Final Chapter

Half Asleep

Kyungsoo likes to sneak kisses on Jongin when he’s asleep.


The first time Jongin had noticed he had been half asleep, tired from studying, head in his hands. Kyungsoo, his roommate had arrived from his afternoon classes to pick up some books he needed for his next class.


“Jongin? You in here”


Jongin at this point was too tired to reply.


When Kyungsoo heard no answer he knocked on the door leading to Jongin’s room, one, two, three knocks until he finally opened the door only to see Jongin asleep. He slowly approached, careful not to make any noise. Why the hell was he being so careful, Jongin thought. Instead of waking up, which he probably should do at this point, he kept pretending to sleep, interested in seeing how this would play out.


“One wouldn’t hurt”, Kyungsoo whispered to himself.


One what, is he going to steal a piece of gum? Because they’ve been over this, nobody touch-


Suddenly he felt something moist on his cheek. Did Kyungsoo, the guy he’s had a crush on for god knows how long, just kiss him, on the cheek? Was this the first time, why was Jongin’s face heating up, oh no Kyungsoo would know he was awake. Calm down Jongin. Caaaalm, think of your grandma, with Kyungsoo’s adorable face, what no no bad image, bad image.


When he was sure Kyungsoo had gone, Jongin opened his eyes. That did not just happen. Maybe I’m a little delusional. Maybe Kyungsoo had accidentally his face thinking he was gum, yes, that must be it.




“I never knew how amazing your imagination was. You could even feel it.”, Sehun looked at him with fake worry in his eyes. “Maybe it’s time we finally check you in to that hospital I’ve been telling you about”


“Really now, maybe we should also bring you to the police station, to file a report on how you’ve been stalking that poor innocent boy, what was his name?”


“Luhan, and no, I don’t stalk him”


“Tell that to the police officers.”


“Screw you”


“No thanks, I don’t want to dirty myself”, Jongin said as he backed away to prove his point.


“Whatever, anyway what’s so bad about Kyungsoo kissing you? Isn’t this what you’ve wanted.”


“Yes, but I can’t just bring this up out of the blue, hey Kyungsoo I know you kissed me when I was sleeping, let’s do it some more while I’m awake.”


“Yeah makes you seem even creepier, next time it happens, if it even did happen, you should wake up in the middle of it.”


“Good idea, the only problem is that I’m supposed to be asleep when it happens, and no I won’t pull an all nighter.”


“Well for you”, Sehun said turning around and walking off. “Say hi to Kyungsoo for me”


Jongin got nothing out of that conversation.




The second time it happens it’s not until a few weeks later, when Jongin accidently fell asleep on the couch. He feels something on his cheek, resisting his urge to slap whatever person woke him up from his much needed nap. He slowly opened his eyes to see Kyungsoo standing above him, eyes wider than usual.






“What was that”


“There was a bug on your cheek.”


Jongin slowly brings his hand to his cheek, he was sure he felt something wet. “Oh, okay then”


Kyungsoo looked a little disappointed, like he was expecting something else. But as soon as Jongin opened his mouth to ask what was wrong suddenly Kyungsoo smiled, not the usual face light up, heart lip smile that makes his heart skip not one, but two beats, but a sad smile. “Yeah, well I’m going to go now”, Kyungsoo said trying to avoid anymore questioning.




The third time it happens it’s the most important time.


Jongin was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep after a long day of dance practice, muscles aching. When he came in to the apartment clutching his waist, he saw Kyungsoo’s worried face. Instead of starting a conversation he just continued to limp towards his bedroom.


After a while of just laying there he once again heard the familiar knock, then the door opening.


“You look so peaceful right now”, Kyungsoo said in a worried voice approaching Jongin. “Sometimes I wish you wouldn’t work yourself to death.”


Jongin felt his bed dip.


Kyungsoo sat down, slowly leaning down, capturing Jongin’s lips in an innocent kiss. Without thinking Jongin started to kiss back, lips molding perfectly together. Kyungsoo let out a small gasp surprised at Jongin’s sudden response. Jongin just took this chance to make the kiss deeper, opening his eyes and sitting himself upright.


After a while of kissing, Jongin pulled back, breaking the kiss to get some much needed air. “You really thought I didn’t know”


Kyungsoo nodded.


“So tell me why you feel the need to kiss me while I’m asleep.”


“You didn’t like it?”, Kyungsoo asked puffing his cheeks out.


So cute. How could someone be capable of looking sad and being adorable at the same time. Maybe Kyungsoo wouldn’t mind if he just reached out and squeezed them. Oh how Jongin would love to feel his cheeks, all 4 of them. No Jongin no dirty thoughts, this is supposed to be romantic, why are you like this.


“No, but I would’ve liked them better when I was awake”, Jongin said winking.


“Oh god why do I like you”


Wait back it up.


“What did you say?”


“Nothing”, Kyungsoo said realizing what he had just admitted. “I have to go”


Instead of romantically grabbing Kyungsoo’s hand and forcing him up against a wall, like imaginary Jongin did. Real life Jongin just sat there shocked.




“So he confessed to you and you just sat there like an idiot?”




“That’s hilarious.”


“What did you expect me to do Sehun, the guy I’ve liked since who knows how long just made out with me and then confessed to me. I’m sorry I’m not some genius who’s brain takes seconds to process information, a guy like me needs a minute to take in something like that.”, Jongin said in to the phone.


He had called Sehun, needing someone to voice his problems to, and since Sehun is his so called friend he expected him to come up with an answer to all his problems. Oh how he had thought wrong, all he could here was Sehun laughing.


“Really, your life ”


“Thanks”, Jongin sighed. “But seriously though I need some advice.”


“Is he still in the apartment with you?”


“Yeah I think so”


“Just go in there and tell him your feelings, if he likes you he’ll accept your feelings, and if he doesn’t, which is impossible, I’ll come over with a jar of ice cream and some oreo cookies, and nurse your poor heart back to its original kyungsooless state.”


“Wow this is the first time you’ve ever shown affection to me.”


“Shut up before I take my offer back.”


“Okay Okay”, Jongin laughs. “Well I’m going to go tell Kyungsoo now, wish me luck”


“Yeah yeah bye”




Jongin knocked on Kyungsoo’s door.


“Come in”, he heard Kyungsoo’s voice from the other side of the door.


“Hey”, Jongin said opening the door.


“Hey”, Kyungsoo said looking down. “You know what I said, you don’t have to take it seriously, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same-“


“I like you too”


“Yeah I knew you would say tha- Did you say?”


“I like you Kyungsoo”


“Jongin if this is a joke”


“It’s not, I’ll prove it to you”


Jongin leaned in capturing Kyungsoo’s lips in a kiss. When Kyungsoo responded he swore he felt sparks, they continued to kiss until they both were out of breath.


“So does this mean I can kiss you when you’re awake now.”, Kyungsoo said with a hopeful look in his eyes.


Jongin couldn’t hold back and started to laugh.





i really hate the word moist, i don't even know why I used it lol

comments are much appreciated, and if there are any mistakes please do tell me, sometimes i'm oblivious when it comes to some mistakes

bye thanks for reading :D



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alyntasya9 #1
Chapter 1: its nice to read at evening rest or bedtime stories~
akaonim #2
Chapter 1: I love being able to reread this whenever I want to lol still so adorable!!
akaonim #3
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh so cute and fluffy!!!! Exactly wat I needed before I go to sleep lol
Chapter 1: ahhhh my feelssssssss!
thanks for this <3
Chapter 1: "Wish me luck." "Yeah yeah bye."
LOL, I love Sehun here!
Chapter 1: cuuuute <3
Chapter 1: always so fluffy, kaisoo that is!!!
Kpopsiclez #8
Chapter 1: Omo! This is soo cute! (^ u ^)