Everything has an end, so do we it seems

Everything has an end

My memories of you, are bittersweet but never will they be forgotten. No, I know somewhere in our hearts, we still love each other. Your smiling face and accented Korean, will always haunt my dreams but I respect your decision and will stay away.

We no longer share a bed, or a stage. No longer do we sneak smiles or kisses behind cameras. You and I are no more. This dance we swayed ended leaving me with only a rose that wilted over time. My heart bleeding for a love that ended. I read the things fans write just to pretend you're still here, but when I finish your side is still cold. It's wrong to still hear your laughter, to see you in the mirror to claim you as mine. It's wrong to be jealous of you, to want your love.

The day you left, you told me to forget you, to love more and go our separate ways. Stubbornly, I had refused and clung to you like a spoilt child. You were my friend, my lover. We were like Romeo and Juliet. Except neither of us physically died. Only our loved had died. Our rose wilted, growing blacker the longer you stayed away. Now, five years after watching you fly away from Korea and back home, I let you go. I needed to move on now after so long trying to pretend we still existed. I know now it was stupid to cling to a broken past. You look happier now, more at peace and have a lot better opportunities now than you did here. If you had remained with us, you would have remained hidden. I truly am happy for you now. And, I realize now Hankyung, that nothing lasts forever, everything has an end.


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Chapter 1: why is this so sad? beautiful but also painful
Chapter 1: Hur this was such a bittsweet story =^=
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 1: And thats y heechul has created another rose with gunhee...
BUT THAT WAS SAD I FREAKIN LOVE THE ROSE CONCEPT and the "i read wut fans write" muahahhaa he reads fanfics im sure he does in reality LUV LE SAD HANCHUL