Superstar and Me

Superstar and Me

SUPERSTAR AND ME [A Gift Called Love Sequel]



            It was a very hot day in this summer season but Kim Saera was determined to drag her luggage outside the Incheon Airport in order to find any airport taxi. She found one without having her skin exposed to any sort of sun rays and after telling her desired destination with almost perfect Korean, Saera exhaled a very tired sigh. She spent hours inside the flight and although she was very tempted to spend another couple of hours hanging out at the pretty, small café she saw inside the airport, Saera pushed the desire away. She had her own destination and that was the place she intended to spend the rest of her afternoon at.


“I wonder if he remembers me…” Saera said this with her own native language quite loudly and received a friendly smile from the taxi driver.


“I thought you are Korean.” He explained in Korean but Saera cheerfully shook her head and just smiled back.


            Two years ago, Saera’s lifetime wish was fulfilled; she met the one that was always appeared in her dream. It snowed really heavily at that time and Saera did not have any idea that the short trip to her favourite café without caring about the bad weather brought her to the happiest meeting in her life. The figure of the person before her eyes, his charming, famous gummy smile and the warmth of his hand around hers were something she could not take out from her mind every single day for these past two years. Those also became the reasons for her to abandon the flower shop she owned with her best friend, pack her clothes and took the flight to the country where he came from. Once she was determined, nothing could stop Kim Saera. With this thought, Saera chuckled silently.


            Since it was almost noon, the traffic was packed with cars and drivers with a raging need of grabbing their lunch before the lunch hour was over. Inside one particular taxi, a young lady with her lips pouted was clearly understood that her wish to spend the afternoon at her desired place was crushed. With traffic this slow, Saera knew it was better for her to grab whatever she could to stuff her empty stomach and paid the place a visit at another time. Right now, the time for her to check-in in the hotel was closing in and with a very heavy heart, Saera told the driver her new destination and the nice man nodded before changing the road lane.






            The hotel where Saera checked in just now wasn’t a fancy, rich, expensive sort but Saera satisfied with it. She wasn’t a rich one to start with and because of the different currency value; Korean Won was a lot expensive than hers, she tried not to think too much. Kim Saera was one happy girl. Looking at the clock on the bedside table, she noticed that it was already passed 3 p.m. No wonder she felt so hungry. Other than food she consumed in the flight, she had none until now. Saera checked her appearance on the dressing table mirror before made a dash towards the door. Her tummy really needed to be filled in.


            It took just a short walk towards the nearest café but Saera had something in her mind. With nothing to do, it was better for her to visit the place she wanted to go so much. Saera could not believe herself when she giggled thinking about that as she put out her hand to hail any random taxi. She got into one, greeted politely and again, gave the destination of the place. Watching the figures of buildings that they passed, Saera sighed, this time due to the happiness and contentment.


            When they reached Guro-dong area and stopped right in front of a very beautiful, nicely decorated café, Saera got out after paying her fare and saying thank you. Clutching her brown sling bag, Saera stepped inside the café just to be greeted with a wave of fresh and newly-made breads and cakes aroma. A good-looking worker approached her and asked whether she wanted to be seated or take out. Saera preferred to eat her late lunch inside the café and thanked the man when he brought her to an empty table after placing her order. Right now, Tousles Jours was quite empty; the only customers inside the bakery were Saera and some middle age ladies. She took a good look of the bakery/café, smiling at the several pictures adorned the walls when she recognised the ones who appeared on the pictures.


“Oppa, I’m here.” Saera whispered silently and looked up when the same male worker brought her order; a piece of strawberry cake and iced Americano.


            Saera tried to eat the heavenly piece of cake slowly, savouring the taste inside but because it was very delicious, it was hard to do so. After a piece of cake and a cup of coffee, Saera was very satisfied although she tried to push the thought of buying another piece away. I can still come here again tomorrow. When she stood up to pay, she noticed that the ladies were smiling at her so Saera awkwardly smiled back.

“Are you leaving already?” One of them asked her and Saera politely nodded.


“Oh, I thought you’re going to stay. Eunhyuk-shi will come after five.”


“Yah, maybe she isn’t his fan!” The third lady scolded her friends. The other two gasped and they laughed charmingly before apologising to Saera.


“Aigoo, she’s thinking everyone who visited this shop as her son’s fan.” The lady continuously blabbering at her friend and Saera felt her heartbeats increased several times. SJ’s mothers are here?!


“Actually, I’m his fan. But I didn’t see any tweet from TLJ about Eunhyuk-shi coming here.”


“I told you that she’s Hyukjae’s fan!” The lady in the middle retorted and the other one rolled her eyes.


“Please don’t be excited over someone else’s son, Donghae’s omma!” And again the nice looking lady was scolded.


“Sungminnie’s omma, please busy yourself somewhere else.” She replied back, unconsciously pouted. Oh, so that’s where our fishy learnt his famous pout.


            Eunhyuk’s mother; well this was what can be derived from their conversation just now, noticed the awkward Saera standing silently near her own table and smiled at the young lady. She cleared several times to get her friends’ attention and at the same time, stopped their nonsense bickering.


“Well, anyway, Eunhyuk-shi will come here soon. It’ll be a surprise so no one knows about this. Please stay if you want.” She said this nicely and Saera nodded vigorously before sitting back at her previous seat.


“I’ll stay.” She mumbled but the ladies already got into another happy conversation, oblivious to her words.


            According to her watch, she still had one hour until 5 p.m. but seriously, inside a bakery, she did not have anything to do. So, Saera fished out a travelling book from her bag and flipped open the already worn-out pages to look for any place that she missed out to check while surveying for her vacation destination. Saera believed she was too engrossed in the activity (Oh, I definitely have to try out this dish!) because she missed to hear footsteps reaching her table, or the one next to her.


“Omma, you should rest at home!”


            Body jerked, Saera raised her head just to meet a skinny yet fit body of a male in a hooded sweater. The man’s back faced Saera but she could see the hand movements of him when he ruffled his new red hair. The ladies just laughed and assured him that they were okay, no harm was done and any back or waist pain did not appear while waiting for him. Saera? She just blinked her eyes; if not for her eyeliner and mascara, she would just rub her eyes to make sure this wasn’t an illusion.


“Anyway, Hyukjae-ah, your first fan is here!” Sungmin’s mother piped in and Saera felt her body suddenly tensed.


“Oh, really?” The man turned around, ready to flash his smile when the figure of a lady in front of him made him gasped.


“You…” His voice trailed off but the confusion was clearly shown on his handsome face.


“Hi…” This was the right moment when the earth should just crack open and swallow her whole body as Saera was suddenly became too conscious in her clothing (I should pack those heels!), her make-up (Why I didn’t put at least a little bit of eye shadows and blusher?!), her hair (Damn those winds!) and other small things.


            Saera stared at her shoes, wandering if this superstar would really remember her. She was just one of many fans that he met and to think that he met her during his journey on top of that. Saera was ready to lift her head when she heard the handsome guy chuckled. However, the action was halted when the man bended his body to peer at her. Saera gasped as her eyes met his beautiful eyes. Saera, breathe… In… Out… In… Out…


“Hi, Saera.” His voice sounded like music to her ears and she managed several blinks to make sure that this wasn’t a dream.


“Oh, you know her?” One of the ladies asked but Saera did not have time to check it. Right now, her breathing was important; she was ready to pass out any moment.


“Yeah… Well, kind of… I guess… Right?” His eyes shifted back to Saera and she just nodded weakly.


“O..kay…” Hyukjae’s mother glanced back and forth between two of them; a sheepish smile on her son’s face and an obvious blush on the lady. “Well, anyway, she said that she is your fan, so please give some fan service!” She said this with a stern voice but her laugh gave her away.


“So, what should we do?” Hyukjae scratched his head before taking a seat in front of Saera.


“A picture would be nice…” Saera muttered. She wondered why she was being so shy around him. She was outspoken last time.


“Selca?” He grinned and took out his hand phone. Saera pointed towards the device and Hyukjae confirmed it with a nod.


“We can take it again with your phone too.”


            With this, Saera beamed back to him. Although they spent several hours last time, they did not even take a photo together; she wasn’t asking and he wasn’t suggesting. How irony for a fan to act like that.


            However, Saera was aware of the curious stares from the three ladies and she felt the awkward feeling crept in again. Before she could open to reject the offer of taking a photo with the man of her dream and just settled for his autograph, the ladies suddenly stood up, saying that they wanted to see the new mixer in the kitchen and left the two of them alone.


“Saera, come here.” He called and she stood up slowly.


            Bodies pressed together, cheeks nearly touching and an arm draped casually on her shoulders, Hyukjae clicked the icon on his phone; not just one picture but several of them in the same position. He then motioned Saera to take out her phone. She was in the middle of fishing out her communication device in her overly-packed bag when the bakery door was swung open; a large crowd of school girls made their entrance and let out an ear splitting squeal when they laid their eyes on the main dancer of Super Junior. Hyukjae waved cheerfully towards the girls and Saera felt her heart sank a little; she did not get her photos. She moved a little to give some spaces towards the newcomers so that they could swarm around the celebrity like bees on a flower.


“Hey.” Saera turned her attention back towards the dancer, on his hand was a piece of napkin with TLJ logo on it. “Write your number on this and pass it to the boy behind the counter. I’ll take it after I handle this.” He whispered when the girls was reaching them.


            Saera took the napkin silently before giving her last smile and made her way past the crowd. She glanced back to see Hyukjae’s smile wasn’t no longer on her. She did what he asked and left the bakery, somehow the heavy feeling lingered.


“Saera, he isn’t yours.” She reminded herself; eyes watching the darkened sky. A small sigh escaped her lips and Saera lifted up her hand as one taxi was approaching her.






            After two days, Saera knew that Hyukjae did not get her number or… he was too busy in his works to remember about her pictures or… he simply forgot about her. Saera decided that the third one was more realistic and gave up waiting for Hyukjae’s call. This was nothing. The Saera before she met her idol was leading her own life without a certain superstar imprinted in her head. I’m just a mere fan. And Saera knew she could live with that.




            No, she could not. Saera felt her heart sank for every hour passed, for every day passed and she knew that her remaining days at South Korea were counted. She spent most of her times outdoor, travelling around Seoul and reaching Incheon to try for famous diners and vacation hot spots. She made several new friends; two Japanese college girls who turned out to be Super Junior fans, the 8-years-old youngest daughter of the owner of the hotel, and an old lady whom she visited regularly on her way to TLJ. Yup, Saera still went to TLJ; even a glimpse of Hyukjae could really send her home with a smile plastered on her face but no matter how many times she went, the superstar wasn’t there, even his famous mother was nowhere on sight.



“Miss…” Saera broke off from her thoughts when she saw the handsome cashier greeted her. Saera looked down at her cup; her hot chocolate drink was no longer hot.


“I didn’t ask for any refill.” She asked confusedly as she noticed the teapot that the boy hold in his right hand.


“Oh, no… I mean,” He set down the teapot on the table. “You see, I… I did give the napkin to Eunhyuk-shi.” He whispered the last word.


“Huh? Oh…” Saera smiled a little. “Thank you so much.”


“I hope you understand. He’s very busy, like very, very busy.” The boy looked pleadingly and Saera felt her heart warmed a little bit.


“I… I know that. Don’t worry.” And again, another smile flashed.


“I glad that you think so. Eunhyuk-shi is so nice… Oh, I don’t think you’re from here…” The cashier peered at her and Saera muffled a laugh.


“Nope. I come from a very far away land… Hmm, Narnia.”


“Narnia?” The boy blanked for a while. Several seconds later, the joke dawned on him and he laughed. “Narnia has lots of snow! It’s very cold! Hmm, when are you going to enter the wardrobe back to your place?”




“Oh……. Really?! Seriously?” His eyes went big as saucer. There were more and more people entering the bakery but the boy did not make any effort to go back to his post, allowing his poor co-worker to entertain the customers.


“Yeah, like seriously…” Saera turned her gaze back to her cup and both of them were silent for a while before the boy slowly excused himself and left her alone with her cold chocolate drink. Somehow, the delicious drink wasn’t appealing anymore. Unfinished, she left the cup and stood up before saying goodbye to the nice worker. She felt his sympathy looks followed her exited the bakery.






            A pair of eyes watched the fluffy clouds like cotton from the window of an aircraft. Saera leaned her back towards the soft seat, savouring the last scenery of South Korea’s sky. It was nearly mid-afternoon; a bright and beautiful weather to start a day but Saera’s heart did not follow the rhythm. The heavy feeling still lingered and Saera gave up of brushing it off. Her efforts of reconstruct her memories were cancelled so she settled for having thoughts of her home town, her little flower shop and of course her best friend. She laughed as she rummaged her bag to check some souvenirs that took form of Donghae-covered albums and with the same said man’s photo cards. Saera was still laughing from her ideas of planning pranks for her friend when the dashing steward asked her about the lunch. After she finished her meal, another six hours journey back to home was waiting for her and Saera silently whispered goodbye to the superstar that she hold close inside her heart.  









            Saera jumped when the ladder that leaned against the wall suddenly fell backward and crushed her just-arrived roses. Sighed and praying it wasn’t her who became the victim, she cleaned up the mess and looked around for any sight of her best friend. Weird enough, the long-haired lady was missing since morning and Saera bet that it had anything to do with the prank she pulled on her. Well, lying about forgetting her souvenirs made the other burst into tears and she could only imagine how mad her friend was when she found out the presents were already displayed proudly on her ‘Super Junior’ shelf.  


            When Saera returned to the counter fifteen minutes later, she met with a sight of her friend hunching over the unopened letters from a week ago. Hands busy moving, the girl’s forehead was creased with frown, probably from several complaint letters from customers.


“Hey, what’s up? The McGyver said something again?”


“Nah… That’s not the case.” She turned her body to face her friend. “Saera, did you meet someone from your trip?”


“At South Korea? Yeah, I made new friends. Why?”


Her friend shrugged her shoulders before shoving a stack of letters on Saera’s unprepared open palm. The letters fell and scattered on the floor; Saera resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Well, they sent you a letter. And sort out those complaint letters when you’re at it.” With a toss of her long hair, the girl moved pass her friend and went to their small garden to check the order.


            Saera bend her knees to pick up the letters; her fingers slowly grazed on the letter from South Korea. Picking up the fallen mails, she scanned the others before settling on the only foreign one. She opened the envelope and peered inside, out of curiosity. A loud gasp came out from a pair of nicely-shaped lips when Saera set her eyes on the content; several smooth and slight sticky papers came into view. Finger shaking and eyes b with tears, she took out the photographs from its envelope, revealing two smiling faces of a celebrity and his fan.


“How… Why… What…”


          She lost her words and probably her sanity. This was a total madness and wasn’t a realistic situation no matter how much Saera thought. The lady clutched the bottom of her shirt while the other hand still holding the photographs. Saera did not know how long she stood like that, breathing heavily and only snapped out from her daze when the bell from the door shop rang, indicating the arrival for another potential customer. Slowly, she put down the source-of-Saera-losing-her-mind items and put her best smile to greet the customer. However, what or who in front of her left her another mind-blowing effect as Saera stared blankly at Super Junior’s main singer and dancer.


“Hi…” The man breathed, clearly indicating he was using all his energy to come here; the luggage propped awkwardly against his long, slim legs.


“You…” An index finger made its appearance and Saera pointed her finger towards the male; sanity obviously leaving her in a fast pace.


“Yeah…” The dancer massaged the back of his neck and cleared his throat. “Well, I said I’ll come… And I’m sorry that it took me a long time to arrive here although I promised you long time ago. I am really, really…” The long speech was halted when Saera put up her hand, asking Hyukjae to stop.


“Promise? You’ll come? What’s the meaning of this?” She demanded; confusion began to pile up.


“Oh, the letter doesn’t arrive yet?!” This time, it was Hyukjae’s turn to suffer from panic attack as the handsome man looked around him and his luggage. “To think I brought so many clothes…”


“No… I mean, wait! The envelope did arrive but I… read it like… just now… So, I’m the one who should apologize.” Saera sincerely bowed although she did not understand her own action.


“Have you read the letter inside the envelope?” The superstar asked and Saera slid her gaze on a single piece of paper, different from the rest.


“On the second thought, no! You don’t have to read it!” Hyukjae moved his arms to snatch the paper from Saera’s grasp but the latter was faster. She found her sanctuary behind the counter with blush appeared on Hyukjae’s milky white cheeks. “I told you not to read it…”


Saera laughed and she prepared to read it aloud. “Dear Saera-shi, it’s been a long time since I actually talked to you. I know I made a very big mistake by not contacting you but you see….” Her voice trailed off; any hint of amusement slowly disappeared.


‘…but you see, I am very, very busy. This sounds like an excuse but I could not put any other words to explain about my situation. I… I really hope you understand my situation. With new album coming up, I try to avoid any distraction. No! I don’t say that you are a distraction. What just I wrote… I wanted to give you a very nice, beautiful composed letter but since I’m in hurry, this will do. Therefore, I’m so sorry once again.

p/s: I will come to your place soon (maybe another three weeks as soon as I finish the recording) and please prepare a nice room for me :P  

p/s 2: Guess where I got your address. You have 10 seconds to answer. Teeeeet. Time’s up. Kekekeke. I dig around a little bit using your phone number. /insert Kyu’s evil laugh/’


            Saera looked up from the letter just to meet Hyukjae’s expectant eyes. Slowly, she wiped a single fallen tear and smiled.


“Yeah, Hyukjae-shi. We indeed have a nice room just for you.” She put out her hand.


“I know you’ll not disappoint me.” And he put his on hers before clutching it tightly, just like how they did it two years ago.


            Slowly and slowly, Hyukjae dragged Saera out from her hiding place behind her counter before wrapping his arms around her, inhaling her sweet and nice smell mixed from her perfume and the flowers around them; an action he wished he had done a couple of years ago. She settled her head on the other’s shoulder and tighten her hold on him.



This was actually the best gift she ever received.



A gift called love.


                                                                                                         Completed on Sept, 8 2013, 12.25 a.m.




Thanks for reading~! <3



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careun #1
Chapter 1: more sequel :))))
Ashwaq #2
Chapter 1: arrrghhhhh... anis... i love it.. oh my i wish this will not be just a story...