Who knew

Who knew

Luna and Onew are a couple. They are a fairly new couple but they have known each other for a very long time; since they were trainees actually. Luna loved Onew and Onew loved Luna. Luna felt like she was on top of the world, she was the envy of all the other idols because she had the opportunity to be with the love of her life!

However the idol lifestyle was taking the toll on her and Onew’s life.  A few hours of sleep a day; constantly practising; always having to look your best; consistently being compared to other idols.

Better idols, more successful and talented idols; idols who were blessed with better looks. One can only take so much…Luna managed somehow, she managed because she knew that her fans, however little, loved her and more importantly Onew loved her. She could take all the criticism in the world because of these facts.

Onew however, hasn’t been taking things so lightly. He has this image of a constantly happy person who is always light hearted and funny. He can’t let out for a second how much pain he is in. he started to search for an escapism, all of a sudden music wasn’t enough anymore. He started to go out, when Luna wasn’t in the country. He would drink and smoke and find company for the night; but it wasn’t enough.

Slowly, he started to go out more. He sneaked out in the wee hours of the night trying to be free. Then he found it, artificial freedom in an accessible form. Onew finally was able to release his tension.

Through one puff…and another…and another…

Luna was beginning to notice a change in Onew. She began to notice how fidgety he had become how he wouldn’t talk as much anymore. He constantly remained in his room and became a loner, she began to suspect something. She tried to stop herself try to blame exhaustion and other things, surely not the man she loves can reduce to this? However the seed of doubt had already settled in and she became wearier of his sudden disappearances and his suspicious nature. When all the people around him turned a blind eye she knew what she had to do.

One night she decided to sneak in, she made it absolutely positive that the other shinee members weren’t in when she did. She made her way around the apartment, not making a single sound. She opened news door to find…


Onew was at the bottom of his bed around him were a pile of discarded needles, she was no fool she knew what going on. Her boyfriend was an addict.

‘Lu…Lu...Luna…it’s not what it looks like. I promise’ Onew is crying while on his knees. This isn’t the man Luna fell in love with.

He was weak and pathetic, what happened; how could things come to such a point without her realizng?

‘I’m not an idiot. I know what you’re doing.’ She took a deep breathe, trying to cntain all the emotions, everything was happening so fast she didnt know what to do

‘why Onew, why? Was my love not good enough for you,’ he stops crying he looks up to her and gets up

‘No no no NO Luna’ he started screaming hysterically. ‘I love you; I love you so so so much! Just try it once I promise you won’t regret it! It’s amazing’

he looks at me with bloodshot eyes, smiling like a kid. 

‘No Onew. Stop. If you really love me you will stop all this!’ she starts crying as well, she doesnt know what to do, why was this happening to her? why was her onew turning into this...this...monster!

‘Luna listens to me please…’ he begins to plead

‘No Onew, I’m going to report you…’ he looks at her, now he’s angry.

‘Just try …’ he says with a menacing voice he grabs her arm violently and throws her on the ground. he starts throwing all his stuff on the ground and creating a mess everywhere. he suddenly went crazy...

‘Stop Onew you’re hurting me’ she winces in pain and begins crying. He is scaring her now; he looks like he could do anything.

‘SHUT UP! If you were going to be such a boring little I might as well have gone out with any old idol. They are all twice as better looking as you anyway!’ he is screaming at her now. She listens to him, every word stabbing her heart.

'You are nothing, NOTHING!! I am onew, shinees leader, im the best your ever going to get baby you should just shutup and take it! Everybody loves me I can have anyone I want, ANYONE!’ He screams at her, and then starts lauging hysterically.

she quickly wipes her tears and goes towards the door.

‘Wait, Luna!’ Onew turns to her again; he kneels down and grabs her shirt.  he begins sobbing again like a little kid.

she takes a deep breath.

‘I’m sorry don’t go’ he whispers into her back.

‘Good bye Onew’ she turns to leave but he grabs her again

‘Wait Luna, please. Just try it once; I swear you will believe me. There is nothing like this.it makes me feel so happy and free…for once’ his tears begin to wet her back. She uses every last bit of strength in her body to tear him off her. He collapses to the ground.

‘I love you Onew, I really do’ Luna says as she leaves his room. He’s just crying, unable to fully comprehend what is going on.

Luna goes out and calls the special ambulance that is only for idols,

‘Hello, this is Luna, Onew from shinee has collapsed I his room. Please retrieve him from there without anybody knowing. Please hurry it’s an emergency!’ she then hangs up immediately and takes the battery out of her phone.

She goes and sits in her car and cry’s for hours. She feels like a failure, a failure for not being able to notice his worries; A failure as a girlfriend for not being enough for her boyfriend; And a failure as a person to not stop him before it was too late.

-A few weeks later-

Luna has learnt that Onew checked into a secret rehab centre where he is being treated for his addiction. She often gets phone calls asking her to come and visit him but she can’t bring herself to. She needs to give him time to heal slightly before she can meet him.

She stares out her car window at the rehab centre and smiles; she remembers all the good times she has with Onew. She wants to remember him in that way forever.

-Inside the rehab centre-

A nurse enters a room with a bouquet of flowers.

‘Onew-shi you have another delivery of flowers’ she talks to a man sitting by the window.

‘Put it with the others’ he says without looking at her. She sighs

‘But this one is different the women personally came here to deliver them and they have a note.’ Upon hearing this he turns to face her; and makes a gesture to put it on the bedside table. She place sit and leaves.

Onew gets up and walks towards the large bouquet and sees a little folded note, he opens the note an there in beautiful cursive writing is written

‘I miss you’

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Should i write a sequel to this?


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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 1: it's a good story. write more~
shininglulu #2
Chapter 1: This is too short but appreciate it a lot..they still loved each other yet they should be apart for a while to heal their wounded hearts.
I hope u could write more lunew fanfics by using pink tape songs.