Chap 1

Hey! I'm stupid, okay?

[08.30.2013] [Music Bank]

She is not okay.

She is damn not okay.

Towards me. Well, maybe.

Just see how pale and dark she looked compared to that white-skined puppy a.k.a Henry. Haiz. She even almost forgot the final pose, which the normal Amber would never do.

She has been ignoring me for good 20 hours 31 minutes plus several seconds. I messaged, she deleted it. I called, she turned off the phone. Damn, i even think of making another instagram (besides my secret one only for Amber) just to contact her.

Even today when we all joined Music Bank, her waiting room seemed to be shut tight, not allowing me to get in.

Was she having a stomache? She kinda had the habit of eating cookies and junk-food instead of having a proper lunch. That's why she is so skinny. However many times i nagged her, she just stubbornly ignored it.

Or she slept late last night? I can't count how many times i woke up in the middle of the night, signed in my Instagram just to check if she's offline or not (to found she's online) and then had to nag her until she went to bed.

Or some crazy fans attacked her private accounts? She tends to surf internet a lot. Maybe the protect software i installed on her phone did not work out?

Or she was homesick? This little girl...always try to be strong but deep inside she's so vulnerable. I hate the time she cried on my shoulder. I felt like this Kpop burden would crash her weak small fingure down to millions pieces.

I need to protect her more.

But how can I when she completely ignores me?



[08.31.2013] Music Core

I wanna go to her.

I so freaking wanna go to her!

But I got stuck with the thank-you speech because we win again.

Not that i don't like it but i don't like to be the leader at this damn painful moment!

Amber has been given me silent treatments since like forever. One second when I'm given the cup, she was chatting happily wiith Luhan. ISN'T HIS FACE WAY TOO CLOSE TO HERS?!? ^%@!@&*())(*& Gritted my teeth, i tried to give the speech as normal as possible. But another second after my amazingly short speech, I fumed when glancing to Amber and found her play with the little Chen. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....


[09.04.2013] Show! Champion

Grrr...She looked perfectly fine today. Too fine for my liking!! Look at myself in the mirror, i almost dropped it. Inside the mirror, a messy angry dragon monster is glaring at me with its red eyes. I can't sleep last nights. Yeah, you didn't see it wrong. Sleepless NIGHTS. I missed her like crazy. The missing and jealous feelings are killing me insides.  Whenever we finished the schedule late at night, all i wanted is to run to her dorm, banging the door and take her away in my arms with my car; but all i did is being forced to sit inside the car, go straight home to prepare for the next crazy day. Whenever i saw her with other guys, all things appeared in my head is whether i should shoot him straight to his head or to his crotch to make him suffer more.

Just like this moment.

Tell me, what should i do to those 2 little handsome jerks Himchan and Youngjae? Shoot Himchan and punch Youngjae to death seems like a good idea.



Oh, so we won today! Wahahaha, it means Amber will have to give me the cup. There is no way for her to ignore me. I'm waiting for her to reach to me...

But what is this boy doing in front my face with the cup???

Noooooo...NOOOOOOOO!! I want Amber to give me the cup, not you!!!! she finding a way to escape from me? Too bad, baby. I don't want this.

Look like she was gesturing Youngjae to come closer to her so that they can get off stage together. But i shamelessly considered that she gestured me to come closer. And i did. But she was going to run away!!! I tried to grab her arm, but she was too fast and withdrew. I failed epicly. Great, epic Kris!!

Now she was really going off stage. Okay, if the naturally y Kris can't attract you, the attempt-to-be-ier Kris can do it, Amber.

So I took off my blazer half way and rushed to her side. With my most seductive voice, i whispered to her ears: "Ambie... My life has been so miserable without you. I want you."

She flushed, but tried to say strongly:

"No you do not. Go find your girl some other where."

I raised my eyebrow, frustratedly swung my arm.

"Why do I need to find when my dream girl is here?"

Completely ignored my oh-so-sweet attempt, she stomped her feets off stage. I tried to grab her again but she swiftly escaped. Hphm...what a karetedo black belt she is!

Glancing down to my hand which failed to get her, i grinned like crazy. Hahaha...I got Amber's phone, which previously was hold in her hand. Yo baby...let's see how can you live a night without your phone!! You have to find me! You have to see me!! Hehe

I wore my blazer fully on and went back to the stage with EXO kids, cannot hide a big grin creeping on my face.


Right after the encore, i opened her phone, only to be shocked when seeing the wallpaper:



I facepalmed. OHMYINGGOSH. So this is all problematic matter? I'm ed! Totally ed!!!

I ran like crazy towards Amber who wass about to get in the van, this time succeeded to grab her hand.

"Hey, I'm stupid, okay? This stupidity stole my Amber away and drowned me in the pool of missing her. Now you have to be responsible for that sickness! No, not only now. In my whole life you have to be responsible for that sickness!"




I know it's boring and crazy. Hehe.



Love ya <3



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llama1023 #1
Chapter 1: Awww so cute and fluffy
Chapter 1: ahh aigoo hahah so cute
kimkim96 #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww.. love it <3
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 1: Ha?
Oh i know now its mean is amber get jelous to kris.
Chapter 1: LOLOLOL. So random >< kris like saesang fan
Chapter 1: Omagosh Lol haha
Cute kris pov ,
n stupid kris
Kris look like a
Sasaeng fan of Am :DD
Chapter 1: AHAHAHAH that's so cute omfg
Why is she jealous of Kris' ships?
Kris should be the one jealous of her endless list of OTPs hahahahha
Chapter 1: I don't get it, sorry!!! But, what exactly did kris see on amber's phone? What's her wallpaper about? Hhmmm mind to explain to me pretty pleaseeeeeeee... Like it the way you write ur story but,the important pieces is a (???) For me! I'm just like your title hehehe.. Stupid me! :D
Shyndikrisber #9
Chapter 1: Ohmy!
Just it?
Plz make sequel
Chapter 1: is that all? i want more