is she staring at..?” I think to myself as I followed her gaze. It lead to this tall guy who was surrounded by his friends. Jun Hui. Ugh. Not him again. What does she see in him anyway? He's just one of the flowerboys in school. That's it. Sure, he is the heir to his dad's major company but other than that, he is the same as us. I looked back at Soo only to find her still looking at him. I better go break her gaze before she starts drooling. 

I creeped over to Soo and pounced behind her back.

“HEY EARTH TO SOO!!!”  I shout as loud as possible into her ear making her snap out of her small fantasy also causing some people to stare. Oops. I turned my head to bow apologetically to the people but my eyes landed on Jun Huin again. Oh and now look who is staring 'Mr. I’m-so-awesome Jun Hui.' Great…

“Geez Hansol! What was that for! You could have made me deaf!" Soo said as she rubbed her ear right after punching me on the arm, giving me a glare.  "Eh but then I wouldn’t have to listen to you and you would’ve done me a favor." She added in a playful way. Her head turned back to Jun Hui and she started squealing like crazy.

“ Oh my days! is that..? No? Hansol go check. Is Jun Hui looking at me? OMG he is…” 

Great now the fangirl session starts. I mentally sighed and closed my eyes for a moment, trying my best to keep it all in. I honestly couldn’t be bothered to listen to her scolding me and then switching to fangirl mode. It's always like this. I mean, I wouldn’t mind, if only she was fangirling over me or something... Hm, that would be cute. But I’ve never seen her blush or anything because of me. Ever. Well there was one time but that was because I accidentally smacked her in the face...Yeap.. But not my point.  It’s just I wish she would realize I was the one that would carry her home when she falls asleep studying at the library. I was the one that made her smile through those tears… I was the one that would play tea party with her. it was me… Not him. I heaved out a heavy sigh then looked at the ground breifly before looking back at Soo, continuing my thoughts. Its 31 days till Valentines and I have come up with this plan that nobody could crack, especially Miss Love Sick over her-

“So what do you think Hansol?" 

“HUH! Oh yeah he is cool I guess…” I wish she would just stop talking about him in front of me.

“He isn’t just cool he is kind, good looking, smart. Oh my gosh” I didn't listen to her after that, she just went on and on about how cool, handsome and such a nice guy he was.

Blah blah blah.

“Man if I wasn’t such a tomboy and had girl friends I wouldn’t have to fangirl with you” She said with a soft sigh escaping her lips.

Suddenly the feeling in my heart just sank, I felt my body go numb for a second. I looked away for a moment to calm myself down then looked back at her.

 "Wow Soo, feeling the love!” I said trying make myself look less hurt.

“Come on Hansol you know I love you.” She said cutely as she leaned her face closer to mine, her lips puckered up, trying to kiss me on the cheek. I closed my eyes, trying not to give in to that little monster. I’m sure a little peek wont make my legs turn to jelly. I could feel all my blood rush to my face and a man can't let a woman see him blush! I opened my eyes and saw a friend of mine. Thank God!

“Oh Jisoo Hyung!” I sprang off in the fastest sprint a human probably could have ran over to Jisoo hyung, leaving Soo by herself… Was that the right thing to do? A flush off guilt ran over me and I couldn’t help taking a glance at the now confused Soo.

“Hey Hansol ! How ya doing? Hansol...?” The older guy inquired as he looked at me.

“Oh yeah,” I flashed my best fake smile. “ I’m good”

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leekarla #1
Chapter 5: Please update
Chapter 3: Oh my god this is hilarious, but so realistic. I love this unnie! Fighting!