
Under the same roof
Without thinking it you kissed it, continuous Jungkook with the kiss. You separated and said:
 - I'm sorry I...
 - Do not feel it noona...: is this an answer?
 - Jungkook sorry.
 - Is it one not? Then why am I...
 - Not... I was feeling bad for you...
 - Noona... - A tear fell down for its cheek - do not worry. I want that you are happy... you like Jimin: no?
 - Not...
 - If, if you like... noona, it sees to speak with him.
 - But...
 - It sees it is to speak with him - It seemed that it him was hurting what was saying - Noona, I have seen as you look at it and as it looks at you, do what I say to you and: see to speak with!
Without saying anything you went out of the room and entered yours, you were feeling very bad for Jungkook. You began in your bed looking it was doing the roof, suddenly oíste the voice of Jungkook and Jimin, it opened the door to itself and Jimin said:
 - What do you do?
 - You must speak, you are destined to be together, speak - Jungkook Said pushing Jimin-.
Jungkook closed suddenly the door, Jimin tried to open the door, but Jungkook said from another side:
 - I am holding it... Speak!
Jimin was turned, rested on the door and looked at the soil. None of the two said anything, but you said:
 - Jungkook is crazy...
 -... - Again an uncomfortable silence - ____________, let's speak...
 - It costs - You said without looking at it to the face-.
 - ________ - it approached you stooped and took you of the hands - I like... I like very much...: do you like me?
 - Jimin...
 You like me? Only say to me if or not.
 -... - you looked at It to the face - If - You Said continuing to your heart-.
Jimin you smiled and approached you to more sat down in the bed and embraced you, it was a very warm hug, you could hear the beats of its heart. Jimin separated, looked at you at the eyes and said to you:
 - Then Do you want to go out with me?
 - Skylight - you embraced It-.
Jimin took you of the hand and said to you:
 - We are going to speak with Jungkook.
You stood up and opened the door, Jungkook was sitting in the soil, with the back rested on the wall and with the put earphones, it looked at you, stood up and looked at you. Jimin was going to ddecir a little, but Jungkook looked at your close hands and said:
 - You have already spoken: no? I am glad very much - He smiled, but it seemed sad-.
It entered its room, you looked at Jimin and he said to you:
 - He speaks with him.
You rang at the doorbell and entered. Jungkook was sitting in a chair, it looked at you and said:
 - What do you do here? Why are not you with Jimin?
 - I do not feel good if you are badly.
 - Noona, if you are happy, I will be happy.
 - Insurance?
 - If... but.
 - What?
 - Promise me that you are not going to stop paying attention to me. That you and Jimin are going out, but... I do not want that you forget me.
 - I will never forget you.
 - Really?
Jungkook threw himself to embrace you while he was saying:
 - Thank you noona! - He You smiled - Noona, sees with Jimin, insurance that he wants to be with you.
You went out of the room and went down up to the lounge, saw Jimin looking for a very big window, it was raining, you approached him and said:
 - Do you like the rain?
 - If but... - it took You of the waist - More I like you.
It brought over its facing yours and put its front on yours, looked at you fixedly at the eyes and said to you:
 - _________, I am glad that you are with me... am so happy.
 - I also.
He you smiled sweetly and little by little it brought its lips over to yours, until finally it kissed you. It separated, embraced you and it you whispered to the ear:
 - Saranghae...


I hope you have enjoyed this fanfic, please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing and many thanks for reading ◕‿◕.
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rachel123 #1
i would want to read your story but i dont understand a single word :(
Chapter 10: So fast .____. ;____;
Nee_sekai #4
Can't wait to read the first chapter this sounds like it will be a good story. Hwaiting in writing authornim !!
Can't wait for you to update! Soo... (In this fic) jimin and jongkookie are brothers right?
yeay!! can't wait for the first chapter..
please update soon..^^
Yes!!! finally some BTS! this is going to be great. Spanish is your first language right? because if gou would like i can go through and do all the annoying editing if you would like.