

It's something short, written in my vacation...


It’s something almost magical in the way snowflakes dance. They swirl, they bounce, they linger in the air, moving , dancing in an  universe of their own. They never stop, they never wonder about life and death. Time does not affect them. It stops, it disappears like it was never here.


Snowflakes…maybe they’re never gone. Maybe they’re simply transformed . Melting into water, they became flowers, maybe even those roses you bought me last year. They infiltrate into our bodies, become molecules of our hearts and beat together with us till the day we die.


And even then, succesufuly hidden in the ground, wait for the exact moment to reunite a part of us with someone else.


Maybe the aroma of this mint tea is filled with you, as it travels from the cup, heat making it difficult to see around me, to the mouth you once so deeply loved. Maybe this tingling feeling has nothing to do with the flavor, but with the snowflakes dissolved in it.


Maybe it is you. Maybe this is your way of telling me how much you used to love me. Maybe it suddenly became more about ourselves than a cup of tea.


We used to do this, do you remember?


Our limbs intertwined, bodies molded into eachother , heated kisses and memories..oh so many memories. A lifetime of wishes, but now, an universe of despair.


You know, I search you everywhere, even in the smallest gestures. An old melody, the crack of the fireplace, the sound of footsteps on the hall.


And even now, as the snowflakes swirl,bounce I imagine you dancing, laughing at me. I imagine you alive and this reality nothing but a dream.


Salty teardrops travel along my cheek, some snowflakes of my own. They are impatient to meet the ones you left.  You see? They miss you, not wanting to forget the way you felt.


What have you done? They’re shouting.


We used to love summer, we used to laugh! The world seemed better ,but now it’s black. We want our master back.


It’s something almost magical in the way snowflakes dance. They swirl, they bounce, they linger in the air, moving , dancing in an  universe of their own.


Maybe that’s why winter became my favorite season. As snow covers everything up, freezing the world under her blanket, I cant stop saying : I miss you!


And as snowflakes dissolve into water I promise, I’ll see you soon.


Wait for me as children wait for Santa Claus.



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Oana-Eufrosina #1
Chapter 1: Something sad this kind of matches my mood right now..I really like how you wrote it :):*