House Nanny

House Nanny

*House Nanny ; The House*

The House


The Living Room/The Dining Room


The Kitchen 

The Bath Room's 


Su Dae Room 


Seoung Ho Room 


Ji Hoon Room


Se Hong Room 


*starts with Su Dae waking up fixing breakfest*

Su Dae: (wakes up& sits up in her bed then rubs her eyes)Good Morning to me (gets out of bed puts her silpers on &walks to the kitchen) i better start cooking (starts to cook Kimchi,rice,vegetable soup & slice of toast)

Seoung Ho: (wakes up puts his silpers on and walks to the bath room and washes his face)

Se Hong: (wakes up and walks to the kitchen) good morning what are we having (sits in the chair)

Su Dae: Kimchi,rice,vegetable soup & slice of toast

Se Hong: that sounds good 

Ji Hoon: (walks in the kitchen) what sounds good

Su Dae: breakfest

Ji Hoon: Oh is it done

Su Dae: yes

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