Chapter Two

Say Something

Chapter Two

[Jungkook's POV]

I watched as Muni ran off. Eunmi hung onto my hand and smiled.

"Oppa~ I'm so happy now~," she sang. "You're finally mine~"

I slightly smiled at her. But my head flashed those words again.

"Muni likes you Jungkook,"

Does she? I was confused now. My heart is confused now. It felt different from where Eunmi made it. It had a stronger feeling.

"Oppa are you okay?" Eunmi asked tugging my arm. I smiled and nodded.

"I'll send you to class," I said. Eunmi nodded and we left. After sending her off, I entered my class. My seat was next to Taehyung in the first class. I was really close with Taehyung, enough to know that whenever he was serious he really means it. Taehyung gave me a weird look.

"Something wrong?" he asked. I looked at him taking my seat.

"Hyung..." I called. "I don't know what's wrong with me..."

Taehyung shook his head and patted my back. The teacher walked in and started the lesson. I didn't pay attention to him at all, to be honest I couldn't. I sneaked my phone out and looked through it to get my head off of things. I went through all my messages and my missed calls. My finger moved and accidently pressed on the trash can. I noticed two deleted messages. I opened it up.

'Hey oppa :) i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight and go to the noodle shop that we always go to at 7pm?'

I don't remember her sending me a text like this. I looked at the time and date. I widened my eyes. That was when I realize. I was the guy that stood her up on tthat raining night. That same night, Eunmi came over to my house. I was still dressing in the bathroom I guess she took my phone and texted Muni back. I quickly stood up.

"Yes Mr. Jeon?" the teacher gave me a look.

"I-i need to go to the restroom sir," I said. "It's an emergency."

"Ok, Mr. Jeon, but hurry up please," the teacher replied and returned back to his lesson. I ran out the door and went to look for Money 's first class. I finally found it and opened the door. Everyone's eyes laid on me. I searched the room and found her. She was looking at me with wide eyes.

"What are you doing in my class Jungkook?" she whispered as I walked up to her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.

"Tell you what?"

"You liked me," I blurted out. "Why did you make yourself suffer seeing me with Eunmi?"

"I-i," she was lost for words.

"Um, Muni if you two need to talk, please feel free to step outside," the teacher came towards us. I looked at her and nodded grabbing onto Muni's wrist and dragged her out of the room.

"What are you doing?" she removed her hand and glared at me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had liked me?" I asked her one more time. She struggle to reply.

"How can you stand and watch the person you like, like someone else?" I added. I saw tears formed in her eyes.

"Seeing you happy is already good enough for me..." she mumbled. I widened my eyes, "What? Are you crazy?!"

She was taken back with my sudden rage. I sighed, "I'm sorry…"

Muni shook her head, "You should be happy now shouldn’t you? You and Eunmi are together now.” She smiled and nodded, but I knew she forced it on her face. I rolled my eyes, “Can you stop saying that?”

“I mean it really,” Muni said. I held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “You like me.”

I could see that she was shaking in the inside though her outside image was still calm. She didn’t reply back to me but kept quiet.

“Say something please,” I said in almost a whisper. Muni bit her lower lip and hung her head, “Yes…I-I like you.”

I felt my heart racing at her words.

“For how long?” I asked.

“Since middle school…” she mumbled. My heart dropped at her response. How did I not notice it back then?

“I-I have to go back to my class,” Muni quickly bowed and ran off into the classroom. I told her to wait but she ignored my call. I slowly walked back to my classroom.

“What took you so long Mr. Jeon?” the teacher asked.

“Emergency,” was all I said to him and sat in my seat. Taehyung elbowed my arm once the teacher returned to his lesson.

“Where did you go?”

“Muni,” I simply replied. I saw a smirk appeared on his face. I pushed his paper away and told him to write down the notes. Throughout the class I was thinking quite a lot. I usually don’t think but this time I am. I have decided to break up with Eunmi. I sound like a terrible guy right now. Yeah I just asked her out- wait more like Muni did, since she said it in my place. Eunmi’s beautiful and smart but her clingy attitude and sudden high-pitch voice isn’t my thing. Money’s been there for me. She knows me more than I know myself. She’s my other half, not Eunmi. Soon when class ended and the bell for lunch had rung, I quickly packed my bags and ran out the door leaving Taehyung behind. I headed towards Eunmi’s class. She walked out and smiled waving towards me. I took in a deep breath and went towards her.

“Eunmi, I’m sorry to say this but…let’s just be friends,” I said.

“What?” her voice got deeper. “Are you breaking up with me?”

I scratched the back of my head and nodded, “You’re really beautiful and great but you deserve someone better than me.”

She scoffed and glared at me, “ you.”

With that she turned and walked away. Wow ok then. Well now I don’t feel so bad for breaking up with her. I shrugged and ran off to Muni’s class. When I reached it, it was empty. I pouted and prepare myself for another run towards the cafeteria. Taehyung saw me and waved. I looked towards him and saw that Muni was with him. I pushed through a couple students and finally reached their table.

“Muni!” I yelled. She was still eating her food but suddenly jumped when I slammed my hand on the table.

“Y-yes?” she looked up at me. I smiled because her face was so adorable.

“Let’s go out tonight to the noodles shop eh?” I sat down. She choked on her food and quickly grabbed her drink.

“What?” she looked at me in disbelief. Taehyung nudged her, “He's asking you out.”

Muni then widened her eyes.

“W-what? B-but-,” a bunch of questions were popping out of .

“I broke up with Eunmi,” I said and put an arm around her shoulder. “You’re mines right? Didn’t we say this when we were little?”

From the corner of my eyes I saw her blush.

“Now, noodles at 8,” I said. “Don’t spend time dressing up because I love the casual you. And adding onto that I’ll pick you up.”

I saw Taehyung slowly getting up and leaving our table.

“I-I,” Muni was lost for words.

“You’re my girlfriend,” I said. “And remember I take no for an answer.”

I smiled and saw that a smile had also appeared on her face. I removed my hand from her shoulder and grabbed her hand linking it together. Her face flushed red and she hid it. I laughed and pulled our linked hands closer to my face.

“Mine and mines only,” I smiled and kissed her hand.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 2: That is so adorable ^.^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: What? Why? How?!
What will Jungkook do?
C0mEt-16vJ #3
Chapter 2: Yaaaa... BFF turned lovers...nice... Short yet satisfying. Great fic!
mongguomma #4
Chapter 2: Kawaiiiiii~~~~~~♥♥♥♥♥
v-kookiee #5
Nevrane #6
Chapter 2: bestfriend lovers ftw! I think bestfriends can be best lovers because they understand each other a lot ^^ and it was so cute~
Chapter 2: this story makes me sing hush by apink when i read it
Mochii_ #8